personal beliefs and values about early childhood education

Plan out your curricular orientation, including details on how you came to hold the values you do. Take some time to express your thoughts about the job of an educator. life. To appreciate what each child can contribute to the class, teachers need to learn about each familys cultural values. technique behind the action, at the time I remember experiencing feelings of Embracing diversity is critical to creating a warm and welcoming learning environment. Children have the right to have their needs met and receive the proper education while in the care of their caregivers. philosophy is if the administrators and teachers believe and exemplify this master societys demands and expectations on how to behave throughout philosophies will be respected. Use the following questions to help you think about your beliefs regarding teaching young children. Many people, including educators, have long believed it is better to act colorblind and/or cultureblindthat is, to not acknowledge color or culture. I enjoy working in the Early Education field because I enjoy helping children learn and grow in their own personal way. I believe the environment plays a major role in the success of an early childhood program. experience with having a family member subjected to being held back is why I favoritism, it didnt make me, nor many of my classmates, feel special or Wishes to instill good morals and values in all children; Once we arrive at a set of values, do they change over time? Include a statement on how children with unique learning needs will be welcomed in your classroom, as well as your specific tactics for fulfilling their needs as well as the requirements of others children. Early childhood education also benefits a childs social development, emotional development, physical development, and cognitive development. We acknowledge that parents are their childs most influential teachers and life-long advocates for their child. degree, I brought with me the strong moral and ethical values I possess as a Login to the Early Learning Accreditation Portal to take charge of your accreditation process. the products of our future. This can guide your teaching style while also clarifying to parents and educators your individual approach to early childhood education. These ideas lie at the heart of NAEYCs position statement Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education. There are many rewards for teachers who take culture into account. Children's Services Community Management (CSCM) was established in February 2008 to assist small stand-alone early childhood education and care services (ECEC) whose committees either need or want help. I have been awarded my CDA credential by the Council for Professional Recognition. (World Health Organisation, 2018, 2) This nurturing care model affords an integrated, holistic approach to education and care that aligns well with Froebel's philosophy. some teachers was favoritism. that at my new school, when I transitioned in the 1st grade, were The early years of a childs life are busy. Our values can become the fuel that reveals life to us as we share our true selves with others. do that to my students! At a very young You'll want to make sure you clearly outline how you'll address a variety of demands when writing your philosophy. My role as a teacher is to be a facilitator and provide enriching activities so that children are supported as they learn about their strengths and work on their weaknesses. Include both planned and open-ended learning activities, and discuss what you believe is the appropriate ratio of each in the room. Children should be given choices, responsibilities, and opportunities to initiate their own learning. caring, helping others and equality. person, my patience, love and care for children, my passion for academics, and The purpose of early childhood education is to prepare young children for their transition into elementary school. had a great impact on my ideas towards education. These family beliefs define what you think is important and what is good. We know now that acknowledgments of color and culture are essential for legitimizing differences. The belief that early childhood professionals are knowledgeable decision-makers who take the needs of individual children and their families into consideration. Learning context will be widened, while maintaining a focus on the historical, social, geographic, economic and political changes that this subject area have been based on.Social studies refer to these actions as the study of interaction of the individual . The ideals that a person aspires to in his or her life, which act as a point of reference in our judgments and conduct and according to which we follow (or not) in our relations with the social group of reference.. Our journey as an educator develops from a shift in values as we learn more about ourselves and our profession. The Philosophy of Education Ideals A standard by which we Judge things In our existence. We all hold our own subjective world views and are influenced and shaped by our experiences, beliefs, values, education, family, friends, peers and others. Moreover, the root of my morals and values developed from this period in This essay is my personal philosophy statement on early childhood education which represent my views on what should be done in the early childhood sector these include ;to impart fine morals and ideals in the children that I come into contact with, esteem each child and the families culture, beliefs, and race, make sure that the treatment I give to each child is fair to ensure that in each child the feeling of equality is developed, I will also have the community work with the families of the children and the educationists as a team, be a constant advocator of the kids, maintain an environment full of fun, interesting and still. Creating a personal philosophy should not be intimidating, in fact, it is an excellent opportunity to clarify your teaching philosophies and beliefs and commit them to paper.Reference:Foundations Of Early Childhood Developing A Personal Philosophy Of TeachingDeveloping A Personal Philosophy Of Early Childhood EducationHow to Develop a Personal Philosophy of Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education BlogJones, M., Shelton, M. (2011). thoughts. Use present tense, in most cases. For example, in some cultures, it may be important to emphasize the importance of interdependence and collective responsibility, while in other cultures it may be important to emphasize individual . childhood teacher, and she is a person who has had a major impact on my beliefs Become a leader in your professional association. and values in all children; respect all children and their families cultures, ethnicities, Think of this teaching philosophy as part of a job application where your readers are seeing many of these statements. I want to make a difference in their lives and prepare them for the road ahead. We can choose to make our values about others, or we can blend our values into our experience at the moment. How did your familys expectations affect what you did? she saw as unfocused and frivolous (pg. Developing Your Portfolio--Enhancing Your Learning and Showing Your Stuff: A Guide for the Early Childhood Student or Professional, Second Edition. 1500 West 12th Avenue Early Childhood Educator is a teacher that works with young children in a classroom. It is my role as an educator to take responsibility for every childs educational development. I see each child as a unique individual with a great capacity to learn and able to make positive contributions to those around him or her. I believe young children are very concerned about themselves and the small world they live in: family and home. A personal philosophy clearly defines you as an Educator. been carried out as a Substitute Teacher in the classroom. The G uardian Childcare Philosophy and Values are centered on the very reason we have for being: our c hildren. As schools and communities become more diverse, it becomes increasingly important for teachers to be well prepared for teaching and learning in cross-racial, cross-ethnic, and cross-cultural situations. I believe learning is happening all the time and is interwoven through all developmental domains. My personal philosophy coincides with her beliefs because it is through We do not compromise our values by being part of the moment. Its amazing that Early Childhood Educator has to focus on academically, socially, emotionally, and physically preparation of a child and as well, to focus on . If the classroom doesnt reflect and validate their families and cultures, children may feel invisible, unimportant, incompetent, and ashamed of who they are. Part of our practice as an educator is to be a researcher. Routledge. A good level as one; remain a lifelong advocator of children; exhaust all resources before deciding It all began in preschool Evangelism - As true believers in the word of God, it is our mission to share the good news with our children and our community. families to feel welcomed, all children to feel loved, and everyone to want to Read about this initiative focused on equity in early childhood and find other equity-related content. The early years are the most critical stage of a child's development and we have a responsibility to do all we can to maximise this magical time and the learning outcomes it can deliver. My Values And Beliefs About Early Childhood, My values and beliefs about early childhood are, that kids should be allowed to play and have fun while they are learning. As educators, we are members of the community. secure in class. We offer practicum experiences for students and opportunities for volunteers. In this article, the changing landscape of early . I enjoy watching kids grow and helping them develop their learning skills. her views, expectations, strategies, and procedures in resolving an issue. For instance, She created objects Including specific examples of teaching theories and approaches. Create a vivid portrait of yourself as someone who is intentional about teaching and committed to his/her career. She possessed great patience and clarity when explaining new material to This type of thinking reveals a different kind of value, intrinsic value. My beliefs have When writing your personal philosophy remember: Once you've finished, make sure your personal philosophy statement is accessible to Educators and families within the service. This will prove invaluable as your courses become more flexible by design. Education was already in progress and surfacing. Educating the Early Childhood Workforce for Equity, Capitalizing on Culture: Engaging Young Learners in Diverse Classrooms, Recognizing that self-awareness, humility, respect, and a willingness to learn are key to becoming a teacher who equitably and effectively supports all children and families, Developing a strong understanding of culture and diversity, Understanding that families are the primary context for childrens development and learning. Schools provide the context for a child's first relationship with the world outside their families, enabling the development of social relationships and interactions. ought to wash them (pg. As a teacher, I seek to form a close relationship with each child under my care, and their families. In planning my program I would strive for a developmentally appropriate, child-centred atmosphere where children have the opportunity to master new challenges through activities and topics that are meaningful to them, thus building their self-esteem as they develop and learn. my experience in a Montessori School composite of the family, administrators, and other professionals opinions and We build relationships with community partners and are an integral and well-respected part of the community. Every kid needs a good education and I want to be the one giving them that good education. Everything we think, say, and do is processed through our own cultural backgrounds. Her father, who had lost his hearing after suffering . It is truly up to you to create a philosophy that accurately expresses your unique teaching style, values and beliefs when it comes to early childhood education. Each child and family is unique and benefits from choices and flexibility. Learn about the collaborative initiative to advance a unified early childhood education profession. Explore jobs in theCareer Center and findhigher education and professional development opportunities. However, existing research has established a range of challenges for early childhood mathematics education; in particular, related to educators' confidence and competence in teaching mathematics. One of the major intellectual influences was To help you get started, here are three sample philosophy statement templates: Template 1: "At [Child Care Center Name], we believe that every child is unique and deserves a nurturing and supportive environment in which to grow and learn. tor reflects on his/her personal experiences, and how they measure against his or her views, values, and beliefs about what it means to teach and learn. This product provides you with invaluable guidance and a wide range of ideas and prompts to get you on the way . It's the process of continuously examining, testifying and verifying your personal beliefs. We provide high-quality trainings, on-site support, equipment, and materials to community programs. and 6 other students back a grade on account of being too immature. Gee (2008) suggests that one perspective of culture is of how each person learns ways of being in the world by using interactions, objects, tools, and language and that this is essential to shaping their sense of self. A high quality early childhood program that provides a safe and nurturing environment, which promotes physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development will ensure a positive continuation of the childs education process, Early childhood is a time of curiosity, a time for play, and a time of rapid development. Donate to help NAEYC advance a strong and dynamic early childhood profession and connect educators to cutting-edge resources. My family was furious and no matter how many Another person who Early childhood education is changing rapidly due to the dynamic nature of positive and negative trends affecting the profession. It is a statement of reflection about your beliefs that influence your actions. life. end of the day for being on their best behavior. We provide educational services where children can be most successful. towards academia. My personal philosophy is: to instill good morals In practice, there is a balance between sharing our values and relating them to the moment. Each family unit varies, so I must be sensitive chairs and a rug for the children to read and sit on during quiet or free time; Changes in the perspectives of early childhood can be linked to the influence of recurrent discourses (Cunningham, 2006). Early childhood education is a program that benefits children from ages three to five. She has over 30 years experience working with young children, educators, and families. They feel welcomed and at home. with negative experiences in the classroom. One major takeaway from the position statement is that early childhood educators must support consistently warm and caring relationships between families and their children, respect families languages and cultures, and incorporate those languages and cultures into the curriculum, their teaching practices, and the learning environment. Search an ECE degree directory, explore professional standards, and join our community of practice. I learned that lying, stealing, For questions about this information, contact Sherry Kimball (608) 267-9625 She has taught at Acadia University in Nova Scotia and at Concordia University and College Marie-Victorin in Montreal, Canada, and presented workshops, keynote speeches, and webinars on challenging behavior in the United States, Canada, and has provided workshops and keynotes on challenging behavior throughout the world. For these certain kids it is their one place of stability where they are always guaranteed to be loved and get fed and to have fun. I am enrolled in EEC 3214 class this semester; the class is called designing and implementing a blending curriculum: birth to age eight. school. Develop Your Personal Philosophy - Only $3.99. I believe that students in an early childhood setting should be exposed to social interaction, cooperative learning, hands-on experiences, and real-life applications. Personal Philosophy of Early Childhood I have married to Byron for 15years, I have one son(Kevin) who is 20 and a 7-year-old niece(Janiyah) that I am raising. I remember specific activities not available to me, such as learning and practicing everyday activities like cleaning Abstract. Most importantly, recognizing child back a grade; and to maintain a constant fun, loving, safe, and positive Why not have the children create their own posters with their own artwork, things from home, and photos families can supply? would contain knowledge about good manners, famous men and women in history, When children are encouraged to interact with their peers and adults in positive ways, they feel safe to explore their surroundings. Follow these steps to create a personal code of ethics: 1. Deepen your professional knowledge wherever you are with NAEYCs exciting webinar series and online and face-to-face training opportunities. Values education encourages solidarity, living in harmony and love for nature. How does this relate to your basic beliefs about young children and learning? By including specific examples of teaching theories and approaches, you are able to let your reader take a mental peek of your classroom. As a teacher, I seek to form close relationships with each child under my care, and their families. Find a sponsorship opportunity thats right for you and help support early childhood educators, parents, and other professionals. Explain the values that guide your teaching beliefs. Idealism is the belief that reality is ultimately based on ideas, and that we access these ideas through our minds. It is important to consider the cultural values and beliefs of a particular community when implementing strategies to foster self-esteem in children. I believe in my students. As a teacher I would use this same philosophy It develops these ideas with specific, concrete examples of what the teacher and . child. Where families are valued for their bonds and traditions, their ability to play, their commitment to work, home, and community, and their dreams for their children. We will write a custom essay on. As educators and individuals, we make choices about our beliefs, interact with the world, and try to be true to our principles. My philosophy of Early Childhood Education is based on research that indicates that a childs growth is developmental. Each of the Code's four sections includes a brief introduction, a list of Ideals and a list of Principles. These statements are necessary to draw together the values, beliefs, ideas, and practices into a message of how an educational facility perceives education (Gould & Matapo, 2016). The foundations of early childhood education are based on a number of developmental theories. However, Or they may be paying attention in a different way. structure, a parents style and beliefs of parenting, a child and families The use of computers in early years has become a contentious issue, with advocates calling for more Information and Communications Technology (ICT), more machines, better software, and more training for professionals, while other groups call for "a moratorium on the further introduction of computers in early childhood and elementary education" (Cordes & Miller, 2000). I facilitate learning through the in-depth study of a subject that is of interest to children. For more examples of how culture affects learning, check out Diverse Children, Uniform Standards: Using Early Learning and Development Standards in Multicultural Classrooms in the November 2019 issue of Young Children. Some of those include, reading and writing, science and math, art and games. Make the paper memorable and unique. environment for each child. Every child is unique in terms of life experiences, developmental readiness, and cultural heritage. The child should be the main concern of the also keep an open mind when dealing with exceptional circumstances, such as a opposite, its accepting the differences, respecting each others differences, What kind of environment do you hope to create? We treat all families with honor and respect. We are responsible and resourceful in how we use our fiscal, technical, material, and human resources. What are your thoughts on how youngsters learn best? Lori Lightfoot, in full Lori Elaine Lightfoot, (born August 4, 1962, Massillon, Ohio, U.S.), American Democratic politician and attorney who serves as mayor of Chicago (2019- ). Stay up-to-date on issues in early childhood education and hear perspectives from a wide range of educators. childhood from preschool to third grade was a critical time for me to grow and Exploring and identifying your personal values and beliefs are one of the first steps that a wellness coach will take you through as it is a core principle of wellness. What about you are they going to remember? All educators have different life experiences and influences we bring into our shared human connection. Therefore, the goal of my program is to make this ongoing learning experience safe, positive, and fun, nurturing the whole child as I strive to guide them into the next stage of development with confidence in themselves and an excitement for continued learning. A personal philosophy of early childhood education defines you clearly as an educator. My personal philosophy is: to instill good morals and values in all children; respect all children and their families' cultures, ethnicities, race, beliefs, and structure; treat each child fairly to ensure that all children feel equally special; have families, communities, and educators work as one; remain a lifelong advocator of children; Early Childhood Education teachers know that our children deserve to learn the important lessons from us and to acquire important habits with our help. Explore key early childhood topics such Developmentally Appropriate Practice, play, and math. It Just as we learn mathematics and languages, we should also become specialists in those lessons that are fundamental to living in harmony and social progress such as respect, empathy, equality, solidarity and critical thinking. Early Childhood Education illustrates the teaching and care of children in other environments outside of the home. 1992. I feel that education is a lifelong process and the building blocks of learning are developed in the early stages of life. We act as leaders in our field and as models of collaboration and competence. It serves as a guide for decision making and helps educators stay true to their personal and professional values. Young kids need someone who will be patient, funny, and above all, they need someone who will be loving towards them. Lastly, my brother, who When I run into her she still shows concern for me and is eagerly open out of all my teachers from preschool through graduate school, my second grade in school I can remember saying to myself, If I were a teacher I would never If they dont understand the lesson, they might have a hard time paying attention. the only way the child will develop positively according to the schools I strive to provide an environment where children and families from different cultural backgrounds feel welcomed and accepted. I believe in their ability. thematic units will provide further layout for decorating ideas; the library Early childhood centers on the development of all children no matter their gender, race, abilities, or ethnic orientation and gives knowledge of early childhood learning process, which entails values, culture, desires of parents for their children, and especially a childs need for knowledgeable functionality in society. Barbara Kaiseris the coauthor of Challenging Behavior in Young Childrenand Meeting the Challenge. But the world may or may not conspire with us and our chosen values and create resistance, not an intentional act, but the byproduct of us being humans. 16). Say Hello and discuss, network, and connect with our interest forums and online communities. People's values, beliefs and attitudes are formed and bonded over time through the influences of family, friends, society and life experiences. Differentiated instruction adapts content, products and processes to meet the diverse learning needs and preferences of students (Thousand, Villa, & Nevin, 2007). students were bad. Children bring their own set of culturally based expectations, skills, talents, abilities, and values with them into the classroom. The more one leaves values and beliefs open to interpretation, the more others will fill that gap by inserting their own personal perspectives. Equality of opportunity is a core American value that helps strengthen families by giving people a fair shot to provide for themselves and . Teaching early childhood children is not a job that should be taken lightly. Outline your plan for involving parents and keeping lines of communication open with family members. Writing A Personal Philosophy For Childcare, Last modified on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, A Guide For Educational Leaders In Early Childhood Settings, Exclusion Periods For Infectious Diseases In Early Childhood Services, 2 Hours Per Week Programming Time Mandatory For Educators, Progressive Mealtimes In Early Childhood Settings, Bush Tucker Gardens In Early Childhood Services, Taking Children's Sleep Time Outside In Early Childhood Settings, Children Going Barefoot In An Early Childhood Setting, Strategies To Support Children Who Struggle With Circle Time, How To Make A Formal Complaint Against An Early Childhood Service , Strategies To Discuss Inclusion and Disability Wit. 5. Worse, it may lead to unintentional bias toward or disrespect for those who are different from us. That placing emphasis on the social/emotional health of the child is of primary importance in developing a strong self-image as competent and capable human beings. Its important to see cultural and linguistic differences as resources, not as deficits. For this reason, in early childhood education, not only do teachers pay attention to language development but also to encouraging autonomy, developing communication skills, promoting kindness, and sharing coexistence guidelines. There is general agreement that young children are capable of accessing mathematical ideas and should be given the opportunity to do so in their early childhood educational settings. school, family, and community at all times. and unique learning strategies and games. lifelong advocator of children; exhaust all resources before deciding to hold a I want to become a teacher because teachers play a very big role in childrens lives. In early childhood education, lessons should be prepared to meet childrens needs through the use exploratory play, guided discovery, problem solving, and critical thinking. Our values provide the foundation for our work as educators and help us build ourselves and our practice. She is definitely one of the reasons why I decided to become an early To conclude, a reflection of personal beliefs and values will occur with reference to the contemporary issues of childhood discussed in this essay, and a brief summary of the essay will be provided. We reach out to every community and make services available to all children in Lane County free of charge and as early as possible. The environment should take into consideration the social skills, communication skills, physical abilities or challenges, and learning styles of the children being served. I consider families a vital aspect of my program. I believe in their creativity. a teacher develops his or her beliefs about early childhood education it is How would you begin to formulate a statement that captures the essence of your beliefs about teaching and learning?It can include -. 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personal beliefs and values about early childhood education