yuri bezmenov interview

This is the compiled version of all of Bezmenov's lectures I could find. This is it. Never mind. In 1984, he gave an interview to G. Edward Griffin, titled 'Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press'. [3][14], Under the pen-name, Tomas D. Schuman, Bezmenov authored the book Love Letter to America. Authoritarian regimes have had a long history of targeting intellectuals who dont agree with them. Mr. Bezmenov, weve read a lot about the concentration camps and the slave labor camps under the Stalin regime. It was a very interesting experience, but it was necessary because from my own knowledge as a member of Soviet embassy staff, I knew that there were many cases when Soviet defectors were betrayed by Indian police and also some Western embassies played a very dirty role in betraying the Soviet defectors. If you want to learn more about French, you read French writers. At that time, I was still naively, idealistically believing that what I was doing contributes to the understanding and cooperation between the nations. 26]. The next stage is destabilization. It is that. They were part of a farce, of a circus performance. It was updated in January 2023. You see, smiling. After several months, Bezmenov claimed he was forced to act as an informer[3] while maintaining his position as a Novosti journalist. He also mentions that revolutions throughout history are never the result of a majority movement, but of a small dedicated and highly-organized group who seize power, whether for good or bad. [3][10] The CIA and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) advised him to adopt a new name and identity for reasons of safety. To be abused by by Americans, to be insulted in exchange for my effort to bring the truthful information about impending danger: subversion. he will refuse to believe it That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization. Another great example of the monumental idiocy of American politicians. What the hell for should I defect? 28]. 38]. So welcome to visit you someday with your Kalashnikovs, machine guns. So obviously it didnt work. And in five years, sure enough, slowly but surely, they discovered that I am not Thomas Schumann, that I am Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov at that time, working for Canadian Broadcasting and undermining the beautiful detente between Canada and USSR. Of course, they will be lined up against the wall and shot. Across the world, the KGB did whatever it could to thwart pro-Western and anti-Soviet political movements and figures. Our conversation is with Mr. Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov. Pretty sure as of 2021 Pakistan was dealing with Russia to build a giant pipeline through the country. Most of it is done by Americans to Americans, thanks to a lack of moral standards. Yet they stubbornly resist the word of truth. It happened in many African countries when the Soviet KGB were killed by Africans themselves, not because they hated MarxistLeninists, but because they were simply a trigger-happy bunch of unruly characters. 8]. And there is not much chance for honest journalists to arrive to USSR and to stay there for one year and to bring this package of lies back home. I think youre trying to tell us something. So I had a couple of good shotguns in my basement. 1]. So basic Two very simple maybe too simplistic answers or solutions but nevertheless they are the only solutions. In about five years, KGB eventually discovered that Im working for Canadian Broadcasting. The cultural subversion of the United States, Europe and the rest of the world. yuri bezmenov legendado Or they pretend that they know more than they actually do. That is the tragedy of the situation of demoralization. My father was he is on the left here [Fig. And one day I simply joined a group of hippies to avoid the detection of Indian police. A new poll highlights the dramatic influence of partisan thinking in the U.S. with regards to key principles of international law. Trust but verify. 9]. This led to a phone call from the prime minister to CBCs president and on down the chain until Bezmenov was fired on March 9, 1976. They can start war, I wouldnt be surprised. Yuri Bezmenov: To change the perception of reality of every American, to such an extent that, despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest . on December 21, 2019, There are no reviews yet. Edward Kennedy was in Moscow and he thought that he is a popular, charismatic American politician who is easygoing, who can smile, dance at the wedding in Russian Palace of Marriages [Fig. My main motivations to defect had nothing to do with affluence. Actually, even before they arrived to USSR and they paid astronomical sum of money for that visit they were submitted This Novosti Press Agency developed so-called backgrounders, 2025 pages of information and opinions which were presented to the journalists even before they bought their tickets to Moscow. From the first page to the last page, it was a package of lies, propaganda, cliche, which were presented to American readers as opinions and deductions of American journalists. During the interview, Bezmenov explained that the Soviet Union was not interested in fighting America. Most of the activity of the department was to compile a huge amount, volume, of information on individuals who were instrumental in creating public opinion. yuri bezmenov documentary He became a consultant for Almanac Panorama of the World Information Network. He was the son of a high-ranking Soviet army officer. At the time, his whereabouts were depicted in American media as unknown. It sure does because from the viewpoint of the Soviet propaganda, although there are some subtle criticism of the Soviet system, the basic message is that Russia today is a nice, functioning, efficient system supported by a majority of the population [Fig. Most of the American politicians, media, and educational system train another generation of people who think they are leaving in peace time. He was educated in the elite schools inside the Soviet Union and became an expert in Indian culture and Indian languages. So what do we do? Most of these marriages were marriages of convenience on advice from the Department of Personnel. This was. Explains KGB Manipulation of US Public Opinion npatou 56.3K subscribers Subscribe 15K 488K views 6 years ago KGB Operative/Soviet defector, Yuri. My ancestors used to live in caves and eat raw meat when India was a highly civilized nation six thousand years ago. yuri bezmenov black pill Deep inside, I hoped they would insult or offend my sentiments. yuri bezmenov education Its called split loyalty. The third reason: how to defect with the family? yuri bezmenov breaking india The KGB was even curious about this gentleman. This is the biggest agricultural blunder of the Soviet government. This is exactly what the KGB and MarxistLeninist propaganda wants from Americans: to distract their opinion, attention, and mental energy from real issues of United States into non-issues, into a non-world, non-existent harmony. I socialized with characters like this, on the left you see is a barefoot American hippie [Fig. Im doing my job, thats what Im assigned to do and thats what I was paid to do. yuri bezmenov subversion There is no other place on this planet to defect to. Anyway, its a long story. ", He moved to Los Angeles in the 1980s. At the same time, he began to resent the KGB-sanctioned repression of intellectuals who dissented from Moscow's policies[3] and he decided to defect to the West. yuri bezmenov deception was my job transcript In another somewhat terrifying excerpt, heres what Bezmenov had to say about what is really happening in the United States: It may think it is living in peace, but it has been actively at war with Russia, and for some time: Most of the American politicians, media, and educational system trains another generation of people who think they are living at the peacetime, said the former KGB agent. And that really it doesnt make an awful lot of difference what system you live under because you have corruption and dishonesty and tyranny and all that sort of thing. Because as I said, I am now in your boat. Two, destabilization. He thinks hes very smart. His defection was reported in the United States, with Soviet sources stating he was "not important" and did "clerical work", and American intelligence openly stating they believed him to be an agent of the KGB. The differences, of course, in the daily life are very various, depending on who or whom we are talking about. And this is how I looked at the time of defection. In 1984 (appropriately enough) he wrote a book called, "Love Letter to America" under his pen name, Tomas Schuman, to warn about long-term Marxist (Communist) tactics and disinformation campaigns he was seeing in the United States: Im standing next to a famous Indian poet, Sumitranandan Pant. [3], The main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all. I mustve been a very dangerous thing. One of my colleagues in the Soviet consulate in Calcutta when he was dead drunk, he ventured into the basement to relieve himself and he found big boxes which said, Printed Matter to Dhaka University. Dhaka is the capital of East Pakistan. When I saw the preparations for the for the invasion into East Pakistan, obviously I wanted to defect immediately. Since I fell in love with India, I developed something which by KGB standards is an extremely dangerous thing. I had ways to get rid of alcohol through various techniques, including special pills which were given to me by my colleagues. So in other words, I would say I enjoyed or I had good reasons to enjoy all the advantages of the so-called socialist system. Mr. Bezmenov was born in 1939 in a suburb of Moscow. Its hard not to see in that the state of many modern Americans. yuri bezmenov complete One of the reasons not to defect was, as you can see, I was living in relative affluence. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi obviously is not on the payroll of the KGB, but whether he knows it or not he contributes greatly to demoralization of American society. That is a phrase that Im afraid some Americans dont fully understand. My career was cloudless. But unfortunately they will be sent to Alaska, probably to manage an industry of slaves. And yet these people have been programmed and, as you say, emplaced and who are favorable to an opening with the Soviet concept these are the very people who would be marked for extermination in this country? You can see me in the same damn wedding palace in Moscow where Ed Kennedy was dancing here. Yuri Bezmenov's appearance in the Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War trailer is taken from this 1984 interview between G. Edward Griffin and Bezmenov: In that interview, Bezmenov downplays the . And hell tell us a little bit about how they did this and how they planted information which eventually wound up in the press of the free world. I was dispatched by the KGB to check what kind of VIP Americans attend this school. Why would they be more susceptible to manipulation? They understand that they are on the territory of an enemy state, a police state, and just to save their rotten skins and their miserable jobs, their affluence back home, they would prefer to tell a lie than to ask truthful questions and report truthful information. 22]. They will go back home and write the reports: We were present at a regular Soviet wedding. They were not present at a regular Soviet wedding. His most chilling point was that theres a long-term plan put in play by Russia to defeat America through psychological warfare and demoralization. Its a long game that takes decades to achieve but it may already be bearing fruit. Yuri Bezmenov's father, pictured on left, was a Soviet general loyal to Stalin before, during, and after World War II. Yes. In this particular case, you can see me talking to students of Lumumba Friendship University in Moscow [Fig. Mammoth_Strawberry78 2 days ago. I was a student. Even about Antarctica I bet you would read penguins. And, of course, subtle intimidations. [20], On August 19, 2020, Bezmenov's 1984 interview discussing active measures with a journalist G. Edward Griffin was used in the teaser for the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, in addition to its use in the main introduction on August 26. In the same year, a secret directive of the Central Committee opened a new secret department in all embassies of the Soviet Union around the world, titled the "Research and Counter-Propaganda Group". Global Edition. They publish their memoirs in their prisons and get handsomely paid by your crazy publishers. At a certain point in time I had to withdraw alcohol from them so that some of them who are the most recruitable would feel a little bit shaky, guilty, trying to remember what they were talking about last night. In 1954, early on in the Cold War, the Soviet Union created the Committee for State Security, more commonly known in the West as the KGB. And hes not the only one. Cynical, egocentric people who can look into your eyes with angelic expression and tell you a lie. Soviet dissidents are chasing American correspondents in the streets, and they are cowardly escaping from these contacts. [17] His work has also been cited by senior director of UPenn's Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Dr. Michael Carpenter. Fortunately, he died and he didnt see the disgrace because deep inside he was a Russian patriot. This is the last country of freedom and possibility. [3] Bezmenov's father died in the 1970s. Many, many former Marxists are in Cuba, I mean in prison. According to the Windsor Star, he died of a "massive heart attack", on Tuesday, January 5, 1993. To my horror, I discovered that in the files where people were doomed to execution. So just by by trying to conformist to their own editorial bosses, they tried not to offend the sentiments of the Soviet administrators and people like myself. Most of the Mukti Fauj leaders Mukti Fauj in Bengali means Peoples Army, same as SWAPO and all kinds of liberation armies all over the world, the same bunch of useful idiots they were trained that Lumumba University and various centers of the KGB in Simferopol, in Crimea, and in Tashkent. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. I was trying to get enrolled in that school. These are the most recruitable people: people who lack moral principles, who are either too greedy or suffer from self-importance. You may ask me, what is in it for me. The interview features Yuri Bezmenov, a former communist and KGB public relations man, interviewed in 1984 by G. Edward Griffin. Posted 59 minutes ago. A KGB operative, he defected to Canada and in 1984. Well, the immediate thing that comes to my mind is, of course, there must be a very strong national effort to educate people in the spirit of real patriotism, number one. Yuri Bezmenov goes through, step-by-step, each phase of ideological subversion. I decided this probably would be the best way to disappear. And everything was paid by the Soviet government. And then eventually you either have to give up entirely and work for them, or you they neutralize you. Unfortunately, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi asked too much. Those who refused the Soviet influence in their own country would be character-assassinated or executed physically come revolution. See, I made a very big mistake. 36]. So I would say that those intellectuals who try to convince the American public that the concentration camp system is a thing of the past are either [00:09:15]conscientiously [0.0s] misleading public opinion, or they are not very intellectual people. Or, to be more precise, the end of the Second World War when all of a sudden the United States, from [being] a friendly nation which helped us to defeat Nazism, turned overnight into a deadly enemy. Never mind whether the promises unfulfillable or not, he will go to Moscow to kiss the bottoms of a new generation of Soviet assassins. To meditate, in other words, to isolate oneself from the current social and political issues of your own country, to get into your own bubble, to forget about the troubles of the world. 32]. yuri bezmenov meditation When the Soviet citizen is assigned to a foreign job, he has to be married either to keep family in USSR as hostages or, if its a convenience marriage like mine, so that the husband and wife are virtually informers on each other to prevent defection or contamination by decadent imperialists or capitalist ideas. Only solutions state of many modern Americans and work for them, or you neutralize. You may ask me, what is in it for me Letter to.. 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yuri bezmenov interview