classification of mystus seenghala

(Now this fish is not alive). In fact, it does not fly but often leaps into the air up to about six metres high. In fish such as Poecilia, these cells are granular long chromophobic types. According to some researchers, the thyroid activity increases during the sexual maturity of fish. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam. 2 showing different parasites collected from fresh water fishes . Very usefull, this is something what i needed Hypophysectomy and mammalian hormone injections show that the pituitary gland in fish produces nine different types of hormones like mammals. It is unable to climb trees. Some researchers have identified the pineal gland of fish as a light-sensitive and secretory organ. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Hormones have to rely on certain external stimuli such as light, temperature and water chemistry to function. The endocrine glands in fish and mammals differ due to the development and metaformosis of different systems. 8. Parathyroid hormone secreted from the anterior and posterior pituitary glands, insulin and glucagon are secreted from the pancreas, calcitonin is secreted from the ultimobronchial gland, relaxin hormones are secreted by the ovarian and hormones of other glands. All these activities are performed under the direction of the brain. Its secretion flows directly through the blood. The snout bears four pairs of barbels. Each islet is covered by a thin layer of connective tissue. Mystus seenghala is a very important commercial species, con-tributing substantially to the total inland fish production in South Asia. I cant wait to read far more from you. The extracellular mass contains a significant number of pancreatic islets of various . Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! They are ectothermic (cold blooded). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Dorsal spines (total): 1; Dorsal soft rays (total): 7; Anal spines: 0; Anal soft rays: 11 - 12. Melanin concentrates to reveal body color. Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Long-Evans Rat Through Feeding Fishes of Buriganga River and Their Histopathological Evaluation. Some aerial fish such as Channa punctatus, C. gachua, C. marulius, C. striatus and Heteroneustes fossilis have a dense and covered thyroid gland near the aortic artery (Belsare 1959). Its discovery is of special interest, because it is believed that crossopterygians (fleshy finned fish) were the ancestors of the first amphibians. The study of hormones is called hormonology. However, in some fish such as Parrotfish (Spariidae), Swordfish (Xiphias gladius), Gymnarchus niloticus and Thynnus thynnus it is densely packed and covered. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. Sperata seenghala Name Homonyms Mystus seenghala (Sykes, 1839) Bibliographic References. [1] Phylogenetic relationships within this genus are poorly understood, though it has been suggested that there are two major lineages. stream 1983). endobj It is histologically similar to the parathyroid glands of the upper vertebrae. Fresh Water Fishes Labeo, Catla, Clarias (Magur), Anguilla, Anabas, Mystus. It is carnivorous predatory fish feeding exclusively on small fishes, fish fry and prawns. Abidi 1977 Fecundity of the freshwater catfishes Mystus seenghala (Sykes), Mystus cavasius (Ham), Wallagonia attu (Bloch) and Hetereopneustes fossilis (Bloch) from the plains of northern India. It contains acidophils, cyanophils and chromophobes. Its secretion is called non-hormonal chemicals (such as sweat, milk, sebum, enzymes, etc.). In Mastacembelus armatus, it has a white macroscopic main islet in the duodenal loop near the front of the spleen which is covered by a thick connective collar capsule and it separates itself from the epidermal cells. It is also called adrenal cortical tissue. Later, the generic name of this species has undergone several replacements (Bagrus, Aorichthys, Mystus) and currently it is placed under the genus Sperata (Ferraris and Runge, 1999). Thyroid glandIn bony fish it is located along the arterial artery, in cartilage fish along the midline of the tongue muscleMesoderm and endodermThyroxineRole in accelerating sexual maturation, metabolism control, osmosis control and metamorphosis.Amine3.Ultimobranchial glandsIt is located esophageal ventral wall between esophagus and sinus venousEndodermCalcitoninIt plays a role in calcium metabolism.Peptide4. It is made up of solid and polygonal cell clusters covered by cell cords and capillaries. and A.G. Jhingran 1991 Inland fishes of India and adjacent countries. 5. Marine Fishes Exocoetus, Hippocampus, Solea, Echeneis (Sucker fish), Lophius (Angler fish). Skin has rudimentary scales. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. U%\bBnO4?|)+'|ZO However, the current study has found the opposite result. version (08/2021). The endocrine glands usually control the long-term activity of the target organ and control various physiological processes such as digestion, metabolism, growth, development, reproduction, etc. Fins are dorsal, pectoral, ventral, pelvic and caudal. A total of 60 fish of three different length groups (20 each) were collected from Head Qadirabad, Pakistan. The islet of spleen is usually covered by epidermal cells. Would you like email updates of new search results? Barbels extend posteriorly to pelvic fins or beyond to anal fin. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. However, cyanophils are aniline blue, Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), aldehyde fuchsin (AF) and aldehyde thionin. It's an important food fish found in the south Asia.,, They are also called Pupative Hormones. Hormones work especially well on certain organs. Class Chondrichtyes (With Diagram) | Cartilaginous Fishes, Dipnoi: Distribution, Morphology and Affinities | Bony Fishes, Difference between Insect and Spider | Animal Kingdom. 2. Meso-adenohypophysis decreases in size at different times of the year. Enzymes are secreted from the exocrine glands. This fish is also eaten. Final Report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081. Dorsal spine weakly serrated on its posterior edge; adipose fin base short, about as long as the rayed dorsal fin base. In Mystus aor, it resembles sagitate, in Bagarius bagarius it resembles a rosette or rose, in Wallago attu it is angular and in Nangra punctata it is funnel-shaped. The ADW Team gratefully acknowledges their support. Some researchers believe that A2 cells secrete gastrin-like material or a lipocyclic-like substance. Facultative air-breathing in the genus (Ref. Iodinated amino acids: Iodine is combined with amino acids to produce iodinated amino acids such as thyroxine. In different fish, the pineal sacs vary in size and shape. [2] Species [ edit] There are currently 46 recognized species in this genus: Mystus abbreviatus ( Valenciennes, 1840) Some teleosts have lymphocytes and migratory cyanophils in this region. 1. This gland secretes two peptide hormones, urotensin-1 and urotensin-2. Hormones maintain or regulate the bodys internal environmental factors such as temperature control, water and ion balance, blood glucose levels, and so on. 2020 Regents of the University of Michigan. In most teleost fish, internal tissue is found in the main kidney near the posterior cardinal vein. These hormones help in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. It is thought that the hormone thymosin secreted by this gland plays a role in the growth of the body. endobj It is a long and lobed organ. Different types of hormones are secreted from the endocrine glands. In some species, such as Anguilla and Poecilia, two types of acidophils cells have been distinguished based on location, morphology, and pigmentation capacity. (3) Transition lobe or meso-adenohypophysis. Genbank common name: giant river-catfish NCBI BLAST name: bony fishes Rank: species . Labeo bata. Group :- CRANIATA ( Cranium with brain present ). Adult male and female fishes migrate from river to sea where they lay eggs and die. Respiration is supplemented with two lungs. Caught with other fishes from fishing operations. In Carassius fish, it helps in cell melanogenesis. [3], In the wild it is found in Indian Subcontinent countries such as, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Myanmar. We also earn by displaying ads by Google AdSense. x=rG?#0!4p8gHk O)0a 53pzg|s~?_,..]\>Wvpik9Z}m7Ol|"+Segw//Q*3-3,3X^o?W2~C^Y4b/Y:~ & It is usually a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex (cortisol, aldosterone), ovaries (estrogen and progesterone), testis (testosterone) and placenta (estrogen and progesterone). Normally less active follicles contain thinner epithelium. Beta cells secrete insulin in fish. 15. This gland is found in all types of vertebrates. Darshan, Abujam, Humar, Parhi, Singh, et al. Generally brownish colour along the trunk (back). This . The endoskeleton is cartilaginous in the embryonic stage, but in the adult forms more or less it is replaced by bones. Stimulates pancreatic secretion. Alpha cells are triangular in shape with abnormal nuclei and their cytoplasm is AF. Lepidosiren (South American Lung Fish): It is found in river Amazon and Paraguay basin in South America. A total of 60 fish of three different length groups (20 each) were collected from Head Qadirabad, Pakistan. Pituitary(1)Posterior lobe-NeurohypophysisBase of the brainEcto and mesodermArginine vesotocinControlling osmosis and maintaining salt-water balance.PeptideOxytocinHelping to have sex and lay eggs.Peptide(2) Middle lobe or region-meta-adenohypophysisIntermedin (MSH)Assistance in melanogenesis (Fundulus)PeptideMelanophore Concentrating Hormone(MCH)Melanin concentrates to reveal body color.Peptide(3) Transition lobe or meso-adenohypophysisGrowth hormone inhibitory hormone(GHIH)Inhibiting the growth of the body.PeptideGrowth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH)Assists in the growth of the body.PeptideThyrotropin(TH)Control of thyroid gland secretion.PeptideGonadotropin(LH,FSH)Controlling the secretion of sex hormones.PeptideProlactinAssistance in melanogenesis with MSH.Peptide(4) Anterior lobe or region-Pro-adenohypophysisProlactinAssists in electrolyte control and melanogenesis.PeptideCorticotropic releasing hormone(CRH)stimulates the pituitary synthesis of ACTHPeptideAdrenocorticotropic hormone(ACTH)Assistance in adrenal cortical secretion control and melanogenesis.Peptide2. All hormones are made up of proteins or polypeptides.,,,,, Aorichthys aor sarwari Mirza, Nawaz & Javed, 1992, Sperata sarwari (Mirza, Nawaz & Javed, 1992). 13. Various studies have shown that two types of gonadotropes are found in fish which are known as FSH and LH in mammals. Recent studies on Mystus vittatus shown that the pineal organ affects the maturation of fish gonads. The below mentioned article provides biology notes on Class Osteichthyes. Function: These cells control the secretion of sex hormones. From an embryological point of view it originates from the pronephric or mesonepric tube (Belsare 1973). External nares lie on the dorsal surface of the snout. Two short threads like structures, the barbels, are present. Accessibility First dorsal fin contain week and raised dorsal spine. Type Information. endobj The male bears a brood pouch in which the female lays eggs and the latter remain there till they hatch. Gills are weakly developed. They were Mystus seengte, M. malabaricus, M. montanus, M. oculatus and Mystus armatus. This Bagridae-related article is a stub. Disclaimer: The NCBI taxonomy database is not an authoritative source for nomenclature or classification - please consult the relevant scientific literature for the most reliable information. Somatropes (STH cells): It is formed from acidophils cells of pro-adenohypophysis and meso-adenohypophysis and is pigmented by orange G. Some species of teleost have two types of acidophil cells. 10. 2008 Jun;34(2):169-74. doi: 10.1007/s10695-007-9157-2. one-third of LC50, for 16 weeks except for the control groups. The sperm, which resembles an open folded sac, produces spermatocytes. We suggest you upgrade to a modern browser. Live fingerlings (2 size) of Channa species are used in Hyderabad once every year (in June) to cure asthma free of cost. Most forms are oviparous, some are ovoviviparous. GonadsBody cavityMesodermTestosteroneDevelops the reproductive system.SteroidAndrogenDevelopment of secondary sexual characteristics in men;SteroidEstrogenAccelerating the growth and development of the female reproductive system; DevelopmentSteroidProgesteroneLittle is known about the functions in fish. The idea is that all these heterotropic thyroid follicles migrate from the pharyngeal region to different parts of the body. It lives in rivers and large lakes of tropical Africa. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Estrogen stimulates the growth of secondary sex organs in female fish and promotes the growth of developing ovarian follicles. This fish is also eaten. Epub 2007 Aug 3. Meanings for Mystus seenghala This is a species of catfish in the family Bagridae found in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Myanmar. Effects of curcumin on haematological values, immunity, antioxidant status and resistance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) against Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. The sexual maturation of fish and the development of gametes take place in the presence of sex hormones. They are dynamic and arise in one place and act in another. Thus they have bony endoskeleton. This material is based upon work supported by the (1) Chief cells These cells are dense and columnar in shape and have transparent cytoplasm attached. Secretin affects the enzyme-carrying juices from the pancreas and accelerates the flow of zymogens. its classification into particular taxa, Morphometry is an important tool (3). They are separated by connective tissue and surrounded by fibrous capsules. Fishermen brought the specimen to Miss Courtenary Latimer, Curator of the local museum. Body elongate and compressed; snout broad and spatulate. There are currently 46 recognized species in this genus: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Water . However, as a result of the proliferation of multiple branches of the parenchyma (Neurohypophysis), it can be easily distinguished from meta-adenohypophysis. These cells also contain sodium ions and help in the metabolism of electrolytes. The connective tissue trabeculae of all islets contain numerous small blood vessels. Heterotropic thyroid follicles, interenal and stannius corpuscles are present in the kidneys. The mouth of fingerling is filled with some herb and the patient is made to swallow it. The pectoral spine of the species may give painful wounds and sometimes can be venomous. These cells contain glycoproteins and are stained by PAS, aldehyde fuchsin (FA), alcian blue and aniline blue. simply extremely magnificent. Ghiasi F, Mirzargar SS, Badakhshan H, Shamsi S (2010) Effects of low concentration of cadmium on the level of lysozyme in serum, leukocyte count and phagocytic index in Cyprinus carpio under the wintering conditions. It plays a role in controlling physical growth or decline, color, and sexual characteristics etc. Also your theme color is so attractive. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. c_6 6~Y5yOW?3\]c(+S@n7.~wK4ievmRxSTztRU^%!SZ%!% Super class:- PISCES (Paired fins , gills and skin with scales). Life cycle and mating behavior Maturity | Reproduction | Spawning | Eggs | Fecundity | Larvae It is thought that this hormone also plays a role in regulating secretion. Body divisible into head, trunk and tail. In some species, such cells have a follicular structure. The thymus gland is located on the dorsal or ventral side of the gill arch. Manage Settings The presence of two distinct cells in meta-adenohypophysis suggests that the region secretes two types of hormones. It is a storage organ that releases substances produced in the neurosecretory cells of the spinal cord. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Second dorsal fin is much smaller adipose. It is thought that it also plays a role in reproduction and spawning. in the pineal organ has been found (Srivastava et al. Gonadotropes, however, are not stained by AF. In 1839, a scientist named Stannius first described the presence of this particle in the kidneys of sturgeon as a distinct glandular structure. CALOTES : GARDEN LIZARD CLASSIFICATION OF CALOTES : GARDEN LIZARD PHYLUM:-CHORDATA(Notochord, LARGEST, HEAVIEST, FASTEST, SMALLEST FISHES LARGEST MARINE FISH Largest marine fish :-, PASSER DOMESTICUS : SPARROW CLASSIFICATION OF PASSER DOMESTICUS : SPARROW, CLARIUS : MAGUR CLASSIFICATION OF CLARIUS : MAGUR Phylum:-CHORDATA ( Notochord and dorsal tubular, MACACA MULATA : RHESUS MONKEY CLASSIFICATION OF MACACA MULATA : RHESUS MONKEY. Although mammalian endocrinology is more advanced, but studies have been performed on hormone-regulating functions in fish. J Fish Aquat Sci 5:113119. and A.G. Jhingran 1991 Inland fishes of India and adjacent countries. Fertilization is generally external. It is a fresh water fish and shows sexual dimorphism. Hormones are generally of four types, viz. World Wide Web electronic publication. Table no. 2013. 2019. It is surrounded by extracellular glands and connective tissue. This has led to its common name climbing perch. Carps have toothless mouth with scales on the body; however, head is without scales. Table: Difference Between Endocrine and Exocrine GlandsEndocrine GlandExocrine GlandSince the endocrine gland does not have a duct, it is called ductless gland.Since the duct of the exocrine gland exists, it is called duct gland.Its secretion is called hormones (such as somatotrophin, testosterone, thyroxin, etc. version (08/2021). Dr. Chandra Barooah & Lani Sarma (2016) Assam Science Technology and Environment Council. It does not store any personal data. National Science Foundation This tissue is adjacent to the intra neural collar. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Adenohypophysis):It is divided into three types: These are: Pro-adenohypophysist: It covers most of the frontal lobes of adenohypophysis. The study of endocrine glands is called endocrinology. The Major Glands of the Endocrine System What You Need to Know, Best Retinoscopes: Review and Buying Guide, Neon Tetra: Fish Species Profile and Care Facts, Aquaclear 20 vs 30 : Which One Is Better Choice for Your Aquarium. Meta-adenohypophysis:It is usually located in the posterior part of the hypophysis. The dried skin of the sea horse is used for the preparation of some ornaments. 1 0 obj Volume 2. Downloaded July 2006. Discov Nat 6:813, Ashraf MA, Maah MJ, Yusoff I, Mehmood K (2010) Effects of polluted water irrigation on environment and health of people in Jamber, District Kasur, Pakistan. Division:-GNATHOSTOMATA( Jaws and paired appendages present ). SUB-CLASS :- ACTINOPTYERGII ( Ray finned fish ). In lung fishes internal nares are also present. Al-Asgah NA, Abdel-Warith AW, Younis el-SM, Allam HY. The islets in Channa punctatus are located near the spleen and pylorus. Pathogenic bacteria have the potential to proliferate or maintain them in the aquatic environment. Their cytoplasm is AF+. Cyanophils is seen as the main ingredient during fish maturation and spawning. FishBase. In Clarias batrachus, Heteropneustes fossilis, and Mystus seenghala, the exocrine glands are more precise, and the largest part is located in the mesentery along the blood vessels or bile ducts between the two lobes of the liver. Initially, Sykes (1839) described this species as Platystoma seenghala. The following is a description of these cells: Prolactin cells: These cells are mainly located in pro-adenohypophysis and meso-adenohypophysis or pars distalis and form dense mass. Impacts of heavy metals on early development, growth and reproduction of fish - A review. Moreover, evidence of the presence of metallic elements and components such as chromium, nickel, chromium phosphide, copper, aluminum copper, etc. In most teleosts, the thyroid gland is composed of numerous follicles surrounding the arterial artery and the afferent bronchial blood vessel. They are carnivorous, e.g., Ophiocephalus (- Channa) punctatus. Assistance in adrenal cortical secretion control and melanogenesis. Dorsal spine weakly serrated on its posterior edge; adipose fin base short, about as long as the rayed dorsal fin base. Animals have two types of glands called exocrine glands and endocrine glands. Disclaimer. They are mostly herbivorous. In carp and neoplasms, urophysis has a distinct oval structure. Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) Why do you think that carbohydrates are not digested in the stomach? It is covered by the germinal layer. Draw a neatly labeled diagram of chloroplast found in leaf, and its role in photosynthesis? Recent studies have shown that potential areas and cell types are responsible for the release of these hormones. It is an excellent food fish. So these two systems are called integrated systems. Corpuscles of StanniusPosterior part of the kidneyMesodermUnknownMaintaining electrolyte homeostasis.Unknown10. The Wallago attu contains specific pancreas that is located within the liver. These glands are located inside and outside the body. The snout bears four pairs of barbels. Beta (B) cells in the cells are involved in the secretion of insulin and in aldehyde fuschin (AF) pigment, it shows a dark purple. Explain with suitable example. The exoskeleton, if present comprises cycloid, ctenoid or ganoid scales, which are dermal in origin. Migrating within streams, migratory in rivers, e.g. As the connective tissue enters the gland, it forms acinus. Lateral line system is well developed. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Haematological and biochemical parameters and tissue accumulations of cadmium in Oreochromis niloticus exposed to various concentrations of cadmium chloride. 12. Heterobagrus Bleeker, 1864 In Goldfish (Carassius auratus), Muller (1953) has been shown to increase their oxygen uptake by applying the hormone thyroxine, but Matty (1954) has shown that removal of the thyroid gland in the elasmobranch (surgical thyroidectomy) has no effect on respiration. Color is brownish-gray on back, silvery on flanks and belly. The duration of exposure was 30, 60, 90 and 120 days. Its secretion is called hormones (such as somatotrophin, testosterone, thyroxin, etc.). Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. and A.G. Jhingran 1991 Inland fishes of India and adjacent countries. In some fish, such as Puntius ticto, the interenal cells form a thick granular lump. Description Body elongate and compressed; snout broad and spatulate. All have three chambered heart (two auricles and one ventricle). They have 4 pairs of gills which are covered by an operculum on each side. Large grains of neurosecretory material are sometimes called herring bodies. In some teleosts, chromafin cells are scattered in the main kidney. Some other large and small islets are located in the mesenteric arteries near the gallbladder and bile ducts. FishBase. They are bigger in size and their growth rate is faster, e.g., Labeo rohita, Labeo calbasu, Cirrhinus mrigala, Catla catla, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Grass carp). The concentration of fluoride ion was 1 1.0 ppm. ;, version (12/2013). Volume 2. Biochemical parameters such as ALT, AST, total lipid and glucose level in Cd exposure groups were significantly higher, while the total protein level was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in all treated groups as compared to control groups. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This hormone is synthesized from the anterior region of the small intestine. The endocrine gland is unanimously referred to as the ductless gland whose secretory substance is released directly into the blood or lymph. RBCs are oval and nucleated. Hormones are made up of peptides and proteins or amines or steroids or fatty acids derivatives. First three were collected from Wayanad and remaining ones were from Trichur. In fish (Heteropneustes, Clarias, Channa) hyperglycemia occurs when glucose is applied and hypoglycemia occurs when insulin is applied, resulting in degradation of beta cells. Division :- GNATHOSTOMATA ( Jaws and paired appendages present ). These are gastrointestinal peptides that are classified as specific hormones or paracrine agents. Cyanophils in this region exhibit negative reactions to Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), aldehyde fuchsin (AF) and aldehyde thionin. 4. Phylum:-CHORDATA ( Notochord and dorsal tubular nerve cord present and gill-slits present). Known from Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Krishna, Godavary, and Cauvery river systems. ).Its secretion flows directly through the blood.Its secretion flows through the duct.These glands are located inside the body.These glands are located inside and outside the body.It operates in the target region, far from the place of origin.It operates near the point of origin or in the distant target area.In animals, such glands are pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, gonad, etc.Such glands in animals are sweat glands, breast glands, salivary glands, sebaceous glands, stomach, liver and pancreas.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'biologyeducare_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',550,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-biologyeducare_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Since the endocrine gland does not have a duct, it is called ductless gland. Brownish colour along the trunk ( back ) that are classified as specific hormones or paracrine agents are in. 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In Carassius fish, it forms acinus labeled diagram of chloroplast found in all types of hormones surrounded by capsules! Dorsal fin base to take advantage of the kidneyMesodermUnknownMaintaining electrolyte homeostasis.Unknown10 are by. The number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc )... S an important tool ( 3 ) an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology a as. ( Cranium with brain present ) on hormone-regulating functions in fish such as,... Horse is used to store the user consent for the control groups South.! Lepidosiren ( South American Lung fish ) from an embryological point of view originates... Streams, migratory in rivers and large lakes of tropical Africa blood vessel lineages... Gland plays a role in the metabolism of electrolytes present in the stomach broad spatulate..., Parhi, Singh, et al stimuli such as thyroxine as somatotrophin, testosterone,,... Fish Aquat Sci 5:113119. and A.G. 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classification of mystus seenghala