philippians 3:11 14 commentary

Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. When he received Jesus Christ, as far as they were concerned, he was dead. This is not the same as to say that he was a true Israelite. To know Christ means for him certain things. Little probable is it that the reading, . Paul was probably speaking of the Rapture. Their sympathies, drawn out by the afflictions of the apostle in his work, were the workings of the Holy Spirit in their souls at least the instincts of a life that was of Christ, and that judged in view of Him, and not according to appearances. Thus the true bearing of the passage is, that from the first the eye of faith is fixed steadily on the end of the journey. He had his heart on these two great peculiarities of the Christian religion. "I want to know him; I want to know him completely." As he had said elsewhere before, so he says here, "Be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. That he might know Christ (Philippians 3:10; Philippians 3:10): That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings. It is not merely exalting His work, or His cross; it is not so much His blood, as Christ Himself. WebPhilippians 3:11-14 King James Version 11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. The NIV is more paraphrastic, translating a Greek word with any number of English synonyms to make the English translation more readable. Surely there must have been something seriously wrong to judge in him! John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. So he says here, "For the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung." It was such an one, truly the servant of Jesus Christ, and so much the more their servant because His, even their servant for Jesus' sake it was such an one that wrote from Rome to the tried saints at Philippi. "Your joy," said Jesus, "no one will take from you" ( John 16:22). Why, then, is it so in the next instance? In this we hear of difference; and scripture does not obliterate but contrariwise asserts it, and treats the practical denial of it as a scandal brought in by Corinthian headiness. And, accordingly, why should one be a prey to care, if this be really so? In short, he was so living Christ, that it was only a question of Christ here, and of Christ there. "For I have no man like-minded, who will naturally care for your state." admits that the external testimony is quite in its favour, though it is hard to see what he means by the internal evidence being in this case denied; for he suggests himself that may have been a correction proceeding from those who thought that the sense which the context requires, "the resurrection from the dead," could not be extracted from . You can have these things of your flesh, you know. God was pleased, even whilst the apostle was alive, to set him aside and to prove the power of faith where he was not. Faith is called knowledge, Isaiah 53:11. b. They cannot gain righteousness before a holy God. They said that in Christianity all law was gone and that the Christian had liberty to do what he liked. Better not make them known to men; it is a dangerous snare. There is nothing so unaffectedly humble as real faith, and, above all, that character of faith which lives on Christ, and which consequently lives Christ. And they were kind to her, they said, "Oh, that is nice," but they did notice the imperfections in it. I endeavour to get more grace and do more good, and never think I have done enough: If that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus." It is because the world was created out of this flawed matter that sin and evil are in it. I believe that a woman shines most where she does not appear. Nevertheless there is that which is suited only to the conditions of time; there is that which, given here, survives all change. To rise with the saints; to enter with them into the blessedness of the heavenly inheritance, was an object that the apostle thought was worth every effort which could he made. He had been born in the Gentile city of Tarsus, but he had come to Jerusalem to be educated at the feet of Gamaliel ( Acts 22:3) and was able, for instance, when the time came, to speak to the mob in Jerusalem in their own tongue ( Acts 21:40). The very language Paul uses to describe the Law--excrement--shows the utter disgust for the Law which his own frustrated efforts to live by it had brought him; and the joy that shines through the passage shows how triumphantly adequate he found the grace of God in Jesus Christ. This is what he calls "salvation." And they were a sort of a hated animal. Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. He is also reaching out for the things which are in front. But if a man is to be in special relationship with God, something far more is needed than a mark in his body. There is a sinful forgetting of past sins and past mercies, which ought to be remembered for the exercise of constant repentance and thankfulness to God. "if I live in the flesh, it is worth my while." "How can they say they are a child of God? Check out our other commentaries: Genesis 19:8-10 meaning (3:11 22) Maps and Charts. Grace Evangelical Society Newsletter, November 1987, p. Pauls yearning is for complete oneness with Christ. Every man is grasped by Christ for some purpose; and, therefore, every man should all his life press on so that he may grasp that purpose for which Christ grasped him. Another, less likely, possibility is that Paul meant faithful Christians will experience a better resurrection than unfaithful believers. The word signifies the resurrection in general, both of the just and unjust; may signify that of the blessed only. If this be borne in mind a large part of the difficulty that some have found completely disappears. It is not Paul's aim to know about Christ, but personally to know him. As a man knows the bliss of parental or wedded love only by having it, or as he knows the taste of wine only by drinking it, or the glory of music only by hearing it, and the brightness of the day only by seeing it, so we know Christ only by winning Him. "Let your moderation be known unto all men. No wonder the apostle was grieved to think of differences among such women as these. It was God the Father that made Him Lord and Christ, but God the Father never made Him Jehovah. He desires for them, not anxiety about the issue of it, but true gravity of spirit, because of feeling that it is a question between God and the devil, and that we have to do with that struggle in the most direct way. For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit ( Philippians 3:3 ), Paul was constantly emphasizing that the physical rites had no value except there be a corresponding spiritual experience, that the circumcision of the flesh accounted for nothing. WebIt is consciousness contemplating its riches, counting its gains. He must have felt that he had been setting a high challenge before the Philippian Church. What they did seems a much more proper thing, in my judgment, for a woman. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. The moment you look at what He is made, then it is to the glory of Him who thus exalted Him. It is Christ, and Christ only, that thus disposes of grief and pressure. Other people would have merely thought of or seen bonds under the Roman emperor, the bonds of that great city that ruled over the kings of the earth. There is but one title, there can be no sufficient ground but the name of Christ Christ known and confessed in the Holy Ghost; and where He is simply before us, the progress is most real, if not always easy and sensible. Christ is the sovereign balm for every wound; and it was the apostle's joy, whatever men's spirit might be, not only to enjoy Christ himself, but that His name was being proclaimed far and wide by many lips, that souls might hear and live. Philippians 4:1-23 is founded on both. The apostle takes up, no doubt, the sweet affections of chapter 2, but then they are strengthened by the energy that Christ seen in glory imparts, as in chapter 3. Hence he thus opens, "Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown." He knew that the only way to peace was to abandon the way of human achievement and accept the way of grace. No saints are outside the danger. The happiness of heaven is here called the resurrection of the dead, because, though the souls of the faithful, when they depart, are immediately with Christ, yet their happiness will not be complete till the general resurrection of the dead at the last day, when soul and body shall be glorified together. 3:12-16 Not that I have already obtained this, or that I am already all complete but I press on to try to grasp that for which I have been grasped by Jesus Christ. "Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ." The particular, electing love of God from before the foundation of the world is the reason why anyone becomes a Christian. Jesus is Jehovah, although a man; consequently the bowing in that name to the glory of God the Father does not occur to the apostle. But Paul forgot the things which were behind so as not to be content with present measures of grace: he was still for having more and more. There is really no reason to suppose that they preached at all. Have we that one blessed person as the hope, motive, beginning, end, way, and power of all that occupies us from day to day? Oh, it is a blessed thing, that in the midst of the sorrows of this world, the Holy Spirit knows how thus to blend the name of Christ, as the sweetest balm, with the sorrow, however bitter, and to make the very memory of the grief pleasant because of Christ, who deigns to let Himself into it all. So he reaches forth, epekteinomenos--stretched himself forward, bearing towards his point: it is expressive of a vehement concern. Yet they were the witnesses of Christ whom God had put forth at the close; for it was manifestly of Him. Teleios ( G5046) in Greek has a variety of interrelated meanings. (See Romans 1:4.) The resurrection of the dead - Paul believed that all the dead would be raised Acts 24:15; Acts 26:6-8; and in this respect he would certainly attain to the resurrection of the dead, in common with all mankind. Faith is the ordained means of actual interest and saving benefit in all the purchase of his blood. "Again I say, Rejoice." Much akin to Pauls straining toward what is ahead; this racers concentration on Now, because she had spent all of her money on tuition, and just getting by, on her books, and everything else, she really didn't have much money. They were rather miserable, but that does not stop you from rejoicing in the Lord. there is no small tendency whenever people know the gospel well, if this be all, to settle down, thinking they have nothing more to do with the matter. There is no getting to heaven as our home but by Christ as our way. It is the only place in Scripture where the phrase means, not simply the righteousness of God in point of character, but the righteousness of God in point of source. They argued that a man could not be called complete until he had experienced everything that life had to offer, both good and bad. "Not having my own righteousness, which is of the law; not thinking that my outward observances and good deeds are able to atone for my bad ones, or that by setting the one over against the other I can come to balance accounts with God. The trial is to keep that joy undimmed in the midst of the difficulties and sorrows that every day may bring. To support this statement, Paul refers to his own experience. The fellowship of His sufferings.Our flesh always rebels against suffering. All believers will be resurrected and have joy forever. Nor was he in that which he was about to write without deep feeling; but he had learned Christ for all; and this is the key-note of the epistle from the first, though only uttered distinctly at the last. (iii) He was of the tribe of Benjamin. WebPhilippians 3:11-14 Meaning and Commentary INTRODUCTION TO PHILIPPIANS 3 In this chapter the apostle cautions the Philippians against false teachers, whom he describes the love of Christ everywhere! It was by this name that the Jews called the Gentiles. He persecuted the church. "I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity." The words, as they stand in the best MSS., are as follow: , to that resurrection which is of the dead. He is author of. The Lord knew exactly what He intended for you to do. He did feel it. Here the object seems to be to make its difference from legal obedience more felt the contrast with the law more complete. As it was a true though distressing part for Christ to judge religious evil, something akin could not be absent here; but at the same time it was by no means a prominent characteristic of Christ's task here below far from it. Paul suffered much for the cross of Christ at the hands of Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. In other words, "Give it all you have got.". But while a man is quite unfit to do a woman's work, can it be doubted that a woman brings no honour to herself, or to the Lord, by attempting to do a man's task? Love feels acutely nothing so much; but it triumphs. "It pleased God," wrote the father, "not to cut him off in his sins. It will be observed that there is no such thing in the first instance as "to the glory of God," when we hear of all bowing in the name of Jesus. As he went on, the cheerfulness and composure of his countenance were amazing to all the spectators." It had been the commandment of God to Abraham: "He that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you" ( Genesis 17:12); and that commandment had been repeated as a permanent law of Israel ( Leviticus 12:3). They want to tell you that you ought to be prosperous, you ought to be successful, you ought to be living in luxury, you are God's child, you ought to be indulging your flesh. God never can fail; and the very trials that would seem to crush all hope for the glory of Christ on the earth are the precise occasions in which God proves that after all it is He alone who triumphs, while man always fails even if he be an apostle. Christian joy made Wesley able to accept the great blows of life, and also to greet the lesser discomforts with a jest. Whatever the case, all should make sure that they do not slip back from the standard of practical holiness they have already reached (15-16). Far from it. In the days of the early Church it is quite often used to describe martyrs. Paul claims that not only was he a Jew who had retained his ancestral religion, but he had also devoted his whole life to its most rigorous observance. 1. That he might be found in him (Philippians 3:9; Philippians 3:9), as the manslayer was found in the city of refuge, where he was safe from the avenger of blood, Numbers 35:25. And what is this but the unfolding of the truth in the heart and in the ways of the Christian? In by far the most of them it does not signify what we might call abstract perfection but a kind of functional perfection, adequacy for some given purpose. The use of the preposition ek twice in the phrase, the first usage being in exanastasin, suggests a resurrection out from a group not resurrected. THE ATTAINMENTS OF PAUL ( Php_3:4-7 continued). Living in the past, there is always that danger of discouragement, which shuts off initiative for the future. What a word, and how calculated to make us ashamed! The logical progression in Pauls thought in Philippians 3:10-11 was from suffering to death to resurrection. In fact, he had gone beyond. But you can always rejoice in the Lord, because He is above circumstances. You can also change some of your preferences. And to be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is of the law, but the righteousness which is of God, through faith. In such places the citizens were mostly soldiers who had served their time--twenty-one years--and who had been rewarded with full citizenship. For there are many who behave in such a way--I have often spoken to you about them, and I do so now with tears--that they are enemies of the Cross of Christ. Let your every contact with the world be just as light as possible." iv. But to one cut off from such work it was, in appearance at least, a heavy burden and an immense trial; but Christ changes all for us. You can get into a right relationship with God only by taking Jesus Christ at his word, and by accepting what God himself offers to you.". Spirit, they said, is altogether good; and matter is altogether evil. Paul said, "I have not yet apprehended that for which I was apprehended. But life is more than simply being born into Gods family. out-resurrection). Paul had certain people that seemed to follow him wherever he went, trying to pervert that which he taught of the grace of God, especially the Jewish legalizers who sought to bring the people back to a legal relationship with God, putting them under the law. Here I am, you know, come and I will teach you. But Paul didn't stop there did he? [Note: See Gerald B. Stanton, Kept from the Hour, pp. Far from him was the vanity of being the man first to preach Christ in the great metropolis. It was in the body that Christ rose and it is this body which he sanctifies ( 1 Corinthians 6:13 ff.). Hebrews 11:35 is instructive here. (b) It is the guarantee of the life to come ( Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 15:14 ff.). It is perfectly possible for a man to go through an elaborate liturgy and yet have a heart that is far away from God. Generally the NASB is more literal, translating a Greek word with the same English word wherever the Greek word occurs. He had his heart on these two great peculiarities of the Christian religion. They joined with those who preached the truth and partook of their obloquy. Paul does not want his readers to misunderstand what he has just said. They were looking for the eternal kingdom of God. What then are the signs of that real circumcision? For Paul the Resurrection was not simply a past event in history, however amazing. This the apostle had his eye upon; this he would attain. So, she decided that she would make for herself a new dress for the senior prom. He was a Pharisee. ( 1 Corinthians 15:51-55 ), When Jesus comes again, we will each experience a metamorphosis. This epistle is therefore eminently instructive to those who could not have an apostle with them. Such experience is both a real and a precious boon. Yet these shall bow, no less than those in heaven, or on earth. "Don't know what is going to happen tomorrow, so hey, I will jump this ship and get on this one and I will gladly throw overboard the old life, with the struggle and the effort in my flesh, in order to live this new life after the Spirit, believing and trusting in Jesus Christ, to do for me what I really can't do for myself. "Rejoice in the Lord alway." Probably Paul meant that he hoped he would live to experience the Rapture, the "out-resurrection from among the dead," before he died. He is my Savior. Skubala has two meanings. That which is holy must never be given to dogs ( Matthew 7:6). Thus the difference between reconciliation and subjection is manifest. Let all of you who have graduated in the school of Christ have the same attitude of mind to life. I. That was a thing which he never forgot. All rights reserved. WebPart of the perceived problem here is the assumption that Paul told only one version of Christs story. When Christ laid hold of us, it was to bring us to heaven; and to apprehend that for which he apprehended us is to attain the perfection of our bliss. The keynote of the epistle is rejoice, and he said. (c) It is the guarantee that in life and in death and beyond death the presence of the Risen Lord is always with us. WebPhilippians 3 Leaving Law and Pressing On to Jesus A. [Note: W. E. Vine, Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, 1:86.] No doubt the new creation is essentially neither male nor female; it is not a race perpetuated in a fleshly way; but all things are of God and in Christ. The peace which God has in everything He will communicate to keep you in everything; and not only so, but the heart, being free from care, will enter into what pleases Him. In a certain sense too he could not, and in another he would not choose. WebJamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary 14. high callingliterally, "the calling that is above" (Ga 4:26; Col 3:1): "the heavenly calling" (Heb 3:1). How lovely that this it was that pained him unselfish love! What some people wouldn't give for the opportunity of gathering with us.He said. I have no confidence in the flesh. Many different commentaries state that of all the groups that Paul wrote to, Phillipi was probably the best of them all. I agonizo towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God.Paul said, "Don't you realize that they that run in a race run all, only one receives the prize, so run that you may obtain." See for instance Philippians 3:1-21. 661.] And the problem is that they are constantly going back and going over those bad experiences. When I have been upset (because that is against my rules, never be upset) and so I am upset, I have to lie to myself and say, "I really wasn't upset, I was just indignant." 1. Includes commentary, questions, and applications on Philippians 3:1 "I can do all things," as he says elsewhere, "through him that strengtheneth me." Had He not been God in His own being and title, it would have been no humiliation to be a servant, nor could it be indeed a question of taking such a place. Paul is insisting that to the end of the day the Christian life is the life of an athlete pressing onwards to a goal which is always in front. The only safeguard of the saints, of those that love the truth and Himself, is simple subjection to the word of God to the whole truth He has revealed in scripture. This is certainly what the apostle here puts before these saints. And now she was in her senior year. But such things as I could humanly reckon as profits, I came to the conclusion were all loss for the sake of Jesus Christ. Hence we see the great importance of this truth. He like other Christians lives in the overlap of the ages; he, too, stands between the "already" and the "not yet", and consummated salvation is not yet his. He has a plan for your life now, and we should be as Jesus, who said, "I must be about my Father's business." differently] minded, this also will God reveal to you." It is right that the patriot should love his country. Few preachers would dare to make the appeal with which Paul begins this section. His own place toward them was but to serve them in love. Other Scripture points to the judgment seat of Christ as the time when God will make this distinction, not the resurrection. "You remember Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, chapter 5 of Matthew, said, "Except your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you shall in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven." But they recognized that it was the best that she could do.About that time, Lady Bountiful walked in the door. Him therefore I hope to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me. I want to know Him, I want to know the power of the resurrection, but yet, I want to know the fellowship of the sufferings and the cross. Will it be said that this is what the apostle felt, and did, and suffered in the freshness of his first acquaintance with Christ? I am the one who would]: Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless ( Philippians 3:4-6 ). For them there was the possibility of the same kind of persecution, and even the same kind of death, as threatened himself. WebContext Summary Philippians 3:111 warns Christians about the influence of false teachers, particularly those who add legalism on top of the gospel. Observe, Those who think they have grace enough give proof that they have little enough, or rather that they have none at all; because, wherever there is true grace, there is a desire of more grace, and a pressing towards the perfection of grace. But now the apostle turns to the use that he makes of so blessed a pattern, "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence." And it is sad when a person is resting in the past, not pressing ahead. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. That is, the resurrection of those who, having died in the Lord, rise to glory and honour; and hence St. Paul uses a peculiar word which occurs no where else in the New Testament, . We have only begun to see the work of God; we have only begun to see the glory of God poured out. This seems to me the real meaning, which the margin gives rightly. His yoke is easy, and His burden light. He knew well how much they might be tried by the report of his own imprisonment, and no deliverance coming as yet. We may request cookies to be set on your device. Hers is a more delicate place than that which becomes the man, and one which a man attempting it would awkwardly fill. Impossible that anything done by other saints should turn to one's acceptance any more than what is done by himself The apostle uses salvation throughout his letter to the Philippians (nor is it confined to this scripture only) in the sense of the complete and final triumph over all the power of Satan. We do not tire of the foods which are the essentials of life. There were those who distorted the principle of Christian liberty. Observe, A Christian's calling is a high calling: it is from heaven, as its original; and it is to heaven in its tendency. Should any at present think differently, they will soon come to agree, if they allow God to teach them. In 48 B.C. Reasonings on such matters are in general miserably wrong. In this chapter the apostle cautions the Philippians against false teachers, whom he describes as evil men, and exhorts them to walk as they had him, and other faithful ministers for an example. "So Paul, he had done his best to clothe himself in righteousness by works, but then he came in to that glorious knowledge of Jesus Christ, and, "No longer," he said, "to be found in my own righteousness, which is of the law, my own making, my own work, but I will gladly exchange that for the glorious righteousness which God has accounted to me through my faith in Jesus Christ." Paul claims not only to be a pure-blooded Jew but one who still spoke Hebrew. In Leviticus the sacred law-giver says that the uncircumcised hearts of Israel must be humbled to accept the punishment of God ( Leviticus 26:41). because he. what than the ministry of Christ? They identified themselves, therefore, with all who were declaring it throughout the world. or are there mingled ways and mixed motives? As far as his zeal and according to the righteousness that is in the law, he was blameless. But the phrase, the resurrection of the dead, also might be used, in a more limited sense, to denote the resurrection of the righteous as a most desirable object; and this might be secured by effort. "Be anxious [or be careful] for nothing; but in everything" this is the resource "in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God." For his was a heart deeply sensible of love, and consequently he was not one that had sought either to make the saints dependent upon him, and still less did the apostle depend on the saints for anything that was the fruit of grace in them. Because so many times, they say, "Well, you really can't do that. 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Our domain so you can have these things of your flesh, you.! Paul does not want his readers to misunderstand what he intended for you do.:, to that resurrection which is holy must never be given to dogs ( Matthew )! Crown. she does not appear the Jews called the Gentiles cookies to be set on your.. 16:22 ) resurrection was not simply a past event in history, however amazing a question of Christ the! Him ; I want to know him who have graduated in the best,... They preached at all in his sins Christ as our home but by Christ as our way only. As possible. cookies to be set on your device would awkwardly fill and have joy forever of actual and. Refers to his own experience heard of John Gill begun to see the great importance of flawed... Does not stop you from rejoicing in the heart and in another he would not.... Then are the signs of that real circumcision be given to dogs ( Matthew )! Christ there what some people would n't Give for the eternal kingdom of?. 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philippians 3:11 14 commentary