the civil war bruce catton summary

Book, Hardcover | Virgil Carrington Jones, Bruce Catton | Free Shipping | Shop for more Civil War Period (1850-1877) Books on! Lincoln had two strategies of handling border states, the first was delicate handling, which was what Kentucky got, the other was hard-fisted ruthlessness, this was what Maryland and Missouri got, Maryland was the most important because it was the state that connected the Capitol to the rest of the Union. Nothing in our time makes the Civil War as alive as the writings of Bruce Catton. How was the cavalry primarily used in overall strategy? The British sent troops to Canada and had their navy at the ready and demanded an apology and that the prisoners be released. A Batalha de Antietam (tambm conhecida no Sul dos Estados Unidos como Batalha de Sharpsburg) foi um grande confronto militar travado durante a Guerra Civil Americana, lutada em 17 de setembro de 1862, entre as foras confederadas do Exrcito da Virgnia do Norte (liderado pelo general Robert E. Lee) e o Exrcito do Potomac da Unio (liderado pelo general George B. McClellan), Sharpsburg . Bruce Catton (1899 1978) was a journalist and a notable historian of the American Civil War. FREE Standard shipping on all items. Lees second invasion of the North was a very risky move. He was either going to take Atlanta by making the Confederates retreat, or making them come and fight out in the open. The other victory was of the Shenandoah Valley. In 1864 the Union Party niminated Abraham Lincoln as President and Andrew Johnson of Tennessee as his running mate. 1. Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Even though Atlanta was not the objective, Sherman did it anyway on his quest to destroy Johnstons army. Chapter 19: Once it was released it obliterated Union ships and was unmatched untill it faced the Monitor, where they tied. The Confederates had won the battle and Lee was gaining respect as a top tier general. Once the Army of the Tennessee surrounded the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga, Bragg divided his troops, sending Longstreet and 12,000 men to Knoxville along with his cavalry. Both armies had issues and mistakes during the battle, but the Confederates found that it was easier to fight defensively than offensively in the case of untrained troops. Lincoln used two very different strategies when dealing with the pivotal border states of the Civil War. Chapter 5: Bruce Catton (1899-1978) was a senior editor of American Heritage magazine and won both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize in 1954 for A Stillness at Appomattox. All political and personal rights would be guaranteed, making it possible for the issue of slavery to be reconsidered. PGT Beauregard and Albert Sydney Johnston combined their forces at Corinth because the South could not afford to lose more land in the western area. The European armies were very well trained and disciplined and knew what is was like to be part of a war. I think it was very bold of Sherman to propose such a plan to Grant, and it kind of seems like Sherman thought he was smarter than Grant. I agree with Grants view. In Terrible Swift Sword, Bruce Catton tells the story of the Civil War as never beforeof two turning points which changed the scope and meaning of the war. The initial naval objective of the United States during the Civil War was a naval blockade of the South. The book mentions that the South had been making threats of secession for years in order to get what it wanted, but the North had continually viewed these as just hollow threats. The Republicans (Lincoln) would continue the war, while the Democrats would end the war and allow the South to secede or try to stop it with diplomacy. Along with making good strategical moves, Grant also was good at appointing competent officers below him. When the French troops left, Mexico regained control and executed Maximilan. Ch. His works, although well-researched, were generally not presented in a rigorous academic style, supported by footnotes. Catton's account of battles is a must-read for anyone interested in the war that divided America, carefully weaving details about the political activities of the Union and Confederate armies and diplomatic efforts overseas. Lee then split his army into three separate parts to counter Hookers attack. Then Lee sent one goup with Stonewall Jackson and attacked Hooker. It kept the south rural so that when war came around, the south was very limited on what they could get to their soldiers because slavery had prevented the rise of industrialism. But, in 1863, the Southern cause was looking hopeful. This novel has introduced the topics of abolition, John Brown, and train of refugee slaves who followed Shermans army. Military logic was not going to be controlling in this war, states Catton, because of all the violent political contest. Though this was not originally his purpose (his goal was to defeat the Confederate troops led by Hood), this was a good victory which rose the moral of the soldiers and citizens of the North. Beauregard and Johnston combined their armies because of the conflict they were in. Mr. Phillips, I think you told us our test will be January 13th before we got out for Christmas break. Catton does a fantastic job giving the reader an overall picture of the political, social, military aspects of the war in a non biased, concise and easy-to-read work of nonfiction. Ch. This tension on the slavery issue led to many problems. They both wanted to surprise out-flank the other army in order to gain an advantage. They had over eighty ships but none of them were suitable for the task they were trying to accomplish. By January 6 he got boats and men to Fort Henry, which was unexpectedly weak. Chapter Three: On Nov. 24 and 25, Grant and Thomas defeated He was to capture Chattanooga. 15 The first chapter of this book was an introduction to the causes of the civil war. The South was definitely impacted in a more negative way than the North was. I have not confirmed that, but I did find it an enjoyable, engaging, and overall helpful read. How did this emphasize the importance of rivers and railroads in the war? --Baltimore Sun Infinitely readable and absorbing, Pulitzer Prize-winner Bruce Catton's The Civil. The American Civil War is one of the most written about conflicts in history. Certain aspects of the invented Lost Cause are identifiable, though seemingly without the malice and ill-intent that usually accompanies its presence. Some arguments for the invasion of the North was that the war was not going anywhere and somebody eventually had to make an offensive move. The Confederate cavalry forces under Van Dorn and Nathan Bedford Forrest cut Grants supply lines and communication lines. Hood wants to attack from the north of Atlants and force Sherman to follow him. Ch. The Armies differed from each other and from European armies. It left the Hoods Confederate army completely free to do whatever they wanted while Sherman was marching to Savannah. The men did what they were supposed to do and said Sir when they were supposed to. This was because the North thought that the South was bluffing because that was what you did to get what you wanted on a dead-end political street, and the South thought that the North was incapable of raising an army if they wanted to and what army they did raise would vanish at the first sight of a real army but these thoughts quickly dissipated when the real fighting began. Get help and learn more about the design. In Chapter 13, Union General, William Sherman was sent to destroy the army of Joe Johnston in Georgia. It's rather worrying that publishers are so lackadaisical about that. He correctly noted many Northern soldiers fought the war to preserve the Union rather than end slavery. So the Southern culture developed around these feelings of resentment toward the North. He was selfish in his and his states interest to the detriment of the country. Coins are historical, educational and collectible. Ch 3 Overall good condition. Chapter 13 discusses the Union appointing Grant as Commander of all Union armies. Ch. 18 Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. However, the summary was exactly what I wanted. In fact, being the famous actor he was, he could have simply walked up to the White House and asked for a brief meeting with Lincoln. This made it easy for Britain to make a great profit and Confederates to receieve British goods. The English Civil Wars were perhaps the most calamitous series of conflicts in the country's recorded history. Those battles showed to the British that the Confederacy did not have the makings of a self sufficient nation because of two things: 1 the Confederacy could not handle major battles effectively and 2 the Confederacy was divided and a house divided cannot stand (Lincoln). Lincoln waited until Antietam to issue the proclamtion because he needed the North to win so, that it would be making a statement not asking for help. This novel has been able to produce a vivid image of the entire civil war, helping the important details appear. He knew that Hood would come straight to the fight. The South had to be completely rebuilt after the war. Though, their backing was dependent on the Confederates success. How was it a tragedy for the South? Ch. Building the Republican Party XVI. Bruce Catton's Reflections on the Civil War is the magisterial summary of a great historian who thought deeply on the Civil War and its meaning over the course of a lifetime. This campaign was risky because it went against what the Union army had been doing the whole war. But most of what I know of the civil war, I learned from these books. Lee knew that McClellan would be inactive for a while, so he sent Jackson with 25,000 troops to deal with Pope. In what major battlewas Lees first offensive into the North brought to an end? The ship was deemed unseaworthy and therefore scuttled. For the industrial Union, the Civil war was still very profitable. Superb book about the Army of the Potomac and the battles with Lee's Army. In the fall of 1861, the Civil War almost included Great Britain. Rosecrans army well outnumbered Braggs army but Bragg thought they could win. How did Napoleon III take advantage of the Civil War to violate the Monroe Doctrine? These battles reflected the high point and low point of the Confederate Army of Tennessee and another turning point of the war in that it led to Grants promotion. The North and South didnt take each other seriously because they thought the other side was only making threats so that they would get what they wanted. How was he able to free his army and join the battle? The issue of slavery had a huge impact. Grant put Sheridan in charge, told him what he was supposed to do, then returned to Petersburg to await the results. You can see the battlefields in your headthe sweeping landscapes, the smoke and crack of the musketspretty good stuff as far as "action scenes" go. Both sides made moves for the West, and during these conquests of the West, Ulysses S. Grant was first recognized as a good leader. I did some more research and found out they both went to West Point where they were classmates. Three armies are introduced: the Patomic, the Army of the Cumberland, and the Army of the Tennessee along the Mississippi River. They both refused. on may 22, 1856 Bully Brooks broke a walking cane over Charles Sumners head. Bruce Catton is one of a handful of definitive historians on the Civil War. Lee beat McClellan in the East, giving Lee a clear path inton the Union. The textiles of the North had to have been a major contributor to the profitsof the South. You aluded to this in your answer. The immediate danger of Northern defeat was gone, and the Souths prosperity in the war had begun to decline. Chapter 10: With 80,000 men, Grant was to secure the western third of TN, take Vicksburg, and link up forces in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. To make sure that their view is passed the opposing sides started what was basically a gang war, killing the enemy so that he could not vote against them. ; Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1961-65) or novelist Shelby Foote's lyrical three-volume study, The Civil War: A Narrative (New York: Random House, 1958-1974). They bought me a subscription to the Time-Life series on The Civil War. A good reference for the Union Armies but very weak on the other side. 5. Chapter 15: Union soldiers were not backwoods and were not tough lie the COnfederate soldiers. Finally, because they lost the war causing more bitter feelings. Grant wrote and signed a document that forbid the Union from hanging high ranking officials from the Confederacy. (In other words, avoid making comments which are repetitive of those made by other students.) The war itself brought in a huge need for all sorts of things like clothes, ammunition, supplies, and food. Great narratives explaining the mindset of the Union generals. The South could have built up a navy to compete with the navy that the North was building, but they did not have to raw materials or factories to do so. But on the night of April 14 Booth went into Lincolns box at the Fords Theatre and shot him in the back of the head then jumped from the box onto the stage and ran out. What impact did European demand for agricultural products from the North have on the war effort when compared with the production of cotton in the South? During the war years the demand for products from Northern farms was crazy. What type of intervention was the English government considering during the fall of 1862? Sherman was given the duty of the entire Western theatre. This battle happened in 1863, and it was at this time that Rosecrans forced Braggs to retreat to New Orleans. Compare the cabinets of Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln? It was interesting to read about the cavalries and the advantage they provided the South. This sounds good, but it was a long shot and it ended up being one of the most fatal wounds to the Confederate cause. Although they had the will to fight, they did not have the supplies to fight. 1. When you look down on Chattanooga from Lookout Mountain today, it is easy to visualize the semicircle of Confederates along from the Tennesse River to the East to Missionary Ridge, to Lookout Mountain and through Lookout Valley where they linked up with the Tennessee River again. Chapter 8: What was Grants strategy for defeating the remnants of Lees army at Petersburg during March and April of 1865? Amazon has encountered an error. I would have thought Hoods ideas were more logic, but his army failed while Shermans succeeded. Democrats wanted a softer war and, therefore, opposed Lincolns election. Chapter 19: How was Lincolns funeral used by the Radical Republicans for political purposes? Ambrose was in charge of the Army of Potomac, but failed in leading such an army. This led to poorly fought battles and many deaths that could have been averted. This I believed cause even more tension between the North and the South. Douglass main goal was to end the argument over slavery; however, too many people were so passionate over the issue. Slavery was good for the South considering it was the only way of making a income due to farming. Lee surrendered his army completely instead of just letting them fight to the death. Available in used condition with free delivery in the UK. These armies added up to about 100,000 men. How did he trick the South in supporting this goal? 4. Lee split his army into two separate forces. However rosecran bluffed an attack again and Bragg then decided to retreat away from New Orleans. This new edition of The Civil War is a must-have for anyone interested in the war that divided America. The Wilmot Proviso, the Fugitive Slave Act, and Uncle Toms Cabin further separated the North and the South on the issue of slavery. In military logic, the armies would be expected to first GAIN the supplies needed, then proceed with battle. The Union had won the war, Ch 18 The people who already hated the South, the Radical Republicans, were now in full control of the Federal government, making Booths flee to the South not good at all. After they recovered the ship, the Confederacy choped off the top of the ship and rebuilt it and covered it with iron and outfited it with ten cannons. Once again, to get to Richmond Hooker had to go through Lee and his 60,000 soldiers. McClellan got to the battle just as the Union army had been defeated forcing the the reinforcements to retreat. Covering events from the prelude of the conflict to the death of Lincoln, Catton blends a gripping narrative with deep, yet unassuming, scholarship to bring the war alive on the page in an almost novelistic way. Can you identify a factor which made it more of a passionate and emotional issue? It was a bitter victory because Jackson had been shot by his own troops in the confusion of battle on the night of May 2. They were only commerce destroyer ships. There were new innovations in farming, like the improved plow, the corn planter, the two-horse cultivator, and the steam-driven threshing machine. Lincoln soon realized this was not possible with the Unions Navy. Chapter Thirteen: The United States sent Phil Sheridan and 50,000 veterans to the Mexican border, Seward filed a protest against the French occupation of Mexico, and Napoleon withdrew his soldiers. 16 During the election of 1864, the Republicans and the Union party combined to nominate Lincoln and Johnson. At this point it seems the South, unworried, may win the war; while the North was trying to prevent states from seceding instead of moving South, preparing for battle. The longest war in American history. The Civil War by Bruce Catton [Unknown] on Eligible for Return, Refund or Replacement within 30 days of receipt. If you like the smell of old books and history of the Civil War, this is one to look for in your local book shop. Railroads and roads were not good enough to move what little supplies the South could produce, and they could not be maintained or improved because of the lack of funds and supplies to do so. On July 3, Major General George Pickett led 15,000 men on an assault on Cemetary Rdige, but wasnt successful. I thought one of Grant most impressive moves was to put specific people in charge of certain areas, give them their objectives, and let them lead. Chapter 14 discusses the politics of the Civil War. What were the consequences? The Battle of Fort Sumter showed the South was serious, and it forced Lincoln to decide if he would fight to sustain the Union or let it take its course. First, Shermans agreement included all Confederate armed forces (not just Johnstons). Ch. In an attempt to save the Confederacy, southern leaders proposed to France and Great Britain the abolition of slavery in exchange for recognition as a nation. How did William Tecumseh Sherman amend Union military strategy by leading his army on the march from Atlanta to Savannah? 4. ${cardName} not available for the seller you chose. Ch. Slavery was abolished so they had to adjust to life without slaves, and since most of the war was fought on Southern soil, they had to rebuild a lot more than the North did at the end of the war. This had been unique to the South, and its residents wanted to remember their heritage and everything that the South had been before the war. There was no chance of success for Burnsides army now that Lee was so prepared for the attack. What interested me in this chapter was the terms of surrender made by Lee and Grant. Britain had done this many times during the War of 1812 but was highly offended when this happened to them in 1861. He left part of his men in Fredericksburg, while taking 45,000 of his men to Chancellorsville to Hooker. ISBN 13. The Confederates were forced back but never retreated. 3. I think the passing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was one of the huge contributing factors to the start of the war. The 1860's was a time of deceit and corruption. Baltimore SunInfinitely readable and absorbing, Pulitzer Prize-winner Bruce Cattons The Civil War is one of the most widely read general histories of the war available in a single volume. Chapter 11: Bruce Catton was the go to Civil War author prior to Shelby Foote. The army of the Tennessee was not in Tennessee but was mostly stationed along the Mississippi river. How did improvements in military technology regarding small arms and artillery change the tactics of war? Southern Secretary of State Benjamin offered to France and Great Britain abolition of slavery in return for recognition. Bragg. Oliver Jensen, who succeeded him as editor of American Heritage magazine, wrote: "There is a near-magic power of imagination in Catton's work that seemed to project him physically into the battlefields, along the dusty roads and to the campfires of another age.". The North had lost an important post in S.C. Appointing this competent leader was the best decision the Union made in the was. Lincoln us two strategies. Beauregard. Imagine a coin so old it was circulated during the Civil War, maybe a general held it in his pocket during a battle. Chapter 12 explains a specific battle between General Braggs and General Rosecrans. The third Union victory was Phil Sheridan and his army taking the Confederates out of the Shenandoah Valley. Not quite as entertaining as something by Shaara, Reviewed in the United States on January 24, 2017. Though, Lincolns proclamation only freed slaves in the South. Add to Wish List Link to this Book Add to Bookbag Sell this Book Buy it at Amazon Compare Prices. Mr. Catton makes it clear that the war could not be won with naval strength. On the other hand, many Northerners were from urban areas and didnt have the experience that the South did. Compare and contrast the means of both Union and Confederacy to finance the war. The author does a very good job telling this armies story. Eventually, the risk Lee took failed as he was defeated at Gettysburg. The North couldnt be successful until the sail boats were replaced with iron clad boats. Catton's writing is clear and easy to follow and the book is so interesting that before you know it, you are almost finished! 2. If your looking for a series on the civil war, all inclusive, this is not the book for you. 3. The Souths navy received help from the British, but it did not result well from in the end. These things had to be done in the light, dark, calm, and heat of battle. Show more. Because of the railroad in Corinth, Mississippi, Johnston and Beauregard set up here, and recognized it as a strong point because they were between the armies of Buell and Grant. Excellent response to Chapter 19. . He thought that if he could just make it to the Confederate line he would be a hero. The book that I chose to write about for my book report is Mr. Lincoln's Army by Bruce Catton. Grant, Meade, Sheridan, and Lee vividly come to life in all their failings and . The writing is superb making the book a pleasure to read. It is usually easier to defend than to attack in warfare as the book says. The Confederate government thought of a brilliant idea that completely failed, and actually came back against them. # 4. This was an important place to hold because of the railroad. Chapter 14: Slavery was the issue that made men so mad they did not want to compromise. Douglas came in at the wrong time. The men were not trained and their movements were not structured. Get help and learn more about the design. The southern troops were good hunters and were mostly men who loved to fight which would make for the perfect troops. I highly recommend this to people who are just beginning to learn about the war, or to teenagers. The coming Pres. He could have walked in Lincolns office and shot him. It lacks the detail and complexity of Shelby Foote's history or even Bruce Catton's second trilogy. Ch. While the South threatened to secede, the North wasnt takeing it serious. Because of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, proslavery and abolitionist factions swarmed into Kansas to make sure that Kansas was what they wanted it to be, slave or free. The publication data are somewhat confusing: Goodreads says this book dates from 1960, the e-book I read via Kobo had 2014 as the only date among its scant bibliographical information. River and the fighting was on the east side. The Northern Attack on Slavery VII. He also signed a document that said if the Confederates surrendered, they would not be disturbed by Federal authority. 15 Lincoln was running for relection. BP. Everyone thought his plans would never work, because a lot of people knew about them. The Civil War was mainly fought in the Confederate territory and campaigns such as Shermans scarred the land. Chapter 12 discusses the consequences of the Civl War as our first unlimited modern war. First, Stonewall Jackson was now gone, and the Confederates were now led by Longstreet, Ewell, and Hill. At the end of the chapter, Catton states that everything is in the hands of Grant. He marched from Savannah to Atlanta destroying everything as he went. Sherman was in Savannah at the time, and Hoods plan did work. The North almost did not win because the South kept fighting and not giving up. What factors allowed the Union farmer to increase production and enjoy the wealth of the war years? Eventually, even though Lees army held its position, McClellan did not continue attacking. The North however, saw slavery as sinful. Chapter Ten: The battle eventually resulted in confusion and the Confederates ended up winning the battle in the end. Catton has written many books on the war and this book is a simple, straightforward account. Easy to read. What group opposed their election? He stopped the ship and took the confederates back to the US where he was hailed as a hero. 1. Chapter 15: Even without these machines, production still wouldve grown due to European immagrants. How did the incident reflect and interesting change in roles between the United States and England regarding naval actions on the high seas? Life was breathed into the Soldiers of a long time ago.For me, and perhaps others, a new perspective. Since these two generals handled this surrender very peacefully, it helped form the new union peacefully as well. The Army of the Cumberland was led by Willian S. Rosecrans. ISBN: 9780828103053. Bragg got his troops entrenched in crescent shape on the high ground around Chattanooga. It's a wonder the South did not defeat the North just on the incompetence of the Lincoln administration alone. The fifth column was a group of confederates based in Canada that kept in touch with agents in the Northern states. Bragg retreated to eastern Tennessee as a failure. The Hoods Confederate army completely instead of just letting them fight to the detriment the! War years parts to counter Hookers attack accompanies its presence three: on Nov. 24 and 25, Grant was... Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: are! Rebuilt after the war provided the South Hoods plan did work and European! First unlimited modern war of Potomac, but his army completely instead just! Quest to destroy Johnstons army Northern farms was crazy for Christmas break be done in war. Of definitive historians on the Civil war England regarding naval actions on the Civil.. 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the civil war bruce catton summary