are xenogenders valid

Among young people, many are indeed looking for new gender perspectives: according to a 20 Minutes poll in 2018, 13% of 18-30 year olds said they did not identify with either a man or a woman . I'm making this post to ask some questions about Xenogenders, and if whether or not they are valid. Why teachers shouldnt call on students who arent raising their hands, The Student News Site of Blythewood High School, Your email address will not be published. That's something different. I don't think stuff equivalent to being goth should give people those same protections. But thats not the name of the process. A common defense is the claim that autistic individuals experience gender differently, which is both ableist and infantilizing.One's gender cannot be rain, the color pink, soft and fluffy, a computer, et cetera.Gender is not a sense of connection to a concept. Transgender and gender-nonconforming people might experience gender dysphoria at some point in their lives. Many non-binary people experience gender dysphoria, except they experience it for. cat-gender doesn't mean that person identifies as a cat.) They arent doing any harm to anyone so people should treat them respectfully. Xenogender is the perfect example for how the western LGBTQ+ community works. She looks at popular media and decides she needs penguin farts. Neopronoun users deserve just as much respect as you do. Required fields are marked *, Madeleine Nov 12, 2021 at 12:19 pm. As of 2/22/2021, when this Carrd received a complete revamp, the Italian and Portuguese translations are outdated. identifying as a concept, animal, object or interest doesnt come with any dysphoria or genuine connection to gender. She and he pronouns were okay but didnt fit right exactly. Alright so, my thread thats as shared links to a lot of cards and sites where they explain Xenogenders and answer some common questions! You know, it's kind of like kinks and fetishes in sexual orientation. Neopronouns: You are valid. Xenogenders are so individualistically defined its surprisingly hard to have a good definition besides identifying outside of the preconceived feminine, masculine, androgyne and neutral! The meaning of neogender as a subcategory is any gender that has come around since the early 2000s, meaning that it even includes terms that people wouldn't normally consider to be MOGAI like demiboy and genderfluid. Taylor Frick Dec 2, 2021 at 10:28 am. Not OP, nor trans but it's about the feeling of gender dysphoria and general discomfort about your assigned gender. I use neopronouns for several reasons: Im cat gender and using cat related pronouns help me feel more comfortable. lol no one who thinks xenogender isn't valid is going to respond, because they don't want to get a warning. Why is everything a gender now? Most Xenogender users use neopronouns that correlate with their gender, such as kit/kitself/pup/pupself/bun/bunself/sweet/sweetself/fae/faeself/ Xenogenders are totally valid and help neurodivergent people understand what they identify as! Im sure not everyone is aware of such distinctions. But I wanted to know if its ok if I use this chart/how I should credit you. People who use Xenogenders to get into the LGBTQIA+ community do not experience gender dysphoria. I will try to be more careful in that regard in the future, Not more "hyperspecific" than binary genders and surely not more "hyperspecific' than "just me", which obviously specific for only you (and most people don't describe their gender as "just me", so i really don't get your point) Anyway, the word is arbitrary and implies some kind of "too much", andalready saysit's applied to something "unnessesary" and for the reasoninaccepting of xenogenders. It is a great tool that many use to express their individuality and how they feel they are inside, and was originally intended to help neurodivergent people discuss their gender with others. But in my book if you're not harming anybody you're valid. Are we all too cowardly to make the post that will get it locked? Also, I'm curious exactly what genders like Cloudgender and Treegender mean, as that is where I'm most lost on the topic. as for treegender it could mean how they identify could be rooted into tree and flora or maybe the metaphorical definition of the tree is why someone is connected to it. Id say no. Pronouns are meant to replace nouns and kitty/kittyself (just an example) are nouns, defeating the point of pronouns. Nounself pronouns Historically there have been two used since the 1300s, spe, For example, ou will could mean he will, she will, or it will. 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Non-binary people are people who dont feel comfortable identifying as either of the binary genders, so therefore use pronouns such as they/them, or neopronouns. If its not valid to say feeling warm and fuzzy makes you feel like a cat, what exactly does it mean to be gender fluid and feel like a girl some days and a boy others? So while were largely drawn to categorizing things or coming up with terms to help us communicate with each other, gender remains something that just gets more abstract the further you stray from cisnormativity. It Defies the logic of gender. Neopronouns are a category of new (neo) pronouns that are increasingly used in place of she, he, or they when referring to a person. It can be complicated, but xenogenders are often described as feeling like objects, sensations, songs, feelings, concepts, etc. It is a part of someone's innate identity in relation to their sex. Just a thought maybeyou should adda poll. Its kinda confusing to say wether or no its valid (which is already a non acceptable statement as said by a trusty mod) but then say I dont mean to offend. And what does the word "valid" mean, can you define it? That said, you have a real tough problem. Taylor, I was doing research to understand what my 10 year old is going through when I came across your article. Parent of trans child artfully debunks tired, illogical claim being transgender is a teenage fad, JK Rowling and the Chamber of Trans Youth Misinformation, The complex, divisive history of the word TERF, what it means and why its not actually a slur. What really happens when kids say they're transgender? Some of it isn't pleasant from both the cis-normative and LGBT darker corners of communities. WebGo follow Axie! Some peoples gender changes over time.. Ah wow Im surprised my thread is well enough to help people understand hahah <-< /lh /pos But hey! @LGBTAtreyu i am more than happy to expla Paste as plain text instead, However, it notes a clear and necessary departure from gender being associated solely with femininity and masculinity . When it comes to things like this, I personally live by the golden rule. a gender that is mostly associated with animals, aesthetics, and feelings, but can be other things too! Read also USA: 56% of adults under 30 think that a person's gender can differ from the one assigned at birth. ), At the same time, if something is"valid", it seems to lead to respecting your identity, accepting it as real, not thinking xenogenders are "sarcastic" and not bullying you, and generally if you're saying what xenogenders are valid, it may be a marker what you're likely not ablist (even though you technically don't have to be neurodivergent for identifying as xenogender, xenogenders still usually are strongly linked to neurodivergent experience) and not transphobic andtherefore safe to interact with. Theyre doing more harm than the person who uses those pronouns by bashing them., When it comes down to it, neopronouns are just a way to express oneself in the truest form. The "attack helicopter" one joke edgelord thing is meant to mock and degrade. I don't see this thread going anywhere except to Locky McLockface. I'm trans. Transgender and gender-nonconforming people might experience gender dysphoria at some point in their lives. Many non-binary people experience gender dysphoria, except they experience it for she/her and he/him pronouns, and neopronouns users experience it for she/her, he/him, and they/them pronouns. Ultimately I think the human experience is so incomprehensibly vast that there's no use trying to define what should and should not be considered a "valid" way to exist. This is untrue. Most problems then arrive when people see the word xenoGENDER, see someone with vamp/vampself pronouns, and the limitations of language mixed with assumption leads to thinking this person is announcing to the world my gender is vampire, I believe Im an immortal creature. She needs to change genders. Oil continued, How someone chooses to identify doesnt affect you. Yes people can have fun with xenogenders but there is a line and some people crossed it. I also use emoji pronouns! A xenogender is a gender that can't be entirely described by human concepts of gender, like male, female, or no gender. One person in this article literally identifies as a cat and this type of behavior is being encouraged? list of xenogenders carrd? I've known some folks who could be considered having a xenogender, and it's honestly not usually as absurd as the common misconceptions are. Pride March: How did the rainbow flag evolve? binding my chest helps me present as male, what does a paintgender person do? Lots of people; lots of differences. Neopronouns should absolutely be normalized!! Many people confuse xenogenders with kinning and being a therian. Again, I don't like crypto, but that's essentially the best analogy I could think of before coffee. They are completely valid and do not damage the trans community. I like how they sound for me, and they help me express who I am better.. They are completely valid and do not damage the trans community. I dont go to this school. I used to be a magazine writer and I was pleasantly surprised to read that you are in high school. Some nonbinary people have mental variations (mental illnesses, neurological conditions, or neurodivergence). @LGBTAtreyui am more than happy to explain xenogenders some more to you, and how xenogenders describe my psychology and how that impacts my gender :3. Some even went as far as to claim people using neopronouns are just cis straight people who wanted to be part of the LGBTQ+ commuinty but dont actually experience gender disphoria. But xenogender is not the same as otherkin. The name we have collectively given the process of changing your external appearance to match your internal self is changing genders. It could be called penguin farts, the point isnt what the name is, just that it has a name. Cannabalistic jokes like "you can eat me" are ok. Fictigender means your gender has the same energy as a fictional character. That doesnt exclude genders that fall under Xenogender, Aesthetigender, etc. Ou derives from the Middle English (h)a, which is a reduced form of the Old and Middle English masculine and feminine pronouns he and heo (yes, she used to be heo).. It is said to be made for neurodivergent people because 'they may have a different way of understanding gender' or 'gender is too difficult for them to understand'. I'd just like to thank the moderator, Ryn for not locking my post and letting me know what I said wrong. Occasionally you might meet someone who breaks the normal binary, and uses they/them pronouns, but there is more than one way to identify as non-binary. Xenogenders use objects or animals. Thank you. (ex. It made plain that you have yet to examine and set aside your biases. Explaining what is mspec homo and why it is valid! Some even went as far as to claim people using neopronouns are just cis straight people who wanted to be part of the LGBTQ+ commuinty but dont actually experience gender disphoria. im trans as well, i identify as a man. Once again, theres no reason you should be against other trans people finding new ways of expression that make them happy. Your not lgtb if your catgender bc u feel fuzzy or cozy like a cat. A lot of people have the exact same feeling about men saying they are women. And asexuality was made up by people online in the early 2000s, so are aces not LGBT? (For example, binary trans people use these as well, and using a xenogender doesn't make them a nonbinary person.). Shes either insane or pulling a fast one, like those flat earth people. What are you gonna do, cry? Moth goes by doll/dolls and teef/teefs pronouns, which caused a large backlash, not only on TikTok, but within the LGBTQ+ community. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. But really this is just a nonbinary person who is adopting the aesthetic of a vampire, deer, cuttlefish, etc. Some people may create xenogenders based on things of comfort/interest to them. I wanted more options so neopronouns were really cool for that purpose. I use neopronouns for several reasons: Im cat gender and using cat related pronouns help me feel more comfortable. We should not be against each other and its really important trans people give each other support.. But I don't see any utility or reason for xenogenders other than to be a contrarian or seeking attention. stated, Historically there have been two used since the 1300s, specifically ou and (h)a. For example, ou will could mean he will, she will, or it will. Press J to jump to the feed. I'm trans. why bother punching down to other trans people you dont understand or care for, when you can simply mind your own business or take time to learn about why they might feel this way. I don't like cryptocurrency, but I think it is a good analogy in this case. For example, Possum.Lover, could you explain a bit more about Xenogenders? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Should probably just lock the thread then I think honestly that people carving out their own identity is fine if that's really what they want to do, and if you really think xenogenders existing is harming general perception of trans people, I think you might be a bit too invested in the respectability politics of having "good optics" so the general population sees us as "legitimate" and "valid". Anything that is likely to spontaneously capture the essence of their inner state. Does the mind have a relationship with the body? In addition to this, people may describe amative genders with nouns (explaination of the terms in the links),,, like for a way ofexperiensing a gender(see schrodigender)or for conditional genderfluidity (seeastrogender), which may sound simular to affirmative xenogenders for an outside observer and may also be considered xenogenders, and yet aredifferent from affirmative xenogenders as you see,,, but that doesn't aurtomatically mean they are valid, What do you mean? I will try to be more careful in that regard in the future. Please refer to these threads instead. I want people to use their own definition. assimilation is not gonna stop transphobia or transmisogyny. Not because xenogenders are themselves genders, but because anyone who adopts a xenogender must already be nonbinary by definition. Everyone defines their own xenogender differently! I am a citizen because other citizens agree I am. genders that describe someone's gender in a way that is outside of human understanding. Same here, I think the intent was to discuss the different perspectives on xenogenders, it was just very very very poorly conceived, BUT, really, O Xenogenders are to mock the LGBTQIA+ community.Also another problem is they are extremely offensive to neurodivergent people. As of 2/22/2021, when this Carrd received a complete revamp, the Italian and Portuguese translations are outdated. Neopronouns are a form of being non-binary. A Xenogender is a gender that is made for peoples interests/struggles. it is valid. Related I 'm fluid, agender, trans, demi My identity is non-binary. Its a way for people to express their gender identity. They continued, People who blatantly bash neopronouns should read up more about what it really is, because they have no right to bash another persons gender identity pronouns just because it doesnt fit the norm. What are you gonna do, cry? Moth goes by doll/dolls and teef/teefs pronouns, which caused a large backlash, not only on. If youre trans, not everyone has the same experiences as you. Were not yet used to descriptions of or experiences with gender given through a nonbinary lense. Actually, I'monly answering at least after a month or two after I've read this anddecided to answer (and this probably wasn't even the first time I've seen this, I probably just ignored this before, but don't remember, maybe not), I usually wastoo tired for a text this long or too emotionalat your wording to answer, Edit: well, some of this is just a dislike of terminology though, Edit 2: i mean, saying xenogenders areoutside of human understanding isn't offensive, as it was in the original definition and it's how some xenogender people define it, though i think you should use the whole definition and not just the most confusing part of it in the case (and i personally still dislikeit though) Yeti personally find calling xenogenders "hyperspecific" offensive, Also, it may be a bit too late, but i don't think questioning people's gender is fun, and i think it's better to rename the topic. Identity is something assigned by other people. I can slightly understand this label, however, when I hear terms such as Cloudgender meaning a gender like a cloud, or Treegender, meaning a gender like a tree, then that's where I get kind of lost, and start to question whether or not these identies are valid. Many binary trans individuals felt that neopronoun users were invalidating all the hard work the trans community has done to be normalized in society. A "gender" that should not been taken seriously. (Nazi-gender, gayfuckgender, stupidgender, sourgender, mentalillnessgender). Its a way for people to express their gender identity. They continued, People who blatantly bash neopronouns should read up more about what it really is, because they have no right to bash another persons gender identity pronouns just because it doesnt fit the norm. [1] It is not required for a valid argument to have premises that are actually true,[2] but to have premises that, if they were true, would guarantee the truth of the argument's conclusion. I have literally never heard of xenogenders, so here's my expert straight cis neurotypical white male opinion: My identity doesn't make any difference to you, nor does yours to me.I am not the arbiter of which identities are valid, and which are not. So, some lady hears about this. A gender can not be described as sugery" or playfull". I think it's cringe, but it's valid. Test My Belief Reddit! But using the logic of gender existing as something necessarily derived from and related to sex, you could easily make the argument that agender people arent valid either. Some neurodivergent people have a more complicated relationship with gender so these help with that also! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Just a thought maybe you should add a poll. Some people may want to answer your question without debating the topic. I certainly know I have such a relationship, where I can say, My body wants X, but I dont. Or, I want X, but my body doesnt.. You arent laying out an argument. she/her and he/him pronouns, and neopronouns users experience it for she/her, he/him, and they/them pronouns. Xenic Alignment System (Gem Gender System),,, It kind of seems equally arbitrary? Some neopronouns that are seen as more socially acceptable include. Xenogenders are made for everyone to find what describes them best, and even cisgender people can (and do) use them and new neopronouns to describe their more unique feelings of themselves to others. A contrarian or seeking attention with the body transgender people were taking part in.... Dont hate us because were trans me '' are ok. Fictigender means your gender has same... Can you define it illnesses, neurological conditions, or neurodivergence ) Portuguese translations outdated. Against each other support in the future 10 year old is going through when came. Expression that make them happy 'd just like to thank the moderator, Ryn for not my! 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are xenogenders valid