lgbt youth group discussion topics

We create an endless stream of ideas, lessons, events, and service opportunities for the ever-transforming world of church ministry. endobj I came out and lost my job, my church community, and relationships with people I miss dearly to this day. But I didnt lose God, and I am thriving for the first time in my life because I found a church that accepts people for who they are while calling them to the way of radical justice and love. How has the LGBT community been portrayed in media? The Trevor Project is a national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25. Ministry in this area is very case by case. Very few LGBTQ+ youth have access to inclusive sex education. Im not looking for debate and do not plan on responding to any replies. Web Design by. For these discussions, it might be helpful to make a list of a couple of questions and break into smaller groups for your members to get comfortable talking about these issues. 3. How is gender identity differs from sexual orientation? How can the LGBTQ community express personal traits? I know youth workers that are dealing every day with how do I care for them. Group members will be able to hear different perspectives of hope from other group members. What could change in our lives or in the world if we did what this passage teaches? Best for Mental Health: The Tribe - LGBTQ+ Group. 1. According to a 2007 survey, students who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender were almost ten times as likely to have experienced bullying and victimization at school and more than . Theyre designed to activate and aid conversations and personal connections. What should I say to someone who is afraid of contracting HIV/AIDS from LGBTQ people? How have assassinations of prominent gay leaders helped the rights of gay people? Some students want to dominate the conversation. LGBTQ psychology. Read about one youths experience in AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). How has the sports community embraced people that identify as LGBT? For that to happen, we have to see and do things much differently than in the past. I hope this post at least gave you some principles and steps that you can shape in the context of your ministry. How are people of LGBTQ communities being bullied? KRISTIN ARNOLD, MBA, CSP, CPF|Master has been facilitating meaningful conversations between executives and managers to make better decisions and achieve extraordinary results for 25+ years. 2. Large group discussion of song lyrics by Judy Small; activity can also be used in discussions of death and grieving (30 minutes). How has religion oppressed transgender people? See here: Having read this article, what would we do differently? Whats your next step and how can we help? At school? What can schools do to improve LGBT inclusion on campuses? List of transgender-related topics. Students know more about what the world says concerning homosexuality than what the bible says. - Tristan, AccessibilityPrivacy PolicyViewers and Players. Effects on Education and Mental Health. Advocates for Youth (AFY): LGBTQ Resources for Professionals. 2. What do you normally do when you have free time? An activity to get to know common (and some less common) LGBTQ related vocabulary! 8. You can do that by asking a question that draws their attention back to the main idea and key takeaway. The length of time it takes to identify sexual abnormalities. Best Overall: Trans Lifeline. Every month we'll be exploring our identities and expressing our authentic selves through no-pressure conversation and creativity. What kinds of things might a person who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender go through when coming out? 9. The affirming side is much more educated on the biblical arguments, the science of it all etc. Resource: Working Virtually With Families of LGBTQ+ Youth. I was just at the Simply Youth Ministry Conferenceand sat through a workshop by Shawn Harrison, the author ofMinistering To Gay Teenagers. What is the biggest challenge transgender people face in the workplace? Highlighting the pervasiveness of stereotypes, as well as their inability to accurately tell individuals stories. Knowing what kinds of youth group questions to avoid is a start, but what are the tricks to asking good discussion questions? This website provides information on protective factors and data related to health risks and sexual minority youth, as well as related resources. A big thank you to KGH Interpretation and Kent State University for their inspiration in building this fabulous list of LGBTQ panel discussion questions! How should I respond to heterosexual friends or coworkers who feel negatively about a person who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender in our office, on our residence hall floor, or in any group I am a part of? Can transgender people hold religious positions? Identifying and Serving LGBTQ Youth: Case Studies of Runaway and Homeless Youth Program Grantees, Key Policy Letters from the Education Secretary and Deputy Secretary, Learning from the Field: Listening Tour of Programs Serving Youth who are LGBTQI2-S and Experiencing Homelessness, Meeting the Needs of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth, Parents Influence on the Health of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Teens: What Parents and Families Should Know, Primary Sources: Learning How Service Providers and Policy Makers Can Help LGBTQ Homeless Youth, Q&A: Meeting the Needs of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth, Report: Health-Related Behaviors among Students, Sexual Risk Behavior Differences Among Sexual Minority High School Students United States, 2015 and 2017, The Economic Well-Being of LGB Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care, 5 Online Resources to Help Domestic Violence Programs Offer Inclusive Services to LGBTQ People, Brief: the Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth in Child Welfare Settings, Ending Housing Discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals and Families, LGBT Populations: A Snapshot of the Knowledge Base and Research Needs, Report: Recommendations of the LGBT Subcommittee: Advancing the Reform Process for LGBQ/GNCT Youth in the Juvenile Justice System, Report: Surviving the Streets of New York: Experiences of LGBTQ Youth, YMSM, and YWSW Engaged in Survival Sex. I think partnering with an org that can house students, but may not have the ability to counsel them is a great idea. This tiny activity demonstrates how changing your perspective can make something look completely different! What has biological research shown us about sexual orientation? Our hiring managers will review your application and get back to you soon. All Rights Reserved. In what ways does the internet affect LGBT communities? What are discrimination issues that are unique to LGBTQ? Boys are more likely to complete suicide. What I do hope youve heard in my post is that our students need to hear from us. I would also reach out to the parents and hear there side of the story, and try and bring some healing their. That is too much for a teenager to face. Young people who identify as LGBTQ+ can experience various challenges because of how others respond to their sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. 1. Should we work with LGBT organizations specifically? (I know this will be controversial in our profession, but they also know how to help find counseling and services that will not further stigmatize these young people in desperate times) After we checked her in, I prayed with her and have every intention of keeping in contact with her, hopefully plugging her into a ministry as a result. LGBT youth vulnerability. We invited three trans young people from all over the country to talk about growing up and the important relationships in their lives. Oklahoma state Rep. Jim Olsen (R), who wrote a bill that prohibits health-care professionals from providing referrals for puberty blockers, hormones and gender-transition surgeries to trans youths . =%BK 6J@g3Ay0[[*;e#2#U$7{9Z{2])2v$UQm,rg#o{[?~$vM .&=)|i.3F!6Qs_Yo8) 6"0+(3V01zEf-YJ{x8DO+4edC\tU*{lxN10. Please dont uphold your theology at the expense of peoples well-being. <> I do find it a bit strange that this article says the church is silent on the issue. 3 0 obj What impact did Bruce Jenners transition have on transgender acceptance? While Jr. High/High Schoolers are too young to be putting themselves in boxes in terms of sexual orientation, it is sobering to realize that many people do not experience change in sexual orientation. Statistics reflecting the number of youth suffering from mental health, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders highlight the necessity for schools, families, support staff, and communities to work together to develop targeted, coordinated, and comprehensive transition plans for young people with a history of mental health needs and/or substance abuse. In what ways does the LGBT community feel isolated? My own experience in this has been pretty traumatizing I fought who I was for years in order to keep my job and place in my churches; at the same time, I was experiencing severe depression, anxiety, dissociation, and suicidal ideation. |0OmEzC";w&0V? e9` eC^ Research shows that due to these challenges and the associated stress, LGBTQ+ youth are at risk for negative health outcomes and are more likely to attempt suicide, experience homelessness, and use illegal drugs10 These issues may also contribute to anxiety, depressive symptoms, and feelings of isolation. Why do transgender people feel the need to pass? What Youll Find Our Media and Culture section will give you a window into the world of teenage culture. Covet? Please just take a step back and seek out stories of LGBTQ people who have left the church because of what this approach no matter how thoughtful you try to make it has done to them. We don't copy, we create anew - every project begins with original ideas and ends with a happy customer. Supplies: How do I help trans kids and other trans people to build confidence? Here are a few practical things we can begin to do: When speaking to students I know the easy answer is to call it sin and tell students not to engage in it, but we have to be careful when making statements like that. Otherwise, youll want to ask these kinds of questions as you read through it together for the first time. From essays to dissertations, we offer paper writing services of exquisite quality, in line with college and university standards. Holle, I know you werent gonna respond but I have a hard time with this. This is where I believe we as youth pastors need to persevere. Our email is powered by Mailchimp, which means we'll never spam and you can easily unsubscribe. Using the Genderbread Person as a guide, the activity leads participants to understand the important difference between gender, sex, and sexual orientation. Youre welcome Renee, In a nutshell, were a team of people who create experiences with one goal in mind: to help people grow in relationship with Jesus and each other. 7. Who is your favorite teacher, and what do you like about him or her? If you ask a question that kids can easily answer with a single word (yes/no, "green"), follow it up with another question that requires more response. endobj How should I respond to rumors that someone is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender? Idea for group inspired by clients who expressed need to connect with other LGBTQ students (e.g., questioning, out to self but not others) Campus pride alliance 2-3 large events per year-not a facilitated discussion group . Here are some great topics to consider: When it comes to human rights, there are plenty of gay topics that will make great research assignments. Everything here is yours to download, customize, and freely use. Figure 1: Communities included in the strong LGBTTTQQIAA acronym, Research on LGBTQ+ youth has focused on the risk factors and disparities these young people experience compared with youth who are not LGBTQ+. It is not a one-time event and personal, cultural, and social factors may influence how one expresses their sexual orientation and gender identity.3. K= 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide7.xml.rels Who are some of the most influential LGBTQ writers or artists? This activity creates the opportunity to for participants to ask what they are most interested in with anonymity. Are professional LGBT athletes afraid of discrimination? Required fields are marked *. What are the differences between gay and lesbian parenting? Does age have a role in the way people respond to LGBT issues? What I was trying to say is that there hasnt been any dialogue going on in the church concerning, how do we care for those struggling with same sex attraction. We have to know that even if the turn around doesnt happen on our watch God is at work. How do reproductive technologies affect the LGBT community? There are a lot of LGBT research topics in discussion, but students can be overwhelmed with all the options. At what age should transgender people identify with their chosen gender? Here is a discussion of these research topics: How can I respond to homophobic and transphobic attitudes? An experiment in empathizing with a hypothetical persons experiences, struggles, and setbacks with the lifelong process that is coming out. A lecture to help participants become more aware of and sensitive to asexuality. A mini explanation of queer, LGBTQ. Our research paper writers have put together this list of unique LGBT research paper topics for consideration: Issues related to transgender people and their rights have been at the forefront of the news in the past decade. What do you look for or want in a friend? Asking questions that are way too personal for a small group conversation no one wants to answer those out loud. Best for Support Around Surgical Transition: Transbucket. No unauthorized use or duplication permitted. 6. The bottom line: We love the church! As difficult as teaching on homosexuality can be, I am not sure if it compares to seeing the results of what some people do based on that teaching. One of the hardest parts of writing a great research paper about and LGBT issue is coming up with a good topic to research. Exposure to violence can have negative effects on the education and health of any young person and may account for some of the health-related disparities between LGB and heterosexual youth. papers, Research paper writing Size of Group: Any ACTIVITIES . Is it counterproductive when potential allies expect you to ask them NICELY for their allyship? Be sure that all students are respectful of answers that may differ from their own. How to Create Great Panel Discussion Questions. For example, some youth may be unsure of their sexual orientation, whereas others have been clear about it since childhood and have expressed it since a young age.1 Expressing and exploring gender identity and roles is a part of normal development. Since October is LGBTQ History Month (not to be confused with Pride Month held in June), there will probably be plenty of panels discussing the importance of diversity and LGBTQ issues. What are some examples of the adversities the gay community faces? Since October is LGBTQ History Month (not to be confused with Pride Month held in June), there will probably be plenty of panels discussing the importance of diversity and LGBTQ issues. Why do some states deny acknowledgment of civil unions from other states? Nearly 30,000 youth aged out of foster care in Fiscal Year 2009, which represents nine percent of the young people involved in the foster care system that year. I tried your way because I though thats what I needed to do to be close to God and thank God I learned how wrong it was. How has gender identity changed cultural norms? At the same time, it is also important to acknowledge and build on the strengths, resilience, and factors that protect LGBTQ+ youth from risk, such as connection to caring adults and peers and family acceptance. When was the moment you knew? What impact did the protection of civil unions have in the U.S.? Included are youth facts, funding information, and tools to help you assess community assets, generate maps of local and federal resources, search for evidence-based youth programs, and keep up-to-date on the latest, youth-related news. Changing cultural views when there is so much information to rely on. We know how painful it can be when our discussion time at youth group falls flat. What makes transgender youth such a difficult period in life? How can I respond when someone tells a homophobic joke? Resource: Youth AFFIRM: Affirmative Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Questioning (LGBTQ+) Populations, Share with Youth: Complete GLSEN 2019 National School Climate Survey. Discuss the treatment of the LGBT community in the early 20. Are people more likely to come out as LGBTQ in our current society? When we have to rely 100% on God to open the hearts and minds of students. An activity that will provides an opportunity for participants to reflect on their first understandings and assumptions of LGBTQ individuals. Since many national figures have come out, is it easier for employees in your organization to come out? For Educators, Bias. The purpose of the LGBTQ+ discussion groups is to provide a safer space for students to express their thoughts, perspectives, and opinions on issues, knowledge, and trends in the LGBTQ+ community. What Happens Now? How does gender fluidity change how we view sexuality? Have you experienced any of the following as a leader? Here are a few topics from MyPaperWriter to consider and think about to get the ball rolling: There are a ton of LGTBQ research topics that can make for good discussion issues. As the final part of your youth group discussion, youll want to refocus the group back to the Big Idea you talked about that day. Creating an opportunity for people to ask the questions theyre afraid to ask with less risk. Read about how coordination between public service agencies can improve treatment for these youth. Gov\+{RWArk*,]Q_|t6^R+O|,`7>O+>l No they are still sins. Everything here is yours to download, customize, and freely use. 2 0 obj Should the military reconsider the acceptance of LGBT persons? Knowing the right youth group discussion topics to avoid and to try doesn't guarantee that you won't have any awkward conversations, but it's a great way to start and work toward better student engagement in your group. Download activity details: B6. NCFY Voices: Does It Get Better for LGBTQ Teens? This youth topic primarily uses LGBTQ+ as an inclusive term for simplicity, except when describing research studies explicitly focused on more narrowly-specific communities. Several factors that can help improve outcomes for LGBTQ+ young people include: Federal and local policies and practices increasingly acknowledge and focus on the experiences and needs of LGBTQ+ youth. And of course, Grow Students Curriculum can help you with more resources. Youth who express their gender in ways that vary from societal expectations for their perceived sex or gender are at risk for high levels of childhood physical, psychological, and sexual abuse.11 They are also at risk for school victimization.12 As a result, they may have poorer well-being than lesbian, gay, and bisexual peers whose gender expression is more closely aligned with societal expectations.13. 1 0 obj Risk factors include a history of previous attempts, family history of suicide, and a history of depression. Think through some of your past discussions. The Family Acceptance Project in California has researched the impact of family support on gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer children, teens and adults. Asking questions with one word answers again, this is too easily answered and does not spark conversation. The American Library Association provides a listing of LGBTQ-inclusive texts called The Rainbow Book List. What challenges do transgender people face in public spaces? You should be able to find an ample amount of resources online and at the library: We are an expert online service that provides the highest quality research papers that other cheap services cannot match. Actually the church has been loud and clear to the point that studies show many young people have a negative view of Christianity because they perceive it as anti-gay. Are schools doing enough to support LGBT students? . What laws have limited the rights of transgender people? What active role should the company play when offensive comments occur? One of the hardest parts of writing a great research paper about and LGBT issue is coming up with a good topic to research. Maybe keep her home and meeting with you. As a member of the LGBTQ community, how can I be a better ally to other marginalized groups within the LGBTQ community? Asking questions that arent personal enough if every question is hypothetical, or about other people, or about the Bible, students arent ever challenged to apply Scripture to their lives, which is a pretty one-note kind of conversation. How has our view of sexuality changed in the last half-century? Learn how your comment data is processed. Here are some of the most popular LGBT topics for research paper that cover these issues. Here are some topics worth consideration: LGBT essay topics are great to write about because many discussions are occurring on the internet. Suicide is the third-leading cause of death among adolescents. Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. How has human sexuality research advanced in the last decade? Below are all the activities currently provided by The Safe Zone Project. Discuss the relationship between the LGBT community and religious groups. (Its the formula we use in Grow Students Curriculum!). Medical implants that go against cultural traditions. Transition services should stem from the individual youths needs and strengths, ensuring that planning takes into account his or her interests, preferences, and desires for the future. Ask which people or characters in the passage they most identified with and why. Ask people to toss out a few ideas. Have employers done enough to implement anti-discriminatory practices? The impact that video games have on human sexuality. What is the best way to get Americans to consider diversity in society? The problem is not silence. Best for Teens and Their Parents: Gender Spectrum. LGBTQ Research Topics Homophobic hip-hop music and its influence on racism and attitudes towards the LGBTQ community. Asking questions that create drama there are a lot of well-intentioned questions that could accidentally turn into students gossiping about each other. How do I make myself more approachable to people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender? On the brighter side, however, the fight for the inclusivity of such groups has been positively met. Mental disorders and gender. What are some inspirational coming-out stories? Discussion The discussion topics in the guide are activities to engage your membership in dialogues about a number of LGBTQ issues. Fortnite, 13 Reasons Why, Snapchat The shifting currents of culture all play a role in shaping the teenagers you serve, and give you unique opportunities to connect the Gospel to whats actively forming their identity. They focused, perhaps, too much on the issue. The goal of these questions should be to get students talking about what they really think both so you can understand them better and so they can understand themselves better. Questions about Scripture can take a lot of forms, but here are a few to try: Ask what stood out to them from the passage and why. Whats one fact about you we dont know yet? I make a lot of the points you make within the post. What are the biggest issues with same-sex marriage? In fact, any youth who does not fit typical social expectations for his or her mannerisms, behavior, or choice of clothing based on birth-assigned gender, for example, can be considered gender variant. This does not mean the youth is lesbian, gay, or bisexual or identifies as a gender different from what he or she was assigned at birth (i.e., transgender).9The National Trevor Project, 2021 (45 percent of this sample were youth of color, and 38 percent were transgender or nonbinary.10Hunter & Schaecher, 1987; Reis, 1999; Reis & Saewyc, 1999; Ray, 2006; Ryan, Huebner, Diaz, & Sanchez, 2009; SAMHSA, 201411Roberts, Rosario, Corliss, Koenen, & Austin, 201212Toomey, Ryan, Diaz, & Russell, 201013Rieger & Savin-Williams, 2012. Best for Young People in Crisis: The Trevor Project. How important is it for professional athletes to come out? Gender issues in the workplace for women that identify as gay. Where are some other spaces I can step up as an ally to trans people? What were the best and worst parts of your week? of these before you start a discussion on the topic of LGBTQ issues or suicide. It provides participants an opportunity to reflect on their own level of comfort and familiarity with various questions that elementary school students might ask. These groups offer students the opportunity to explore their identities and interests. So I truly believe we need the wisdom of each other in order to really grow in this area of ministry. We may make mistakes like . But the issues are much more complex than that. Currently there is very little support in the church those facing life-long celibacy. How can I get others to be more open-minded about LGBTQ people? With this makes transgender youth such a difficult period in life acceptance of persons. Working Virtually with Families of LGBTQ+ youth have access to inclusive sex education to build confidence LGBTQ+ have! Says concerning homosexuality than what the world if we did what this passage?. Should transgender people face in the past there are a lgbt youth group discussion topics of the following as a leader have. 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lgbt youth group discussion topics