koke yepes and tiffany

Please ! Finally, thanks so much for your website with his experiences from others. I met him as Eric Yepes via Fitbit App and add him in WhatsApp to chat later. Please, please investigate this if you can. Thanks! Not stupid just trusting and victim to some of the most evil low creatures you will ever come across on earth.. thanks for the information and know that NOBODY that contacts you and tells you military are ever real.. fake passports are very commonn ! What he's said to everyone else he's said to me. He wanted to help him get out from war and he wanted from me nearly 13000 USD to get out from war. Today on September 3,2019. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yepes_yepes_/Kik User name: Williams Yepes, user id: Willy_yippy. For quicker answers please come to Facebook Page.. and to Messages on there. First getting info does nothing.. nothing much anyone can do as Africa does nothing about it's criminals. He would ask about my kids. george-koke: Location [Address]: California: Age: 33: Aka: Aliases: Phone: Estn obteniendo fragmentos de informacin sobre usted que podran usarse en el robo de identidad. when you know they are fake.. BLOCK ! He never asked me money cause I felt that he knew I was trying more info about him so he got suspicious that I knew he was a scam. Womit er heute auch ein zweites Mal versucht hatb mich zu kontaktieren und so getan hat als wute er nicht wovon ich rede bei mir ist Er Vater von Zwillingen alleinerziehend weil seine Frau ihn betrogen hat als ich heute rausfand wer er wirklich ist hab ich ihn mit seinem Namen angesprochen und er hat mich im WhatsApp blockiert. He always confess me about his love to me and he want to use the freedom life in next June including meet me at Thailand.He told me that he divorced and had one daughter (8 years old). That his kids needed food and for me to buy his kids steam, Google play and Walmart cards for his kids. Thank you for all who collaborate on reporting fake profiles. He got angry, but he understood that money laundering was not possible. There's so much trash on the Internet Glad someone's trying to fix that! We are trying to get the word out to as many as we can. He told me his son lives with the nanny. Re: The Yepes. Posted all the information, they will be back hunting on all social media, to get victims to Hangouts to scam them with lies and demands for cash and cards. Any help would be appreciated. Is it still there, we can get it removed if it is ! He isn't looking for anyone else at all and has never been on a dating site gay or not. Same pictures, same story etc etc.Using the name Steve Jose and an email address of [email protected] sent him an Amazon Gift card which he said he couldn't redeem but she then received an automatic Amazon "thanks" from "yaya". ELE ENTROU EM CONTATO COMIGO COM A MESMA HISTORIA, QUE ERA VIUVO ESTAVA CANSADO DE VIVER SO TINHA DOIS FILHO NELSON E NANCY, ESTAVA COM NOME DE LARRY W CLINTON. Salve, io sto parlando da 3 mesi con un personaggio su IG Bernard Alexander ovviamente si spaccia per questo bravo ragazzo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ANYONE that claims to be Military is never real.They do not do it. koke's education is listed on their profile. ANYONE that tells you this and they are fake. View koke yepes' profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. He told me he is a soldier. He's on Google right now under David Yepes [email protected] he's been on Instagram Twitter and Facebook. I also noticed the Facebook account was also open the same day he contacted me . I was like so your last name is Yepes? good thng notbtoo bright, Hell no keeps loosin now agsin no time i find these scammers when contacted i ran telemkin rms good ones the trsnslation not good either the photo on facbk copy sn paste adress behind was bkwrds lol but sent riddles to thm.Derek Phillips uses [email protected] thnks evryone post on the gov sites too im tkn it higher as no one should use military pics i come from miltary fam an these scammers are Cowards behind of veil of deception all they can be yea!, I found these scammers when contacted i ran telemkin rms good ones the trsnslation not good either the photo on facbk copy sn paste adress behind was bkwrds lol but sent riddles to thm.Derek Phillips uses [email protected] an Army Srg in Afganistan first said Berlin Godvno military goin to say that evr an dont knw weatherim checkin as they deserve bootcamp 4ver being kind.on a peace keeping mission yea! Just reported the page. This person claimed he was divorced with two kids. I knew this person in Speaky app. They were about to give me a sob story about his two kids that live with the "grandma"I let them know I was reporting them. He said that he worked for the United Nations in Cameroon. PEDIU PRA MANDAR DINHEIRO PRA ELE ESTA COM UM CONTATO DA NIGERIA +234 907 416 5590. Scammers love him however and you will find him literally all across the internet ! They need money for nothing and certainly not network..glad he got nothing and thanks for the information. First he wrote me how he loves me, then let me send him $ 450 and then he kills my daughters one by one because he's a terrorist and there's no koke yepes. Ses hes 32 and has no kids or wife and wants me to b his wife. Said he is 45yrs old, has a 13 daughter wanted me to talk to his daughter on hangouts, he lost his wife and son 2 yrs ago. Wish I knew about this site before, it needs to be more accessible esp on a google search (which I performed on all the pics he sent when i started speaking to him). Yaya won't be a happy scamboi ! my sister was nuts about him until i did some digging because i didn't trust this guy that she had only knew for a week and already started dating him. Only me he wants google game cards. Facebook The 2021-22 bowl season starts Friday, December 17th and KOKE-FM College Bowl pick 'em Challenge is open! We started being friends. U dont m3ss w anyone esp military. He asked me to continue chatting on the Hangout app and to contact his superior officer Commander Williams using the WhatsApp. 1000 . The military are not allowed to do this and never do. Not toys to play with or something that goes away after the 'honey'and 'babe' stops. If he is and I can find that username I can get it removed and I am so pleased you searched and found. I accepted a friend request in the Fitbit app by a William Yepes. Another scam is using the profile of this person Koke Yepes. Thanks for this.. I'd assume he uses a script and when catching him off guard he was sloppy. I have blocked him. BUT https://www.instagram.com/paul.miguel921 is now closed ! He is on the dating site Hinge as Koke Yepes and on hangouts as Koke Yepes. Be careful not to provide private information or photos. he will pay for what he is doing scamming ppl around using somebody else picts and a verbal life that doesnt match ,,scammer in heaven or hell you will pay for what you did to me and that young man pictures you used to rob ppl but one day my tears they will be turning in laughts when i get to you ..using somebody elses life like a shield if youre ugly show your face,,track this if you can jajajajajjaja, They are so ugly they need to use others. Ill keep you guys informed, as the days progress. I knew something was not right about this so, I research a little more. THANKS FOR THIS INFORMATION. Hola, esta persona lleg a mi por Facebook en mayo del ao pasado con el nombre de Ayoze Martnez me cont una historia muy conmovedora, me dijo que no poda textiar por Messenger haci que todo fue por la aplicacin hangouts el me dijo que estaba en Yemen cumpliendo una misin por La Paz, durante ms de un ao textie con el asta que lleg el da que regres de su misin y regres USA y segn fue arrestado me contact un amigo de l diciendo que estaba en manos de los federales y que el me llamara al siguiente da me textea y vuelve con la misma historia yo angustiada y preocupada cre todo lo que me dijo desafortunadamente supo hacer muy bien su trabajo me estafo con una cantidad muy fuerte ahora yo estoy endeudada y de l ya no supe nada el est en hangouts mbase21187gmail.com, desafortunadamente somos mujeres y muchas veces somos dbiles y estas personas tienen una capacidad muy buena para mentir que terminamos creyendo todo en una de las tantas fotos que me mando mire su apellido y lo busque y me di cuenta que el de la foto tiene una hermosa familia su mirada no refleja maldad la persona que se hace pasar por el pronto le llegar su castigo hay que recordar que el karma siempre llegagracias por permitirnos este espacio, A mi me pas algo igual pero con otro nombre en facebook y me cont la historia que se divorcio hace 4 aos tiene dos hijos que se separ de la mam de sus hijos por qu la mujer es drogadicta y que est en Dirn en servicio y me pas unas fotos con dinero y pasaporte segn teniendo que pagar yo una cantidad en la aduana por supuesto no pague , ahora mismo estoy hablando con el por Whatsapp por qu me encontr en mi perfil de tiktok y obvio me cont la misma historia de su ex esposa e hijos y claro que est en el servicio militar en equis lugar que solo le falta 7 meses para terminar el servicio y que est en ese pas para hacer la paz obvio que no le creo. Would be so much better ! The more of us that comes together and shout about it.. the more will know and the less scammers will get. He has photos of this man's kids sending them to people idk who to contact as I doubt this man knows his kids photos are all over the internet for a scam, He does know, we talk to him on Instagram.https://www.instagram.com/michaelyepes211/is it this one?? Do not let him get to you, he is telling you this because you are letting him. He is also on POF as datec6 using the name Ray from Dover AR and hangouts as Packeco Raymond. I could tell by the pictures he sent he wasn't who he said he was. The connection wasn't horrible.. it was them making it look horrible to convince you that you were talking to him. They are not good at removing fakes. His story was sounding fishy . Information such as George-koke Yepes's contact number, photos, location, aliases, the level of danger to public and sample letters used to swindle money is given below. Do NOT accept money stolen from other women.. once anyone reports it you will be arrested for money laundering and jail isn't worth it for an African criminal which you are talking to A VIDEO CHATYou want them sat full in front of the camera, as you are. , , Been talking to him as well.he valued me and the voice didnt match the body.he goes by Eduardo Matthewhe hasnt asked for money and wanted to video chatsays hes tired if playing games and wants to settle down, The money will come when they think you are ready to pay. YOU ARE BEING SCAMMED.. BLOCK The real man is married, happily and loves with his wife and family. NOBODY real is contacting anyone else on HANGOUTS it is Scammer's Paradise .. be very careful. The number he is using on WhatsApp is +1 9733273931. Thank you for creating this. Which that set me off, bc they are not all the same. I knew then that he was trying to scam me. NEVER **SEND ANYTHING YOU HAVE He told me he was jordan yepes n he is in Afghanistan for peacemaking mission n depressed from all the shooting n bla blah.. well today he said he prob get in trouble cuz he lost $350 of bullets You can't have a peacekeeping mission in a war zone.. which a scammer has no idea about but glad you knew it was all fake ! Thanks for the information. And came across with this publication and all the pictures coincide. My story is: Im contacted by the man Willow mason yepes on istagram in september last year. Said he in 35 and in California. !! If you do not need to be on Hangouts for anyone in real life.. come off it. Just a scam. At first didnt think much of it. No Koke does not use hangouts and he never contacts anyone he does not know. oh and by the way the guy wanted to get out of the army so she said to him "what do i need to do to get you the hell out of there" and he said "they want 1200 George Franklin's" she then said "okay then 1200 it is and (three words i hate) I LOVE YOU BUB", i promise myself that i will now do a profile check on all guys or girls that any of my family dates that includes me. I also blocked the phone number he tried to use: +1 (770) 854-0448 registers to Roopville, GA. They won't stop it seems ! I am so sorry they found you, there is nothing as low on earth as the African scammer. I immediately blocked him and reported his account. Thank you Thanks for the information. I have been speaking to this guy, he calls himself Virgil Yepes and I am pretty sure he is a scammer as well. Same guy tried to scam a friend of mine today. Thank you. He is praying for me to wait until November, then we can be together and I should go to him, move in. https://www.facebook.com/SHUisteamwork/ ?Glad you reported and really knew he was fake. . He contacted me using the name sgr scott yepes. They don't do it, they are not allowed to do it. Be aware he is on instagram and call himself STEVE WALTER. He is on Instagram now as Williamjohn20006. keep me informed ! Bloqueie completamente e no responda! He's on instagram as jakeanderson4554 and hangouts as jake anderson. On his profile he said he was from Fresno California . They hate being blocked and they will move on. A veteran is former military not a serving one. From here I started to play his game until he gave me the data to transfer money through Moneygram or Western Union to an Emmanuel Haan in Cameroon. Reported as impersonation on words with friends. Marine Corp.. He got quiet and quit talking when I sent him a link to YouTube with a video of Yepes and his wife. so my sister got a friend request on hangouts from a guy that was really cute and had a kid named kelvin. Said he had 1 daughter and his wife died . I have a doubt of this man since the initial conversation. lol, IS A SCAMMER'S FAVOURITE. Saying hes deployed and needs a phone sent to stay in contact with the love of his life. Thank you. Can't force love with a scammer . . Thanks for that. SO glad you searched.. online keep those trust issues going, you will always be right. His english is awful. Thank you.. that will be reported and removed today ! Thanks for the information. He has a rather new (like 5 days new) facebook account. Yapes. He is on Grindr now, asking for a sugar baby - saying he is the director or strategy at the US Army. Scott yepes is what he used on me also. This instagram user messaged me as Williams John. I m just would like to warn another innocent woman. Any way the correct email is [email protected] also took screenshots of site looks like more on there too don't knw if can upload pics but get back to me. We keep the phone numbers in the hope they will be searched. They seem to accept that there are millions of fakes on there and they do not care about people, victims past and present and the men used. No Koke does not use hangouts and he never contacts anyone he does use. When i sent him a link to YouTube with a video of Yepes and on hangouts as Koke Yepes on... The 2021-22 bowl season starts Friday, December 17th and KOKE-FM College bowl pick & # x27 ; em is. To chat later need to be military is never real.They do not need be... He uses a script and when catching him off guard he was trying to fix that hope... App by a William Yepes assume he uses a script and when catching him off guard he was a as! 'S criminals not allowed to do it, they are fake with or something that goes after... 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koke yepes and tiffany