breslau ship passenger lists

BRESLAU / BRIDGEPORT / LARKSPUR 1901 The steamship RHEIN (later renamed the SUSQUEHANNA), the second of two vessels of this name owned by Norddeutscher Lloyd, was built by Blohm & Voss, Hamburg (yard #137), and launched on 20 September 1899. SAFER, Isaac & Mollie, Sam, Anna & May; BLOCK, Rachel, Frank & Fannie 1921, DUBINER Schaje, to Philadelphia 16 MAY 1898, STRELETSKY, Israel (Big Izzy) and his sister Sore ? The PENNSYLVANIA rammed and sank the Hamburg schooner GERTRUD on 8th Mar.1910 in the mouth of the River Elbe. Upon the Carmania's arrival in New York a few days later, they were all pleased to report that the engines had worked splendidly. She and her sister Ronya who arrived in 1913 both listed Abram Friedman, 260 Madison St., NYC as their contact in the US. In 1904 her funnel was lengthened by 23 ft to improve draught and made this ship easily recognizable. November 1928, sold to Japan for scrapping. Tel or Tel $ meaning Telegram, meaning they didnt have sufficient funds to travel to their intended destination, and they sent a telegram requesting money from a relative or someone else. Launched on 27/8/1901, she sailed on her maiden voyage from Hamburg to Boulogne, Southampton and New York on 2/3/1902. St. At the time, Charles was 57 tall, fair-haired with brown eyes. She then became a US Troopship and ran between San Francisco, Hawaii and Manila and from 1932-1941 was used between New York, Panama, San Francisco and Honolulu. During 1940 it underwent a refit in America and was defensively armed with six inch guns. She then went to the Swedish America Line, who refitted her to carry 478-cabin class and 1,800-3rd class passengers and renamed her KUNGSHOLM. Liverpool-New York service. The Carmania had received a total of 79 hits, and seven crewmembers were lost in the battle. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P. She started sailing between Danzig , Halifax and New York under this name on 25th Apr.1930 and commenced her last N.Atlantic voyage - Gdynia - Copenhagen - Halifax - New York on 18th Aug.1935. 13th Jul.1912 transferred to Belgian registry but continued the same service. Gittel Weiler ( GUSSIE WELLER-SHAPANKA) , age 17, born in Vilna, arrived in New York July 23, 1906 on the Vaderland that sailed from Antwerp . Launched on 15 MAR1888, she left Liverpool on her maiden voyage for Queenstown (Cobh) and New York on 1AUG1888. Launched on 21/11/1896, she sailed on her maiden voyage from Hamburg for Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore on 17/3/1897. Line, City of Montreal, Inman WebBremen Passenger Departure Lists, 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 from FamilySearch Stettin, Germany Passenger Records Information [on this website] A very small number of document.write("s.swig"); Gross Tonnage - 45,647 tons Dimensions - 264.76 x 29.56m (868.7 x 97ft) Number of funnels - 4 Number of masts - 2 Construction - Steel Propulsion - Quadruple-screw Engines - Steam turbines Service speed - 23 knots Builder - John Brown & Co Ltd, Glasgow Launch date - 21 April 1913 Passenger accommodation - 597 1st class, 614 2nd class, 2,052 3rd class. Leibl stated he was going to his brother-in-law, A. Friedman, on 364 Madison St., NYC. They paid their passage themselves and had $50. Fruma is listed as a housewife and Sophie (listed as Scheina) was a "tailoress". The Aquitania was launched on 21 April by the Countess of Derby in front of a crowd of over 100,000 people. CELIA BLINDERMAN (indexed as Ciwje Blmderman) immigrated to the US March 15, 1910 on the SS Rijndam at the age of 16. The smoking room was modeled on Greenwich Hospital with oak paneling and beams, the restaurant was decorated in Louis XIV style and the grill room was decorated in Jacobean style. The Finland was scrapped in 1928. The steamship DANIA, the first of two vessels of this name owned by the Hamburg-America Line, was built by AG Vulcan, Stettin (yard #189), and was launched on 12 October 1889. In October she transferred to the US Army, and made 20 voyages, and in 1920 was used to repatriate Czech troops from Vladivostok [where they had been fighting the Bolsheviks] via Suez to Trieste. When these records were entered into the database, LEAH DUBINER (age 62), her daugher GAIMENDEL (age 18) and her son MENDEL (age 17) sailed on the Homeric from Cherbourg and arrived in NY 20 Nov 1924. Line / Canadian Pacific, Lake Megantic 1884, Beaver He listed his wife, "Rochel Bliacher" as his nearest relative from whence he came and stated he was going to his brother-in-law, Nathan Pomerantz who was living at 433 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn at the time. In June 1914 she started her first New York to the Mediterranean crossing, on route to the Black Sea and was seized by Italy in 1915. The Carmania was reported to be the forerunner of a new class of giant liners designed to retrieve the Blue Ribbon, and many had gathered to witness her launch. She resumed passenger voyages on 7th Aug.1920 & commenced her last voyage between Antwerp and Philadelphia in March 1925. On 3rd Aug.1917 she was again damaged by a mine and was then laid up for the duration of the war. Her details were - length 425ft x beam 53.2ft, two funnels, two masts, twin screw and a speed of 15 knots. (Rachel was married to Hershel Block who was already in NY.). 23 November 1904, last voyage, Bremen-Suez Canal-Australia (4 roundtrip voyages). She is listed on line 3, page 0651 of the ship manifest. We found him listed on the SS Albano that sailed from Hamburg on 2 DEC 1903 and arrived in NY 22 DEC 1903. The tragic loss of the Empress of Ireland, and 1,000 of those on board, the day before overshadowed this event. In Feb.1925 she was refitted to accommodate 290-cabin and 500-3rd class passengers and in Mar.1926 was again altered to 110-cabin, 180-tourist and 500-3rd class. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Sailed on Rotterdam-New York route. She was interned at Genoa in 1914 and on 25/5/1915 she was seized by Italy and renamed PESARO. She was then scrapped in Italy. This was the fourth ship with this name owned by the Holland America Line. In July 1918, a German U-boat torpedoed the ship and she sank off the coast of Ireland. ), from Prusan, $10, 5'2", as also with light brown hair and blue eyes and (2) Josef Blacker going to his brother Samuel Zawelanski (?) and he was Russian and Hebrew. They would build two identical ships, but with different means of propulsion. He had paid her passage and she had $25 with her. On 2/9/1935 she was damaged by fire at Copenhagen and was scrapped the same year at Leghorn. Whilst this was being done the opportunity was taken to convert the ship to oil burning, as opposed to coal. but because of a continuing depression, she was not put into service until 1910 when she was sold to North German Lloyd. Line, Oranje Nassau 1911, Royal Bremen to La Plata. There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children one is roots, the other wings. document.write(""); She made her fourteenth and last sailing on this service in Sep.1911 and on 21st Oct.1911 resumed Antwerp - Dover - NY sailings for Red Star Line. Friedman 127 E. 59th St. diameter respectively. The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor was often an immigrants first view of the United States. This ship became a success and she was followed in 1862 by a near-sister, the Scotia , also relying on the paddle wheels. We have two unknown Dubiner's could one be Chiam? HERSCHEL BLOCK immigrated to the US on March 20, 1913 on the POTSDAM that sailed from Rotterdam. Used as a troopship. Renamed NANSEMOND she was used as a US Navy transport until 1919 when she was handed over to the US Shipping Board and laid up in the Hudson River. pictured standing on Ellis Island looking over New York Harbor, surveying their In November the ship underwent considerable internal reconstruction. Passengers departing from the port of Hamburg 1850-1934, with the The ship sailed from the Adriatic Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar, arriving at Ellis Island on May 7, 1907. The EISENACH was (We have no record of any such cousin.) Sold in Nov.1925 and scrapped at Bo'ness the following year. CHAVA SPELKE immigrated from Kobryn, Poland at the age of 35 with three of her children SARAH SPELKE ( age 10), SAM SPELKE (age 5) and ANNA SPELKE (age 1) and arrived in the US on June 30, 1907. Her last voyage for NGL started 8th Jul.1914 when she sailed from Bremen for Emden , Boston , New York and New Orleans , where she took refuge on the outbreak of the Great War. The RHEIN was the type-ship of the Norddeutscher Lloyd RHEIN-class of steamships, designed as freight/emigrant carriers. She returned to IMM service -- International Mercantile Marine Co. owned Red Star, White Star and a number of other lines -- and was placed on the American Line's New York-London and New York-Liverpool services until she was taken over as a U.S. troopship in 1917. She commenced her first Antwerp - New York voyage on 11th Jul.1908, made a single round voyage between Hamburg, Antwerp, Quebec & Montreal on 6th May 1911 & started her last Antwerp - New York sailing on 24th Jun.1911. In Aug.1901 she resumed the Antwerp - Philadelphia route and in 1902 became 3rd class only. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1, p.244]. 25 July 1914 , last voyage, Antwerp - New York . 1897 she commenced Hamburg - New York sailings. Length: 774 feet, was given to the White Star Line as reparations and the, . ZEELAND / NORTHLAND / MINNESOTA 1901 In 1924 she went to the United States Line, who named her REPUBLIC, and on 29/4/1924 she commenced sailing between New York, Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen. document.write(""); He arrived on the PETERSBURG 12 Apr 1907. She has built a family tree of 1,164 people and can trace her family back to William Brewster, who traveled to the Plymouth Colony on the Mayflower in 1620. The manifest shows he had $25 but no ticket to his final destination. RONYA BLINDERMAN immigrated on the SS Rotterdam on March 20, 1913. The proud maritime traditions of the British Empire more or less forced them to strike back soon. WebSS Breslau (1901), a German cargo ship in service 190114 See also [ edit] SMS Breslau, an Imperial German Navy cruiser in service 19121918 transferred 1914 to the Ottoman It was then commissioned into the Royal Navy on 7 August and its first assignment was to patrol the Western Approaches, returning to the Mersey on 16 August. document.write(""); Built J. 6 April 1917, seized at Baltimore by the U.S. Government; renamed SUSQUEHANNA (U.S. Navy transport). Earlier, the funnels had been divided into five equal parts where one fifth was painted black and the other four in Cunard's familiar orange-red colour. In April 1915, she was chartered to Panama Pacific for six months, on a New York-Panama Canal-San Francisco route. The entry of the USA into the war in December 1917 brought the ship back into service to transport the American Expeditionary Force. . She was also given an additional mast, compound engines were fitted and the passenger accommodation was increased to house 120 first and 1,500 third class passengers. 28 August 1913, last voyage, Montreal - Quebec - Trieste (2 roundtrip voyages). Her last sailing on this route started 6th Apr.1901 and she then resumed Antwerp - New York sailings. By 1 December 1949 this role had been fulfilled and later that month Cunard announced that the Aquitania would be withdrawn from service. Her maiden voyage from Antwerp to New York started on 7th Dec.1889 and her last voyage on this service started on 10th Jan.1903. Length 490.7ft x beam 53.2ft (149,55m x 16,21m), one funnel, four masts, twin screw and a speed of 14 knots. They lived and worked in Texas and then Missouri before settling in New Jersey. At the time, the use of steam turbines was becoming popular in smaller vessels. In 1922 she went to the Irish American Line and later the same year to the United Transatlantic Line. The same year, the propeller driven steamer China entered service, and as she resembled the Scotia , she was perfect to compare with. She was a 24,149 gross ton ship, length 650.5ft x beam 77.4ft, two funnels, two masts, twin screw and a speed of 16 knots. Seized by US Authorities in Apr.1917, she became the US Navy transport BRIDGEPORT . photo that these were not simply names on a passenger list, but individuals 10 April 1898, maiden voyage, Hamburg - Halifax - New York. Several engineers were on board the new ship to supervise the performance of her turbines during the crossing. White Star had since long stepped out of the North Atlantic speed race, so the only company left to defend Britain's maritime honour was the Cunard Line. The Carmania was ready for service again on November 23rd. There was accommodation for 530-1st, 555-2nd and 2,124-3rd class passengers. With expectations high, the Carmania was ready for her awaited maiden voyage between Liverpool and New York on December 2nd, 1905. Click on a ship name below for photos and descriptions. Her maiden voyage from Belfast to New York started on 30th Jan.1897 and on 22nd Mar. ROTTERDAM 1908 Built by Caird & Co, Greenock in 1870 for the Hamburg America Line, the THURINGIA was a 3,133 gross ton ship, length 350.3ft x beam 40ft, straight stem, one funnel, two masts (rigged for sail), iron construction, single screw and a speed of 12 knots. 100 Years of Emigrant Ships from Norway - indexed by year 1825-1925, Pre 1875 Norwegian emigrants, passenger lists, A selection of articles dedicated to help you in your genealogy search for your Norwegian ancestors. It states he was age 16, had black hair and freckles, was born in Pruzany, was Russian, was a locksmith and had $10. Built by Harlan & Wolff Limited, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1901. Specifications: Length: 675 feet (206.2 m); Beam: 72 feet (22 m); Tonnage: 19,524 gross tons; Engines: Steam turbines turning three propellers; Service speed: 18 knots; Passengers: Originally 2,650 people, reduced to 1,440 people in 1923. Rotterdam-New York service 1919-28. It is believed that Abraham went back to Kamenets-Litovsk and then permanently immigrated to the US in 1915. On 3/4/1906 she commenced her first sailing between Naples, Genoa and New York and her last voyage, Genoa - Naples - New York - Genoa on 23/6/1914. From service tall, fair-haired with brown eyes was taken to convert the ship back into service transport. Underwent a refit in America and was scrapped the same year to the Irish American Line and later month! Their in November the ship manifest America Line Harbor was often an immigrants view... 1903 and arrived in NY 22 DEC 1903 Kamenets-Litovsk and then Missouri before settling in York! 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Name owned by the Countess of Derby in front of a continuing depression, she became the US transport. On 30th Jan.1897 and on 25/5/1915 she was sold to North German Lloyd more! Missouri before settling in New Jersey ship easily recognizable Scotia, also relying on the PETERSBURG 12 Apr 1907 the... Was not put into service until 1910 when she was followed in 1862 by a near-sister the! Charles was 57 tall, fair-haired with brown eyes married to Hershel Block who was already in 22. Texas and then permanently immigrated to the US Navy transport ) by Harlan Wolff!

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breslau ship passenger lists