hms hecla crew list

dailyinfo[3]=' 45 Gunner HAZURA SINGH 31st Mountain Battery Indian Mountain Artillery who died 03/03/1920 TEHRAN MEMORIAL Iranm ' The naval historian E C Coleman writes that by the time of her sale she was the most experienced polar explorer in the world. The Great War Forum Limited Gladstone Service Record. Have you traced your Grandfather's personal record? Edith Cavell (100th Anniversary of Execution 12th Oct 2015). Prior to that had been at Chatham as Depot Ship 7th Submarine Flot. dailyinfo[21]=' L/32287 Driver John Frampton GAZE "O" Bty. Sherwood Foresters. The collection held by the Lloyd's Register Foundation (LRF) comprises survey reports, plans and correspondence that relate to specific ships that were surveyed between 1834 and the late 1960s. Kenneth Charles Collings (standing middle) and four unidentified crewmen seen on HMS Hecla. dailyinfo[6]=' Lieutenant Thomas McKenny HUGHES Twice Mentioned in Despatches 53rd Sqdn. The third and final Hecla Rediscovered blog covers her third voyage to the Arctic and her expedition to the North Pole. Having contributed to the days victory,Heclareturned to England via Gibraltar and put in at Deptford while her fate was discussed at the Admiralty. By creating an account you agree to us emailing you with newsletters and discounts, which you can switch off in your account at any time. Old Sweats 506 Acle, Norfolk False Bay Hecladetonated a mineat 15.59 hours killing 21 of the crew (with 3 missing and 116 injured). Coy. dailyinfo[12]=' Captain Glanvill Richard CATTARNS Military Cross, Mentioned in Despatches 6th Bn. [1] She was fitted with a hangar and helideck aft to allow operation of a single Westland Wasp helicopter, while two surveying launches were carried.[1][3]. Turning his attention southHeclaandGriperexplored the inlet they had spotted for over 120 miles before they were once again hampered by impenetrable ice. Fifth Army Chinese Labour Corps who died 20/02/1918 ST. ETIENNE-AU-MONT COMMUNAL CEMETERY France ' The submarine fired a spread of four torpedoes at its target, though only one hit. Jeffreys Service Record. Is there a crew list for HMS majestic? [5]With severe reductions in naval strength and manpower and the sale or demolition of British warships, the future of vessels likeHeclaappeared uncertain. image: HMS Hecla pitches sharply to one side. The Admiralty instantly promoted Parry to the rank of commander and the expedition was hailed a tremendous success. After re-joiningGriperthe expedition continued to push westwards. Dozens of whale pods were sighted in the Sound and noted in the journals by Captain Sabine of the Royal Artillery, a friend of Parry and the official astronomer assigned to Ross expedition. By February the sun was spotted and the temperature slowly rose, though it was another six months before the ice began to break andHeclaandGriperwere ready to sail. var mydate=new Date() With her steering gear out of commission, the cruiser HMSGambia towed Hecla to Simonstown, a suburb of Cape Town, South Africa for repairs. On 21 April 1971, two launches attached to HMS Hecate were towed out to sea and bombed by the Provisional Irish Republican Army while the vessels were moored at Baltimore, Republic . This article recounts the complete story of the shipHecla, better known as HMS (His Majestys Ship)Hecla. Unfortunately i am unable to name any of the crew. Keep your eyes on the Centre's social media channels for part two of our Hecla Rediscovered series! Willan Service Record. No other expedition had ever wintered with ships as far north as Parry was to attempt. Tyrwhitt Service Record. if (month<10) month="0"+month Once again encountering a solid mass of ice blocking their way, with no other way to turn, the two crews set about cutting their way through towards what had been dubbed Hecla and Griper Bay. self-accounting. Hecla was sold to private interests, being renamed "Bligh" after Vice-Admiral William Bligh. The names of the men on the official corrected Admiralty. dailyinfo[27]=' 5778 Private William CUMMINGS 6th Bn. I believe this may be the photo in question ( stokers HMS Hecla), You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Like many of her sister ships of the same class,Heclawas named after a volcano, in her case the Icelandic volcano Hekla. dailyinfo[7]=' Major Surtees ATKINSON Military Cross Royal Field Artillery who died 07/02/1918 FULFORD CEMETERY United Kingdom ' It is suspected he was injured. mejestic in 1929. departed from south hampton,england and arrived in new york on june 1929. i would like. Royal Flying Corps who died 06/02/1918 LIJSSENTHOEK MILITARY CEMETERY Belgium ' You can click on any of the names for possible additional information. '[18] In these amusing stories these pages show that the officers and men of Parrys Expedition had not only survived the harsh Arctic winter, but also kept their good humour, retained their optimism, and thrived. also took part in the board of enquiry into the loss of HMS Destroyer and resultant Court Marshal. [6], Hecla soon proved herself "a very wet ship." Leake Service Record. H.M.S. Originally torpedo depot ship and played important role in developing British torpedo forces she became a Destroyer Depot ship. So you will have to visit. HMS Hecla, (ex-"British Crown" ) launched 1878, 6,400 tons, 4-12 pdr guns. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. If you have found out any more information regarding HMS Hecla I would be grateful if you could share it. The National Archives. H.M.S. Contents [ hide ] 1 Service 2 Captains 3 See Also 4 Footnotes 5 Bibliography Service In mid-May 1878, it was proposed to refit Hecla at Portsmouth as an armed troopship carrying five 64-pdr 71 cwt guns and one 40-pdr B.L. dailyinfo[9]=' 910311 Private Charles Henry CROMWELL 2nd Canadian Constr. Inline images in messages are the copyright of the respective linked sites. Bodies of men from HMS Racoon and HMS Magic are also buried at Rathmullan which probably indicates that the lough was quite an important base. Leinster Regiment who died 27/02/1918 JERUSALEM MEMORIAL Israel and Palestine (including Gaza) ' The ship was decommissioned in 1990.. History. U-boat Attack: See our U-boat attack entry for the HMS Hecla (i) . The HMS Hecla was a British destroyer tender warship which was completed in January 1941; The role of the 10,850 ton ship and crew was to provide maintenance support to a flotilla of other warships and Gen. Hos. The capital ships of the Royal Navy, the cruisers and battleships, and other large ships including HMS. On his return towards the Lancaster SoundHeclasighted three whaling ships. var year=mydate.getYear() gun. Ships of the Royal Navy, 1882. Chesneau, Robert; Kolesnik, Eugene (editors) (1979). We can reunite you with your friends who served at HMS Hecla and we have a wealth of information on different units, bases and ships in the site. Jan. 30, 2011. victualing account John C.H.Harber, Master at Arms (responsible for The National Archives. Links are given Originally torpedo depot ship and played important role in developing British torpedo forces she became a Destroyer Depot ship. //-->, By dailyinfo[4]=' Matrose Paul KURZKE Torpedoboot "G85" German Navy who died 04/03/1919 CANNOCK CHASE GERMAN MILITARY CEMETERY United Kingdom ' Law, RN) is undocked at the Simonstown Dockyard. The names on this list link to further details of their lives supplied by the men themselves or their families. This is an old thread but was wondering if anyone was still following it. else { document.write(fontstart+"No major events today"+fontend); } On the night of 5 November both crews were called toHeclafor the opening of the North Georgia Theatre and a performance of the play Little Miss in Her Teens by Parry and his officers. Law, RN) struck a mine laid by Doggerbank off Capetown. Bonham Service Record. In these vessels Parry and his men had ventured further west into the Arctic Circle than any other known people, entitling them to a reward of 5000 granted by the Kings Order in Council and enacted in an Act of Parliament known as the Longitude Acts. She was ordered in the mid-1960s, along with her sister ships HMSHecate and HMSHydra. At 23.15 on 11 November 1942 the first torpedo struck HMS Hecla. As the principal port for the city of Edinburgh and the southeast of Scotland, it has been fascinating to document the shipping history of Leith through the eyes of Lloyd's Register's long serving surveyor, Walter Paton. This will be the destroyer or patrol vessel the sailor actually served on. Project Undaunted aims to catalogue and digitise this vast collection with a view to making it accessible to the public. By 1817, after the victory against Napoleonic rule in Europe and the woeful state of Britains national debt, the British government was no longer willing to support a wartime navy. Lincolnshire Regiment who died 05/03/1916 CITE BONJEAN MILITARY CEMETERY, ARMENTIERES France ' var dailyinfo= new Array(31) Kings Royal Rifle Corps who died 02/03/1915 YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL Belgium ' Originally commissioned for service in the Mediterranean under Commander William Popham,Heclasaw action only once in her naval career; at the bombardment of Algiers on 27 August 1816. On 15 May 1942 she struck, amidships, one of 80 mines laid a month prior by the auxiliary minelayer Doggerbank, killing 24 and wounding another 112 men. My step grandfather was also posted to HMS Hecla ( Faulknor). Sadly the body of the third man was never found and he is commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial. Or perhaps additional information?If you wish to add a crewmember to the listing we would need most of this information: ship name, nationality, name, dob, place of birth, service (merchant marine, ), rank or job on board. Johnny Harber, Master of Arms, compiled a list of the men saved by HMS, . Relying on anonymous submissions, the paper boasted news updates, a theatre review, songs, poems and even adverts; all of which were copied into a book and circulated among the crew. Further on, news fromHeclascrows nest reported to Parry that a great expanse of ice blocked their westerly passage past Prince Leopold Island. Bluecher German Navy who died 29/01/1915 CANNOCK CHASE GERMAN MILITARY CEMETERY United Kingdom ' Contents (plate number): 1. For his third Northwest Passage expedition, William Parry was in command of HMS Hecla, supported by HMS Fury under Henry Parkyns Hoppner. A fourth ship, HMS Herald, was completed in the early 1970s. Try this link for a photograph of the Hecla; InHeclaParry had achieved more than any other Arctic expedition, and it was not long afterwards that the Admiralty announced she was to be fitted out for a return voyage. The National Archives. HMS Herald was a Hecla -class ocean survey ship that served with the Royal Navy during both the Falklands War and Gulf War . '[15] Despite this steady routine the crew still had a great deal of free time, and with over ten months of winter, three of which in total darkness, Parry was determined to keep up morale. After goodbyes had been said and the crowds of well-wishers had departed, HMSHeclaand HMSGriperleft Britain on 11 May 1819. She required repairs to the pistons of her main engines and her complement of second-class torpedo boats. The photographs were mainly taken at Portsmouth and Plymouth. I have found a photo of stokers from around 1914-1916 which is captioned as HMS Hecla. The sea was open before us, free from ice or land. June 27, 2017 I believe my father was a crew member on HMS Hecla. I believe that they have now been filmed. In mid-May 1878, it was proposed to refit Hecla at Portsmouth as an armed troopship carrying five 64-pdr 71 cwt guns and one 40-pdr B.L. Navigating a treacherous path through ice floes that nearly crushed the two ships, halted at 113 46 33 west Parry finally decided to turn back and search for another route to the south. Backed by a wind pushing her further into the Lancaster Sound, two shores could be seen, rocky and mountainous to the south, and another, smooth and lower to the north. when I signed on as a supernumerary for a voyage to the West Indies on dailyinfo[25]=' 262952 Private Archibald Stanley BURGNEAY 8th Bn. History note. A133 HMS Hecla present at Plymouth Navy Days 1967. going on leave, returning from leave, changing messes, becoming Messages 1 through 24. When looking at the Naval records and base ships such as HMS Hecla and HMS Blake you should look for a name in brackets after the base ship. South Lancashire Regiment who died 12/02/1917 BASRA MEMORIAL Iraq ' Stewart Service Record. entitled to a tot and anything that could effect the numbers being fed Go to MaritimeQuest - HMS. HMS Hecate (A137) was a Royal Navy deep ocean survey vessel of the Hecla class.She was present at the "presentation of fleet colours" review in Torbay on 29 July 1969. who served in the Royal Navy but when a self-accounting ship like HMS, his list of the 858 officers and men aboard, when dailyinfo[24]=' Captain Denzil Robert THURSTON Air Force Cross Airship Training Wing (Cranwell). She was ordered in the mid-1960s, along with her sister ships HMS Hecate and HMS Hydra. He was awarded DSO, DSC, Coix de Guirre.". Spurred on by the reward, and the belief that the Northwest Passage could be navigated before the end of the season, the two ships ploughed on. Aboard HMS Hecla (F 20) when hit on 12 Nov 1942 HMS Hecla was originally built as a Hecla Class bomb vessel, ordered by the Royal Navy on 5 June 1813. A137 HMS Hecate Assigned 829 Sq Wasp HAS.1 XS532 as Hecate Flt/418-HT, until c Nov 1969. ( responsible for the National Archives mine laid by Doggerbank off Capetown channels for part two of our Rediscovered. Been said and the expedition was hailed a tremendous success from around 1914-1916 is... Plate number ): 1 to the North Pole 1878, 6,400 tons, 4-12 pdr guns stokers from 1914-1916! Attack entry for the HMS Hecla ( Faulknor ) John C.H.Harber, Master Arms... Was in command of HMS Hecla link to further details of their lives supplied by the saved. 11 May 1819 the sailor actually served on 11 May 1819 accessible to the public Arms. ] = ' < b > 910311 Private Charles Henry CROMWELL 2nd Canadian Constr ;:! Volcano, in her case the Icelandic volcano Hekla unidentified crewmen seen on HMS Hecla ( i.... Both the Falklands War and Gulf War the top of the crew ``. Important role in developing British torpedo forces she became a Destroyer Depot ship and played important in. Ocean survey ship that served with the Royal Navy during both the Falklands War and War! 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The complete story of the page across from the article title was also posted to HMS Hecla of! For a photograph of the men themselves or their families http: // Royal Navy, the cruisers battleships. Member on HMS Hecla ( Faulknor ) whaling ships Hecla soon proved herself `` a very wet ship ''!

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hms hecla crew list