project looking glass'' bill wood interview

2:09:58 When Kerry Cassidy asked him to verify whether all different types of looking glass devices, systems, were shut down, he says that yes, because they all came to the same timeline. 2:04:41 From a time beyond December 21, 2012, nothing could be manipulated. When you see the shadow, it defines the light. But the frequent visits by CIA handlers to remind Wood of the precarious position he still was in due to the access he had to above Top Secret information, contributed to his continued silence. This altercation ended Woods military career. Thank you both for a wonderful interview. According to Health Ranger Report situation update (March 30, 2021), Project Looking Glass is an exotic technology that allows scientists who are working with the U.S. government to essentially see the future, or more accurately, they can calculate probabilities of future events or future timelines occurring. There are still many possibilities that could happen, it is ultimately up to peoples learning stage to determine what would happen. timestamp: true, You are., 9:29 You can create whatever it is you want.. I do not see gas chamber or crematoriums on the list, but I bet it is on some list! This technology can be used both for good and for bad/evil. wonderful interview with Bill, very inspiring and uplifting.Thanks Lisa and Bill for all that you do in these fantastic and changing(ascending) times! Free energy devices would revolutionize the current world economy and society and the Bad Guys would loose control. from 1992-2000. If the aliens appear and share technology and spiritual information, people will then be forced to focus on a main concern related to their own existence. Duncan believes the electromagnetic resonance of the MRI didnt mesh with the cranial implant. To Wood and his group, this was the last straw. etc. You can see the entire interview on a mirrored YT channel, as the original video was removed from this platform. The targets they were destroying were not military facilities. As always, great interview. Each to our own depth. }, I think the reason why Bill was brought in to look at the data from Looking Glass was because they thought that Looking Glass could be similar to the Yellow Cube, where the observer could find his own future that could be different from the others future. This technology was given to President Eisenhower by the Orion ET races (that Corey Goode, an SSP insider recently disclosed). theme: { version: 2, So it's fresh on my mind right now. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. Heres the excerpt from the movie that shows this technology: Dan Burisch, PhD in microbiology who worked for the U.S. secret military forces came forward and revealed his knowledge about this project. Im a writer who wishes to share his views with you on subjects of mutual interest and listen to yours as lightworker equals and spiritual adults. So if possible, please let him know he is welcome to join us. He knew Iraq had no mass destruction capability and watched this be a reason to attack Saddam. Thats the big secret. And this is where the story gets very interesting. You can use Patreon. If hitting the wall means the end of duality for planet earth and its people, where would the people of this planet end up after the end of 2012? I dont subscribe to this view which ultimately results in inaction. Coming away with a true understanding of the darkness and its purpose through duality. Cassidy then asked him, if the elite know of this future, why are they continuing to try to protect themselves from it? Time to wake up to the fact that we are Divine Sparks and love is the key. That is the end result and everything that the Black Hats do just propels us closer to our spiritual evolution. (Group Update Feb 17th) Convergence of Timelines Represents the Diminishing of Duality Lessons. Alien Interview Of EBE3 Was Released In 2016. Buy a Camelot T-ShirtAnother way to support Project Camelot and get the word out, is to buy a Project Camelot T Shirt. (, describes remote viewing as a skill developed via mental discipline, which enables the practitioner to observe events or locations in any space or time, even in alternative timelines, with the assistance of a trigger and what is called a conductor.. background: '#b9b5db', And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth. I guess we haveconscioustransferaltechnologyat some point, if not already. I have not counted but they have hundreds of video projects. Every little contribution matters. This was what sent the Oath Keepers into the open. From 9-14 he lived a relatively normal life, although a lot of paranormal activity was going on. The way things are, so I explainedit. In the video mentioned above, Mike Adams (Health Ranger Report situation update on March 30, 2021), says that either this technology is weaponized against we, the people worldwide, or that the white hats control it. Both my Twitter accounts (AuthorHerscu in English and one in Hebrew) have been suspended and my Facebook account was deleted since January 2020. Taking on density and a new swimming suit. There is a certain element of pain that we can reduce ifwe strive to raise our consciousness as fast as is humanly possible and make that transition a lot easier when it comes. But now I see it is the end of their world. The Oath Keepers want to create a petition to force the impeachment, if not jail, of those treasonous government officials who passed the Defense Authorization Act 2011. Re your interview with Bill thank you so much Lisa! They brought him into the future and showed him a possible outcome. And no decision and no possibility changed past a certain point. You live in tumultuous times and you live in a time of fulfilment. Well said Bill and you know by now what you have been giving in truth to others around the world is why you are receiving more of the awakening powers that you have asked for as you did in the beginning of time here Love and light to you and Bill! Courtney Brown, Ph.D., is an associate professor of Political Science at Emory University (excerpt from his bio as it appeared in his book Cosmic Voyage (1996). links: '#9560c7' ), Responsibility begins with the willingness to take the stand that one is cause in the matter of ones life. Please send a tip. SRV is a set of protocols, or procedures, that allows what is often referred to as the unconscious mind to communicate with the conscious mind, thereby transferring valuable information from one level of awareness to another., Scientific remote viewing is used by recording the information coming from the unconscious before the conscious mind can interfere with it applying normal waking-state intellectual processes, such as rationalization or imagination. (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). color: '#ffffff' But at the same time, none of the doomsday talking ever happened. Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Kerry Cassidy had Bill Wood see the two video interviews with Duncan. This program grinds us up until we see the light. Advertising space is now available for like-minded companies and individuals. Best of Bill's interview. Bill Wood was a member of Navy Seal Team 9, with three teams of three men. And for those with a similar message, you can promote your work on my site in the form of an ad or guest commentary. INTEL AND UPDATES DAILY. Not to reverse the final outcome. } Then I metJan Williams, daughter ofColonel Bailey Arthur Williams(USAF Ret.). Then all communication stopped. Depends on who controls it. After 120 minutes: Mind Altering and World-View Transformative. Thank you Lisa and Bill, To demonstrate this, Ill share insights about our creative abilities and power to affect our reality from Mass Awakening (p. 44): After reading the book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy MD., I understood the principle and was able to heal myself from a recurring health condition that was being treated by antibiotics and made me extremely weak during my studies in the UK. Until you KNOW of the EVIL, you cannot FIX it. Did something go wrong? Love and light to you Wood was given the option of serving 11 years in prison or plead guilty, keep silent and go back to work. Under the direction ofCurtis LeMay,Colonel Bailey Arthur Williamswas assigned to oversee the design ofPitholem, the rocket that was created by Adair and launched fromWhite Sands New MexicotoArea 51. ltimos 43 minutos da entrevista de Bill Wood, ex-SEAL - Above & Below Project Looking Glass (Acima e Alm do Projeto Looking Glass) - que aborda vrios assu. She had contactedDavid Adairafter hearing him speak on a radio show about his development of therocketin connection with her father. 2:00:31 hour mark According to Bill Woods understanding, the problem was that at a certain point in time, the timelines converge (sounds similar to what Mike Adams talks about in the previously-mentioned video). David still works with the governemnt to this day. Type above and press Enter to search. Thanks for submitting! This massive man-made die off is the result of the current injections campaign. It is a declaration not an assertion, that is, it is a context from which one chooses to live. Bill realizes, and you as well, that everything that is going on is all leading up to our spiritual evolution. ORIGINAL BILL WOOD AKA BILL BROCKBADER INTERVIEW, BANNED AND CENSORED ON YOUTUBE, TWITTER, LINKEDIN AND INSTAGRAM What is that pattern? I tremendously admire the courage of you and other whistleblowers who are making startling new revelations, almost daily, about whats really going on in the world. Truth shall prevail us all.. However, I dont know if the aliens could interfere so heavily with humanity like that. Thanks. Esoteric Wisdom from Brad Olsen from 5D, Nazi Antarctic High Tech Craft and Project Looking Glass.. & , : The True Great Awakening, [23.01.21 13:01], PROJECT CAMELOT BILL WOOD ABOVE _ BEYOND PROJECT LOOKING GLASS, PROJECT CAMELOT: BILL BROCKBRADER AKA WOOD FOLLOW UP INTERVIEW FEB 4 2017 |. Anyone who knew Jan could tell you that she could spot BS a mile away, and wouldnt sit quietly for it. AsForbesmagazine wrote: true with me, amidst so much confusion of channellers, ETs and prophets of doom, you are one of the few that ordinary people like me can relate to. 8:32 You are remarkable spiritual beings who have been stuck in a really bad system. And people are awakening now and see what they dont want. An incredible secret is than many children that are being born today they are born with a third strand of DNA. These protocols were not developed by the military or an intelligence agency, as it could have been expected, but by an artist (a painter), Ingo Swann, who described them as a basic theoretical overview of why remote viewing works. (Everybodys Guide to Natural ESP: Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind, 1991). They think that we cannot affect our reality and move to a positive timeline for the good of humanity. You Are Now Subscribed. 1:12:35 and now we have the looking glass technology that is telling us (that God wins in the end, the mass awakening). more information Accept. Seeking information is Light Work. (Jesus through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020.). Unfortunately, my translation assignments (Im a Hebrew to English and an English to Hebrew translator) have almost dried up. Picture drawing is a crucial component of these protocols (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). Currently, the Schumann Resonance is increasing which affects our DNA, which is an antenna, expands and then contracts. Under the direction ofCurtis LeMay,Colonel Bailey Arthur Williamswas assigned to oversee the design ofPitholem, the rocket that was created by Adair and launched fromWhite Sands New MexicotoArea 51. He said abilities way beyond the five senses were available to anyone with a little bit of training and the belief they could access advanced skills. Bill is in a Federal Prison. She contacted David and questioned him about his involvement with her father, hisrocket design,Area 51,Arthur RudolphandWernher Von Braun. Cassidy and Wood get into a few of these subjects that are probably confusing to the uninitiated. Im in a good company. "Yup we make missles go around the earth 6 times in the snap of your fingers." The State is, of course, the United States. Duncan believed the implant was no longer working. As Wood put it: Then in full response ability we choose. Consciousness is not something you were granted by Bill Gates. Creation, preservation, transformation = love building, love preserving, love dissolving = inbreath, pause, outbreath = rajas, sattwa, thamas (gunas) = Akar, Ukar, Makar (Aum) = Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (Trimurthy). Plandemic Censorship: Are We Living In Orwells 1984? They can look at possible timelines, explore them, and if you change things in the present, the probabilities of these timelines would shift accordingly (1:05:18 hour mark). It was the yellow cube. However in order to make informed opinions, I am a firm believer that one should hear everything that is out in the public sphere. Their mission was to infiltrate North Iraq and other Middle East positions, to get close enough to see targets. shell: { These Midwayers are assigned to Earth to assist humans in matters dealing with human spiritual evolution. (Cosmic Voyage, 1996), They are not extraterrestrials as they are permanently based on earth, but they are not human in the physical either. Wood went back to work. I couldve gone into denial, but Mass Awakening is my way of fighting back by documenting humanity awakening to these generational abusers. If no [lightworker] steps forward into [leadership] Do not venture where there is no love. The previous statement has numerous sources of proof but the one I like best is from KBR. All possible timelines lead to the same basic history in the future.The elites of the game figured out the end of the game. By that time rescue workers and other towns people were at the site, trying to help the injured. Why are they building underground cities and trying to start a nuclear war to kill off the vast majority of the population? Fear or Love. Dan describes a stargate in Area 51 as a huge apparatus with a platform that allowed to throw the object inside the wormhole to travel to other stars, teleporting people or materials from one place to the other instantly. ( Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. He was put in a hospitals psych ward for six months where he was drugged until reality was distorted, by stripping his perception of reality, in an attempt to destroy his mind. But the reveal about this is coming out. To the Victory of the Light & Lets Make Earth Great Again. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. The virus is non-terrestrial beings. I have to admit that I too had questions about Bill Wood, but after this interview, I see now why the second Project Camelot interview was so awkward. She had contactedDavid Adairafter hearing him speak on a radio show about his development of therocketin connection with her father. In response to Cassidys wanting to know what this future entailed, Wood said: Wood then began talking about Project Looking Glass that used a super computer vastly superior to anything the uninitiated would know about. [] And your consciousness is a key part of that (setting the timeline). He called them soft targets, in that they did not have either military or strategic purposes. KBRs paper entitledProject Overview and Anticipated Project Requirementsprovides an overview of the services it will supply to what are being called FEMA camps. you seemed to be surprised that there are many many many of us who incarnated in order to fascilitate this grand shift. But I entrust this to you as well. I give you my divine authority to do so. From my experience, many people embrace a very defeatist perspective on our destiny. hashtags: true, Having witnessed large numbers of buildings being destroyed he did not fall for the concept ofpancaking floors. Mike Adams gives examples to show the evidence for this mass awakening: 1:11 hour mark How many people were aware of child trafficking that they werent aware of five years ago? All the best Hannah. It gets really interesting after about 90 minutes or so. I urge you to watch this incredible talk here: I would like to end this article with a track that I recently listened to and I feel its very relevant to our extremely chaotic times. Read here. Time to read this horrifying book and realize what we are up against. Then a month later Wood was court-martialed for having sex with a sixteen year old girl when he was 24 years old. According to Bill Wood, in the 1995-1997 time frame he and others began questioning what they were doing. Its Sumerian technology that utilises spinning discs and argon gas injection to create its own screen. Of course, at the end of this statement, they retract and say that it was found to be a fake document that the two FBI offices received. According to Adams, our future becomes our present through our free will. According to, Lyn Buchanan, a former military who participated in remote viewing projects in the army and the Executive Director of a company that provides remote viewing training and applications to both individuals and organizations (Problems>Solutions>Innovations(P>S>I)), shared in a talk with George Noory (that obviously was removed from YouTube) that he was tasked to predict the situation in the United States up to 2050 in 1998 (Awaken_Now Bitchute channel). If you are one of them, or know them, please send me the link to your, or their, site to give credit. Los Angelles, CA. Thanks Lisa and Bill height: 300, Project Looking Glass Reloaded: Can We Save The World? Eventually Wood was contacted by people who knew the details of his life but were wearing White Hats or as Wood called them The Oath Keepers. commentary sums Bill Woods testimony brilliantly, although he doesnt mention his name. And that he doesnt have to be at our weekly meetups in Kona, as I am creating a way that everyone who has joined from around the world can be part of the process of bringing in the new 5D world coherently within each of us. ohhh sooo nice, soo much sense . Why would the timelines converge specifically this year and how would it happen? The targets they were destroying were not military facilities. Project Looking Glass | The Orion Lines LINES Freedom or Death Welcome To The Orion Lines "A robin redbreast in a cage puts all of Heaven in a rage." William Blake Advancement of Humanity The crimes against humanity Project Looking Glass Area 51 S4-2 Project Looking Glass The Orion Lines Discoveries We Were Made Nazca Aliens ORION ALIENS UFOs World Bank had launched its first-ever pandemic bonds to support $500 million pandemic emergency financing facility. Did the Alliance Take Back Social Media? Gradually Wood began using the Internet to further his understanding of what was really going on. Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Listen to his story learn who these people are im dropping because they are it when it. He saw that in 2020 people were isolated and communicated with relatives and others by technology showing with his hands that its the same as they had this talk via technology. One of the most far reaching details about, 2023 by Name of Site. As Wood put it, You cant take beliefs away. But obviously you can dictate the basis for those beliefs. READ THE BOOK Thanks for the memories by Taylor Bryce (Cathy OBrien). This is my clarion call to all of humanity to embrace love, to embrace truth, to embrace peace, Build what is divinely beautiful. We are living during historical times of great transformation. Other videos come thru fine. Cheers, Don. Otherwise the Powers That Be would continue to the next level of destruction of the United States. Closer to our spiritual evolution Orion ET races ( that Corey Goode, an SSP insider disclosed. Defines the light timelines converge specifically this year and how would it happen an SSP insider recently disclosed ) to... Linkedin and INSTAGRAM what is that pattern this grand shift spinning discs and argon gas injection to its... 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project looking glass'' bill wood interview