how to use your feminine energy in a relationship

Thats when youre allowing someone to block your own blessings and your feminine energy. 4. A man who is courting you will want to make sure he treats you well because he wants you to be his girl. Speaking from the feminine means speaking your feelings, offering an invitation to see if the masculine will meet it. When you trust your own desires. Pleasure exists everywhere. In fact, when you disconnect from your emotions, you start to lose your femininity. And then utilize your masculine to help you act on it! Then you can easily express your emotions on paper if that works for you. The feminine is life force energy. Because of that, your body, in itself, is beautiful. Youll stiffen up, especially around men; youll be guarded. Sep 2016 - Jan 20225 years 5 months. Pleasure connects you to your body, to your senses. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Let him use his masculine energy to support you and make things feel lighter for you. If youre a feminine woman whos spent most of your life in your masculine (and if youre still reading this, you probably are), returning to your feminine will feel deeply nourishing. Balancing your masculine energy will remove the feeling of fear and lack of confidence. Places can be characterized as either masculine or feminine, depending on their overarching characteristics. You have a stronger feelings of empathy and compassion for yourself and othersYou have a strong desire to connect with more femalesYou feel drawn to the arts as a way to express yourselfYou have no need for competing against and judging othersYou understand that your true power comes through self-love and self-careMore items Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Moving from your head into your body 4. Some of us think of the feminine as being quiet and rejuvenating, but that's only half the story. This is a very old-fashioned way of dating, but its effective. Our vision is to become a supportive community where youll feel that theres someone out there who gets you, supports you in creating and keeping strong bonds between your families and friends. They love having to fight for the woman of their dreams. Then the Divine Feminine principle will no longer be a mystery to you. Because when youre vulnerable, youre actually letting someone see your feminine side. Even though we can be really good at using our masculine energy, it also often leaves us feeling exhausted, burned out, and depleted. Youll also form a deep connection to your intuition. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. If you find yourself feeling a lot of resistance to this idea, I want you to go inside yourself and really feel what comes up when you imagine giving up control. WebBeing in your feminine allows you to experience the joy of synergy with a man, to demonstrate care and nurturing, and to set loving boundaries. When you notice yourself longing for a relationship, feel where that longing resides in your body and be with it. If youre too available all the time, it can make you appear desperate and needy. I Thought He Liked Me But He Has A Girlfriend Now What? You can effortlessly achieve it by simply being light, joyful, playful, and positive. Required fields are marked *. Here's what you need to know about how to be more feminine and get in touch with your feminine side. If we're always acting in an extroverted way, it creates a schism within. Allowing yourself to feel, embracing your heart, and tapping into your internal energy is the key to discovering empowerment and beauty. Without becoming aware of these patterns, a protective barrier is formed around the heart the place where the feminine essence is sourced. Once, a man I liked shared with me that his restaurant business wasnt doing well. Masculine and feminine energy depend upon one another to exist. Your emotions are there to protect you and to make you feel better after a while. The thing is that if you sleep with him right away, he may not think that youre girlfriend material and will only think of you as a one-night stand. Whats more, men dont want to be around someone who is always available to hang out with them. Move your body daily. You can also add that you always feel extremely safe next to him and that his love feels like a warm embrace. That said, the words "feminine" and "masculine" can still be helpful in describing two different and opposing ways of being. We all hate when someone tells us to smile more. Men love it when youre playful. Successful women are resented. The anger is valid. Im not saying that everyone is prone to doing that, but most of us are. 3. This will show him that youre a woman who respects herself and her body, and who isnt easy. There is nothing better for a relationship than giving yourself the space to express your emotions as they come, so do not be afraid to show how you feel on the inside to your significant other; claim your loving nature and have fun with it. You dont have to always be the femme fatale that you see in media, youre allowed to also be helpless and emotional from time to time. Honor your emotions and your intuitive side. A note from Demetra today in July 2022. Its important to show a man that you appreciate his efforts in trying to win you over. This means no initiating communication, no texting, no reaching out, no sending Facebook and Instagram follow requests, and definitely no suggesting or planning dates if he is not asking you out! And men arent allowed to be feminine, either god forbid they feel their bodies or their emotions. So at the end of the day, you have to be the father and the mother to your children. Strangely, in the process of trying to prove we were equal to men, the message became, Women should be more like men.. The same way you havent been taught how to embody your feminine, men havent been taught to embody their masculine in a healthy, integrated way. Your feminine energy will be so much stronger if you feel more confident in your own body. Men are the "outies"; women are the "innies." Here are 11 ways to tap into your feminine energy before a first date. When you make a man feel important, he will treat you with respect and kindness. As human beings, we all possess masculine and feminine energies. Undefined cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. To see more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. Many women decided the most beautiful traits of femininity were conditioned, unnatural, and harmful. My passion is to empower you to create and live your most beautiful life and business by design. A woman who embraces her feminine energy practices self-care. Your intuition is your inner sense of knowing, thats not dependent on anything else. Stop Trying So Hard Let it happen. Its also okay for him to not be able to notice when you look beautiful. The same as having pleasure for the sake of pleasure, beauty for the sake of beauty matters. WebSev Consulting Intl. Anything that expresses your flow is considered feminine. Think Aloud is a destination where youll find stories about every step you, as a woman, take. As the masculine gives, the feminine receives. Find a way to regain your femininity while youre in a relationship with a man. Your individual way of creating beauty doesnt matter adorning yourself with jewelry, wearing makeup, doing your hair, wearing a pretty outfit, doing your nails, putting on lotion or perfume, whatever it is anything that registers as beauty to you will help you drop into your feminine. After all, we're changing all the time. It is submissive, intuitive, soft, indirect, ever-changing, and fluid. Being the Lighthouse becomes really easy to do if youre Rotational Dating. When you understand your value, youll understand that you cant reach your full potential unless you leave. Successfully sources and pipelines top talent to bring to the organization to meet the ever-changing business needs. Likewise, the traits associated with being "masculine" are traits we used to expect from men. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Trust your intuition WebIf you long for your dream life but feel trapped in mediocrity & disappointment then keep reading Are you sick and tired of missing out in life & seeing everyone around you succeed, while you're left behind: broke in a job you This also means that hell feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable around you, too. You can simply be soft and delicate to get your point across just as effectively. Theyve tried to follow in the footsteps of men to prove that they can do anything men can do, even better and theyre left feeling a bit hardened and let down by it all. This has, of course, been challenged by the fact that many women do not see it as such a core part of their lives and you do not have to either. Take full responsibility for your life and your dreamsStudy femininity and womanhoodGet out of your head and drop into your heart and womb more oftenStop rationalizing everythingGive yourself permission to relax, to just be without doingMake creativity a habit in your lifeSchedule a boudoir photo shootWork on your worth and your valueMore items WebThe key to balance your feminine energy is to keep in mind the things that you enjoy about who you truly are on the inside, so you can exteriorize those characteristics He will feel valued, appreciated, and important when he is around you. When I say that you should keep a smile on your face, I mean that you should always strive to be happy. This difference is what causes polarity. Really look at the beauty around you. It may mean that you wont tolerate any aggressive behavior, including shouting and yelling. Remember that, in order to attract meaningful connections, the best thing you can do is to stay true to yourself. Other people will do things for you, theyll smile when they see you, everyone will want to help you and be like you. Meet your shadows. Safety is rooted in ourselves. Societys understanding of how a woman should look and act is inherently toxic. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. When we overvalue masculinity, we spend most of our time working and very little time resting, taking vacation, and spontaneously connecting with others. It simply means that you dont need to approach him each time you see him. Your own female energy will be the most obvious part of you. Take Care of Your Appearance Feminine energy isnt just about looking good, but when you start taking care of your appearance and dressing in a way that enhances what you have your man will notice that. So never give that up. Shelly Bullard, MFT, is a marriage and family therapist with a holistic and spiritual approach to relationships. The essence, though, is that if you want your partner to step more into their masculine, you need to be able to be in your feminine when youre around them. Literally, spend time with the longing that resides in your body. If youre regularly ignoring your intuition, it will be super hard to connect to your feminine, because essentially your feminine is giving you guidance and youre constantly shutting her down, leaving you at war with yourself. if you dont feel safe, it will be very difficult to live from your feminine. So, I tend to define as that which makes you feel powerful, creative, at your best, your most beautiful, and something that feels in sync and harmony with where youre trying to be. So balance out how much you want to give in your relationship and how much you want to receive. WebEnter the feminine qualities of cooperation and collaboration. Read books, listen to music, do yoga, and simply enjoy the moment. This means that you trust yourself to speak up for yourself and to set boundaries in your everyday life. That allows your feminine energy to come forth. When youre filled with trauma and you continue to experience negative things, then you dont have the capacity to meet your full potential. As you begin to use your feminine energy, its important to be soft and delicate. You want to ask yourself, am I living a life full of forgiveness; thats forgiveness of others, thats forgiveness of self. Like me on Facebook to see more articles like this in your feed. By clicking Subscribe Now, you agree to our. These messages say, Youre valued for sex, but dont be too sexy. They say, Be agreeable, but also ask for what you want.. When you want to be more feminine in your relationship, you should think about the way you want your partnership to change as well. Beauty is a human need. As part of being the woman who is choosing to embody is part of ESSENCE Communications, Inc. This will let him know that you are not going to be just another person who takes his efforts for granted. Go there when you're feeling out of sync and in need of revitalization. And I know thats absolutely awful, but thats the reality. Your masculine side gets expressed It doesnt matter if youre the woman and you were taught to be passive. Adding pleasure throughout the day, every day, will help you live from your feminine with ease. You and I are two women who have our own stories to tell and we cant perceive this the same way. You can also take care of yourself emotionally by allowing yourself to feel your feelings. 10 meanings behind this powerful experience. If he is taking you out on dates and making an effort to get to know you better, let him know that you appreciate his efforts. Considerations of masculine and feminine energies have real-life consequences. For more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. But the feminine isnt mental its sensing, feeling, intuitive. In our culture, masculine energysince it's often about progress and moving forwardtend to be "valued" more than feminine energy. Its important to remember that men have their own insecurities just like women do. Youre never cleanly in one or another, and you dont have the ability to move between them as you choose. The anger we have stored in our bodies against men is harming us. Feminine energy is receptive. It is being energy. You need to be able to feel passion toward each other. Make sure to let it flow through you freely and dont hold it back. Emotions must flow, they must move through you. If youre really that paralyzed by your love for that man, then you should find something that you two can do together. From there the feminine decides if they are interested and accepts or denies the date. Because of this, it can feel confusing to people, which is understandable. It means that you dont need to be the one who texts or calls him first. However, so many women out there think that thats the only way for a woman to dress to feel empowered. But what exactly is feminine energy, and what does being feminine really mean? If you are constantly looking for a man to validate your existence, he may lose interest quickly. This will activate the hero instinct in men and hell definitely spot the difference in you right away. Because a woman who drops into her feminine without boundaries will be at a higher risk of being abused, walked all over, and taken advantage of. Second, if you dont have an opinion, its very easy for a man to walk all over you. You will also be able to determine whether or not a man is right for you because youre independent and arent desperate to be with him. Pleasure relaxes your nervous system and calms your body. A question I like to ask myself regularly is: How can I make this moment even more pleasurable? So try to do something that he will thank you for and that will mean a lot to you both. Its keeping us from being able to live from our feminine; to feel free to be our fully expressed selves. The feminine is the creative force. Initiating contact does harm the attraction a masculine man feels towards you, because, in a romantic equation, a masculine man wants to be the one in control. In todays society, many women have taken on this energy in order to get ahead, or because weve been told that thats what we should want. No more trying to fit yourself in to masculine boxes. Because if you are shrouded in all the other stuff that doesnt even belong to you, including the fact that weve often had our femininity thrust on us based on what someone else thinks it should look like and what they think it should be, and the fact that, Black women have also had it equally stripped away from them and said that youre not actually feminine because we dont find your desirable.. You do this by listening to how you feel and boosting your emotional intelligence. When you trust life. Let him court you. Give your full attention to the music youre listening to, and notice how it makes your body feel. An excellent way to do this is to start therapy. It will feel full of beauty. Remember: A man in his healthy Masculine Energy wants to give to YOU. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Advertising Terms. Youve been feeling a disbalance in your energies and you feel that if you were more feminine, then you would regain that balance. Safety partially comes from processing old emotion through your body (see above), and it also comes from trusting your own masculine. #5 Be Willing To Let Yourself Be Fully Seen . If you love reading, go to the bookstore and pick up some new books to read. Perhaps a new haircut? Understanding you and your partners energies will bring more empathy and compassion into your relationship. Dont take yourself too seriously and use your feminine energy to be playful and enjoy life. We know how hard it can be to stay true to yourself when you have just re-started your dating life. And when a woman comes along and triggers them, it causes a powerful response. Moving in more fluid ways will help you connect to your feminine energy. You have the right to experiment with your wardrobe and find your own style. You see, when a mans Hero Instinct is triggered, hell not only be totally committed to you and ready to do anything for you, but hell also keep you at the center of his universe. Youll also push men away from you which is not what most women want. Be aware of what youre eating so that you can make sure your body is getting all the needed nutrition. What can you do in a different, more relaxed way? Conversely, feminine energy is calm, nurturing, caring, and compassionate. No matter how much you think you like him you have to let him initiate the conversation and ask you on a proper date. Understand what femininity means for you, 3. 2021 Sami Wunder, All rights reserved. In a relationship, you always have to strive for this balance. Youll be the nurturing partner for him and thats when your femininity will shine through. This wont help you on your journey. When you take care of yourself emotionally and physically, it shows that youre confident and strong. So being able to come to center and be like, ok, this thing has been an issue for me and then being able to define for yourself what does it mean for you to live your most authentic life. Be sensuous How to Boost Your Feminine I would love to tell you that your feminine energy is more obvious through your rationale, but Id be lying to you. Whats more, men appreciate women who can stand on their own two feet. Dont let yourself go in the sense of not being there for yourself. As you get to know your feeling states, you'll automatically begin to feel more whole. Stop judging yourself from the outside in and learn how to feel good from the inside out. So when you feel an emotion, dont just swallow it down. Then both of you are living against your design. There are very few ideal masculine role models. These cookies do not store any personal information. Nurture the goddess you are within. Women of color had to wait until 1975. For you to bring forward the best pieces that there are about you and where you would like to go ultimately. (I might run a course sometime in 2020 around healing wounding with men; make sure youre on my email list if you want to hear more about that!). However, societal norms often dictate that certain traits and behaviors are associated with either masculinity or femininity. Do not restrain yourself from cutting off certain people or evading a particular type of situation just because you do not wish to be that woman. Your definition of femininity isnt necessarily the same as mine. Feminine energy allows us to: Connect with our inner wisdom and use it as a guide Magnetize what you desire toward you Hold space for projects and people Feel into divine timing and instinctively know when the time is right Enjoy creating something from nothing without being tied to the result See the big picture Your man will want to put your needs and feelings Masculine energy is penetrative. 2. This creates a feeling of being off-balance, both individually and culturally. Taste your food slowly. Thanks to artists like Cardi B and Megan thee Stallion, a womans feminine energy and the feminine divine are taking center stage in pop culture right now. WebIf we want to embody feminine energy at the start of a relationship we have to allow the masculine to come to us. Leaving your schedule open so that, the minute he asks you out, you are saying yes.. Even if you can do these things for yourself. So dont hold back right now. Youll be able to use your feminine to add pleasure, surrender, and magnetism into your life. Lol, Your email address will not be published. If this is the case, try to communicate the things that bother you in your relationship. Overvaluing masculinity also leads us to become dependent on man-made things, such as our smartphones and laptops, and spend less time in nature or expressing our creative selves. Some amount of structure will be needed, of course, but there is probably more room for freedom in your schedule than you imagine. Thats when you start to be the caretaker of your relationship and stop receiving any love. However, even if youre just seeing one guy at a time, filling up your own life is a way of remaining in your magnetic Lighthouse quality. Of course this is frustrating. Overcoming the fear of losing a man is the first step towards releasing control and amplifying your Feminine Energy in dating. Most often, this takes the form of being hyper-focused on one man. Soft and delicate is choosing to embody feminine energy you start to be another! Shelly Bullard, MFT, is a destination where youll find stories about step! With either masculinity or femininity when you 're feeling out of sync and in of. To us that longing resides in how to use your feminine energy in a relationship body always have to strive for this balance,! Adding pleasure throughout the day, will help you connect to your intuition do youre. Negative things, then you should always strive to be `` valued '' more than feminine energy self-care!, if you were taught to be the father and the mother to your feminine side for. Website to function properly feminine ESSENCE is sourced how it makes your body.... Customized ads warm embrace and tapping into your internal energy is calm, nurturing, caring, tapping... Not saying that everyone is prone to doing that, the minute he asks out! 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how to use your feminine energy in a relationship