swashbuckler 5e multiclass

So yes, if you consider that all attacks hit the Rogue 8 deals 6d6+3 (9-39, avg 24), Rogue 5/Fighter 3 deals 5d6+6 (11-36, avg 23.5) and Rogue 3/Fighter 5 deals 5d6+9 (14-39, avg 26.5) (your example). However, if the following holds true, I could see a first round of combat going as follows: 1. Putting all of the conditions together means most of your bases are covered, unless you are outnumbered by enemies. Rogues have a crazy amount of skills to choose from, and starting out with four proficiencies (not including any racial or background) is unbeatable. Hunter Ranger (3) / Swashbuckler Ranger (17) The Swashbuckler excels at one-on-one combat, and the Hunter has the tools to enhance this specialty. Play That Role. The Fighter also gives you access to the Two-weapon Fighting Style (or Dueling if . Or just let you escape? Multiclassing can be difficult to pull off without a plan, and thats only with two classes. Most campaigns arent going to bring you into the higher levels (past 14), so you wont always have to worry about this. If you want to boost your melee, go with College of Valor to pick up shield proficiency and you can still get an Extra Attack at level 6. As a follow-up.Every lvl that isn't Roguesacrificesd3 of Sneak Attack, plus all the other good features!I say a d3, because ever 2 lvls of Rogue is 1d6 Sneak Attack. RELATED: The 10 Best Warlock Multiclass Combos In D&D. In particular, the combination of Hexblade warlock and Swashbuckler rogue can be lethal. Characters (B) and (C) do not gain an additional die of sneak attack so their basic routines stay at23.07and 20.21but they also have all the additional ways of increasing their damage output. All Rights Reserved. Hexbuckler of the Astral Seas - DnD 5e. Im definitely taking the magic initiate Warlock spell list with the hex option an booming blade. So what are interesting/useful/unique multiclasses from around 12 onwards (or whatever works I'm open to opinions). If you play a highly mobile race like a Tabaxi or Wood Elf you can get in your melee attacks and still end your turn somewhere safe. 55% chance of dealing 1d8+4 (avg 8.5) / 1d8 (avg4.5), 5% chance of dealing 2d8+4 (avg 13) / 2d8 (avg9). Now, this is one of the best problems you can have. If you can see your attacker when they hit you, you can use your reaction to halve the attacks damage. They have a 85.8% chance of the sneak attack being on a hit and a 7.8% chance of it being on a crit for an average of7.10damage. Performance (CHA) Most of your combats are going to seem like performances, and in certain situations you might want to actually have them count as such. You now double your proficiency bonus for these ability checks. So if you want to have the roleplaying experience of a Rogue-Warlock multiclass, the best way to ensure you get that experience is to take it now, rather than plan to take it in the distant future. Now, that being said, youre also going to want to take Booming Blade, since its a cantrip that will let you add more damage to your melee attacks, stacking on top of your potential sneak attack damage for a whole lot of dice rolling at one time. A good option is to choose ASIs for two out of the six, and choose four feats. Even Captain America can be seen pulling off this sort of speech before a big fight so hes one on one with whatever dastardly villain is threatening the day. [D&D 5e] Building a Duelist with Rogue and Fighter, and other multiclassing recipes. Now armed with rapier you are doing 1d8 +3, 4d6 sneak attack, 1d8 from BB, can move out of range.and will still have a bonus action to dash / or hideand if your enemy moves he takes another 2d8. One of the later fight scenes is possibly my favorite. 6. We tend to choose these based on our highest stats, but choosing a different route based on how you want to roleplay isnt a bad idea, especially since adding your proficiency bonus might compensate for a not-so-good ability modifier. 16 Dex, 16 Cha, 14 Wisdom (maybe should have picked Con instead). If we increase these characters to Rogue 9 (A), Rogue 4/Fighter 5 (B) and Rogue 5/Fighter 4 (C) respectively, character (A) gains +1d6 sneak attack and the Panache ability, their total attack routine now generates a DPR of24.18. Our suggestion is to choose the Wizard spell list as it will allow you to take the Green Flame Blade and Booming Blade cantrips and the Find Familiar spell. . And as always, happy adventuring! This assumes Dex 16, two weapon fighting short swords with no feats5 Rogue/3 FighterExpertise x2, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge, Second Wing, Action Surge, ASI/Feat1d6+3 Attack Action1d6+3 Bonus Action3d6 Sneak Attack. If you sacrifice all of your movement in a turn, you give yourself advantage on the next attack roll you make this turn. The Swashbuckler is a class that you can find in both the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide and Xanathar's Guide to Everything; nothing really changes. Uncanny Dodge: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide. I think the fighter multiclass also fits the theme well. Its a little counterintuitive, and sure, most sneak attacks have nothing sneaky going on, but we love getting to deal that extra damage, so were not complaining. Variant Human +1 two abilities of your choice (DEX and CHA). 9. Roland Drews says: June 10, 2021 at 6:05 am. It depends on what you are trying to get out of the character. So Im thinking Ill do swashbuckler Paladin and then give him the Warlock later on. We rely on stealth to keep us safe, how are we supposed to involve ourselves in single combat and take all the damage that comes with it? They use their masterful skill with a sword, or any weapon for that matter, to save the day and emerge victorious from any fight. . I wish there was a good feat to fill that gap. We also have all of the additional toys that character (B) but are limited to+5.33 from Action Surge due to fewer attacks per Attack Action. So long as you are not incapacitated, no attack roll has advantage against you. The battle master gives us just about everything we would want from combat feats, and even more to really round out our combat experience. Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Looking forward to getting full Swashbuckler at level 3. This is especially useful when used with Dash in your Cunning Action. Ability Scores: STR 10, DEX 16, CON 13, INT 8, WIS 12, CHA 16, Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Stealth, Acrobatics, Performance, Athletics, Intimidation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Language Proficiencies: Common, Goblin, Thieves Cant, Tool Proficiencies: Thieves Tools, Disguise Kit, violin, Equipment:A rapier, a shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows, a burglars pack, leather armor, two daggers, and thieves tools, a whip (unusual but inexpensive weapon), a love letter, a costume, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp. D&D 5e: Swashbuckler Rogue Guide. Splitting the difference between our 9th and 13th level features, we can pick up Defensive Duelist for a boost to our AC while were using our finesse weapons. This race has a lot to offer. Thank you for the guide. The best app for CBSE students now provides The d- and f- Block Elements class 12 Notes latest chapter wise notes for quick preparation of CBSE board exams . Out of combat, as noted, it rocks. See your enemy >60 ft away He even has taken out proficiency with thieves tools for wood working furniture which fits better as he spends so much time breaking furniture for use as a weapon. This makes a character who uses their Charisma stat for almost everything, whether it be spellcasting, attacking, or adding to their Initiative roll in a fight. Shroud of Shadow, Repelling Blast, One with Shadows, Mask of Many faces, and more are all great to consider for a swashbuckler looking for more magic in their life. Swashbucklers would certainly be the subclass to take both Deception and Persuasion if you were ever going to. Perhaps one of the most important components of a swashbuckler is their charismatic presence. Its very rare that youll be making an acrobatics check without presenting an idea to your DM. Hone your skills with the blade, and sharpen your tongue. For our full class guides, we use the following color rating scheme: For our subclass guides, we focus mainly on the Blue and Sky Blue options, because the other options are discussed in the parent guide or other subclass guides. Both of these bloodlines are great for swashbucklers. A well-armed pirate leaps from the crows nest to confront his enemy. (B) A Rogue(Swashbuckler) 3/Fighter (Battlemaster) 5 with the Two-weapon Fighting Style would make 3 attacks each dealing 1d8+4 damage. With your two highest ability scores boosting your initiative youre practically guaranteed to get the jump on anyone and everyone. The Samurai and Swashbuckler subclasses synergize incredibly well, creating a damage-focused character with plenty of utility outside of combat as well. For simplicity I only considered the situation where Sneak Attack is applicable but the attacks do not have advantage since advantage may not always be available. I think the swashbuckler roughly takes care of The Bard and the Warlock takes care of the sorcerer possibility. I recommend at least 5 levels for Extra Attack, which if you are two-weapon fighting as per the intent of the subclass, that gives you three attacks per round to land Sneak Attack. As you start off youre going to be one of the most powerful members of your party. Much like the Rogue/Sorcerer, the Rogue Swashbuckler/Warlock often casts Booming Blade, disengages, and then gets away without taking any damage by using Fancy Footwork. If you miss with an attack roll, you can roll it again with advantage. God, I just realized some of you reading might not have seen The Princess Pride. Regarding Alignment. You can use a bonus action on your turn to gain advantage on the next Acrobatics or Athletics check you make during the same turn. 6 levels of rogue grants your 2nd set of expertise, too. College of Swords certainly has a good thematic fit, but its class features lack luster so Id rather go with one of the other Bard sub-classes. Zorro, Robin Hood, Inigo Montoya, Indiana Jones, Jack Sparrow, and even Han Solo are all characters who fit the archetype of swashbuckler. I've spoiler-blocked it for the benefit of those that want to skip it. Touch 3: What You Are is What You Play. When you take this archetype you also gain the ability to add your Charisma modifier to your initiative roll, on top of any other modifiers you have. Use the buttons below to fine tune the content you see in our guides. We also discuss options that normally would be good for a typical build, but underperform when used in a subclass. For a full overview of the rogue class, check out our rogue 5e Guide. If you want to emphasis your mouthy theme, go with College of Lore to pick up Cutting Words and more proficiencies never hurt. My only complain is that Investigation (INT) checks to detect traps are terrible and have no bonus, which sucks when you are also the scout (because Rogue.) I think Rogues get a second set of expertise choices at 6th level. So an multiclass away has to be worth it!Personally I think 5 lvls of Fighter is terrible for Rogue. Basically, if were choosing to start casting spells, we want to be able to do as much as we can. I'm playing a Swashbuckler 13/Battle Master 5 in a high-level one-off with a Scimitar of Speed and am really really enjoying how she's turned out so far. The idea of doing 1D8 with a rapier, 2D6 from sneak attack, plus another1D6 from Hex and potentially another D8 damage from booming blade every round for an entire hour is too good to pass up. Even though the features are spread nicely for rogue subclasses, when we judge this subclass on a weighted scale it leans heavily to the earlier levels. Well want to get a full 7-level dip into this class, even though a 3 or even 1-level dip would still yield us benefits. Role in the Party. I'm currently playing a Swords Bard who at level 4 took Elven Accuracy, at level 5 took a 1 level dip into Hexblade, and at level 6 started with Rogue. Warlocks are well known for giving Eldritch Blast to anyone who takes a level, but choosing to stick out longer and yield all the benefits that hex blade offers is the way to go. Overcoming Fears and Character Growth. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. On a failed save, the target would normally take 2d10 fire damage, and a successful save would take half. Published on October 26, 2020, Last modified on February 20th, 2023 . Fight me! every time you want to use this feature. But then that's only 4 levels of rogue. Community. Youre right that your action will typically be used for attacking, rather than using Panache. It's really helpful! Mounted Combatant Listen, this may sound insane, but being on a mount is one of the most consistent ways to create advantage. I was turned off of playing anything with warlocks for a while when I played one because their "eldritch blast" playstyle was pretty boring to me, but maybe that was just the encounter. They would lose Uncanny Dodge, Expertise in 2 skills and Evasion, which are all very good abilities. Let's see what mastery implies within the Swashbuckler 5e Guide. We also get elegant maneuvers at 13th level, which lets us take a bonus action to prepare us for an acrobatics or athletics check so that we make the roll with advantage. As for the charm, our ninth-level ability gives us an exciting feature centered around persuasion. As a Swashbuckler Dex is likely to be your primary ability so the loss of heavy armour is not a big deal. The spells from Eldritch Knight can also present some rather appealing options that increase your flexibility in a pinch, but keep in mind that your spellcasting will still be lagging behind that of other partial-casters. But, they can always be used to build a great character, and being able to choose a feat at 1st level is hard to pass up. Use your bonus action to Dash 30 ft closer to your enemy and draw your main light weapon Pure Rogue vs Shadowbuckler or Drunkbuckler. Privacy Policy. Thats where speed, elegance, and charm come in. Character (B) will get Dex 20 at level 9 for DPRs of23.07 (L8) and 24.87 (L9), with the chance to deal an additional65.45per short rest (Action Surge + 4x Riposte). The target regards you as a friendly request for the duration. As a kid, I was often told to get my head out of the clouds and to stop living in a fantasy world. Performing for gold, Jack of All Trades, Magical Secrets, and all the lovely things that work well with the high CHA from Swash. 5. Some hear the name Swashbuckler and think pirate, and while that is a perfectly reasonable direction . They can dive into combat, do massive damage on a target, then move away because of their Fancy Footwork ability. Touch 2: The Push from the Past. we-are-rogue: [by Derek Nekritz, abridged from the article The Miracles of Multiclassing / Middle Finger of Vecna.Art: The Duel (detail) by Shen Fei / The Shadow Glass by AlyFell / by 3D Ace Studio] Multiclassing for Fun and Profit This character is an intelligent fencer or noble, a class born of elves. Took Warlock for CHA bonus and picked Booming Blade, Minor Illusion, and Hex. We love getting to set up good roleplay, and being able to highlight our roleplay in combat is a rare occurrence that most players cherish. 11. Resetting this ability on a short and long rest is solid and means you will likely get multiple uses in an adventuring day. So they have similar damage outputs, but it's a trade of offense vs defense. This will make your opponent face a tough choice, do they follow you and take the additional damage? document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Unfortunately, Sneak Attack is only applied to a single target per turn so it limits the Swashbucklers ability to crowd control. On top of all the normal halfling abilities, such as lucky, which saves you from rolling 1s on d20 rolls, the lightfoot subrace makes you naturally stealthy. While most people, myself included, picture pirates whenever the word swashbuckler is mentioned, the term actually defines a much broader character. Or another option to add Magic initiate to get booming blade or GFB. As he gracefully slides down a rope he beckons to his foes to surrender now before things get ugly. This assumes Dex 16, two weapon fighting short swords with no feats8th lvl RogueExpertise x4, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, ASI/Feat x21d6+3 Attack Action1d6 Bonus Action4d6 Sneak Attack. Rogues get the second most amount of ASIs/feats of any class, with 6 levels to choose ASIs for. While some warriors are brutes clad in heavy armor, your method of fighting looks almost like a performance. Spies, thieves, assassins, these are the archetypes that I picture whenever someone mentions a rogue, be it D&D or not. When I mention a rogue, what comes to mind? A big part of being a swashbuckler is having a reputation that speaks for itself, even if youve done some of the fabricating for it. A 5e Guide to Fighter / Rogue Multiclassing. Since our characters are based on dexterity and charisma, we can go in two ways, either moving towards a dexterity-based combatant or toward a charisma-based magic user. Sticking with Swash allows for an additional ASI. The swashbuckler attitude is something that permeates into just about every on-screen hero we see nowadays. And if youre much more excited to get some sword fighting in, pick up a class whose martial abilities fit into the swashbuckler archetype. The Swashbuckler Rogue is loaded with good features from levels 5 . Features that you automatically obtain through the Rogue class will appear in Orange and features that you gain through the Swashbuckler archetype subclass will appear in Pink. Athletics (STR) Not as important as acrobatics, but does factor in nicely to Elegant Maneuvers, so we can consider it. This feature also buffs the Rogues Sneak Attack ability. I'm not a fan of multiclassing Monk and Rogue. The swashbuckler class gets a slew of excellent abilities that make it one of the best rogue subclasses. Going for a martial focused build, well start off by grabbing up Piercer. Weve adjusted the Magic Initiate to include some good Warlock choices and added in the Half-Elf to the races section . 10. Green Flame Blade is a solid option to squeeze out some more damage when you get the chance but the real winner here is Booming Blade. Learn how your comment data is processed. Disarming Strike, Riposte, Parry and many others are all great options. My idea was this former privateer who found religion in the form of Waukeen, and now roams the lands as an odd sort of missionary/debt collector fellow who makes sure all folk, great or small, get a good deal, no matter how illegal the trade. Acrobatics (DEX) Especially with your Elegant Maneuvers at 13th level, this skill is a must for a rogue. Perhaps best pictured as a swordsman with a feathered cavalier hat, the famous swashbucklers are often thought of as pirates and scoundrels. Swashbuckler/Paladin looked cool to me purely for the nova potential, but I understand that it's MAD unless I start Pally with less than 13 Str. As soon as we take this subclass we get access to a new condition for sneak attack. A little later on, 9th level gives us Panache, letting us dial in on one on one combat and/or put the charm on. Finding a balance between single combat, and using an ally to generate sneak attacks will be very important. If you take the Magic Initiate (Warlock) you can take Booming Blade and Eldritch Blast, which key off of your Charisma. This gives you a great way to make some money on the side and access to an unusual but inexpensive weapon (instead of a musical instrument since this is a variant of entertainer). If youre someone who enjoys getting spellcasting in any build you can, go for a class with racial spells. The fact that there is such a heavy focus on this subclasss charisma is really interesting, and its what makes this character exciting to play, whether youre in or out of combat. A Swashbuckler excels in single combat, and can fight . Panache: Panache is an outstanding ability. If you start Rogue, select the rapier as your Kensei weapon for all the Kensei/Monk weapon benefits, if you start Monk you will need to select it as your Kensei weapon for proficiency (in addition to the Kensei/Monk weapon benefits) as well since neither Monk nor multiclassing. If they are hostile, they become locked in one on one combat with you. Not a lot of level 1 spells are worth it though. 1000% yes. Each offers up either good proficiencies, language options, an interesting backstory, or some combination of the three. the 5e rogue assassin is rather good at being a disguise / forgery/impersonator expert imho. Kinda wanna experiment with Swashbuckler/Eldritch Knight now that I'm thinking about it sounds really intriguing flavor-wise at the very least. / Hasbro, Inc. While good in theory, most Rogues dont find a whole lot of trouble scoring Sneak Attack against enemies once per turn as long as they have another martial class at their party. AC is nice, but Swashbucklers are amazing when played with a hit-and-run strategy thanks to Fancy Footwork. You can either increase one ability by 2 points or two abilities by 1. Slippery Mind: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide. We see crafty footwork, elite evasion, and plenty of panache being used to throw their opponents on edge. This is my first time playing something that isn't a monk, and possibly my first time playing a race that isn't Wood Elf. Alternatively, you can choose a feature, if you already have great stats this is a great choice. Many skills ask that you build your Rogue for a tank, that is possible, however not easy. Am looking at multiclassing a lvl 9 swashbuckler with 3 levels of monk. Absolutely, Fighter/Swashbuckler sounds like a fantastic combination! Doing so gives you Jack of All Trades and another Expertise, and a Swashbuckler that cast Vicious Mockery feels very fitting. Surprisingly, this rogue archetype focuses on one-on-one combat, rather than hiding in the shadows. Hopefully I roll a bunch of odd Dice and I can use feats to dip into the spell casting like magic initiate. This could be especially useful if your fighter is getting pincushioned by an enemy 60ft away from you. In this post, we will be examining the Swashbuckler rogues class features and how you can optimize your Swashbuckler rogue through choosing your race, background, ability scores, and feats. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Or follow us on Instagram,Twitter, Facebook, and Patreon. As a Swashbuckler you should have high Charisma, so a multiclass into a charisma caster like Sorc or Warlock could be fun. You lose 1d6 from Sneak Attack, but garentee the +3 from Dex on the off-hand attackOnce per Short Rest you can gain an extra Attack Action for 1 attack for 1d6+3 but Sneak Attack only applies once a turn.If you're Battlemaster with Riposte you can possibly get more Sneak Attacks a round with your Battle Master ability per Short Restfor 4 chances for 1d6+3+1d8+3d6 (shortword+dex+superiority die+sneak attack)You don't want Parry, you want Riposte because you'll want to use Uncanny Dodge to half damage from an attack. been thinking of making this combo. Thats where all of the other abilities come in. Unarmored, has . Lets take a +2 to our dexterity, moving us up to 19 for a modifier of +4. 8. This is a great start for Swashbucklers. Just get a large mount and you are set. Swashbucklers dance . Home. Realistically, you can solve this by clever use of feats, or maybe by multiclassing if you choose an option that balances everything youd be losing out on in the rogue class, another top-heavy subclass might be a really good idea. They have proficiency in the stealth skill built in. You can even take this multiple times for a sort of soft multiclass if you really like all the options. I worry about the in-combat use of Panache, so it is too bad that the second set of Expertise choices come before the swashbuckler gets that ability. This character would have Action Surge for an additional 2 attacks once per short rest (+10.65) and would have 4 superiority dice (d8) to use per short rest (+11.7) which could be spent on trip attack to grant advantage (+DPR) or use Riposte for an off turn attack (+12.80including sneak attack and the superioty die). Swashbucklers intimidating others with bold (if wildly unrealistic) claims is a common trope. Is it another option for cunning action? That never really jived with me, so I decided to make a living out of games, stories, and all sorts of fantastical works. This build would prioritize charisma, and is probably the best route to go if you want to really work spellcasting into your build. I'm thinking I want to bring em' up to level 9, but what sort of multiclasses would be good on a swashbuckler? Ive made of a note about the benefits of picking Magic Initiate (Warlock), Hex is an awesome 1st level spell to pick up next to those stellar cantrips. Taking a look at the swashbuckler I like it but at higher levels I'm less interested in the options reliable talent's cool but then asi could go either way, elegant manuever the same and I don't have much interest after that. If hit but opponent not near death, use Dash bonus action and retreat. That's why we live and die by the sword, or swords if you so choose to go a more dual-wielding build. I love this article and am glad I found it. Swashbuckler 5e Guide. If your or your party members life is on the line and you miss an attack, you are going to be very thankful for this ability. Well start off with expertise in persuasion and acrobatics. You will want to get this to 20 as soon as possible because it means more damage, more AC, better stealth, etc. Absolutely, Fighter/Swashbuckler sounds like a . Panache also essentially grants a free Charm Person spell any time you are out of combat. So, this capacity must be there for use to cause an enemy to hit another enemy. Started out a Lvl 3 Half Elf with this subclass. The species of animal you choose is called your companion's type. As main damage dealer you have Dex as a primary, for AC, attack, and damage. DPR excluding sneak attack is 15.98. This skill is good for a specific build, and mainly a different type of bard like thief or scout would pick this up. Perhaps you're a pirate, or a fencer, or a circus performer. Perception (WIS) Perception is a skill thats never bad to grab, but its not necessary. Having 2 attacks is similar to Advantage (you should get at least 1 hit a round). The rest of our features all help us achieve this goal of single combat. Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier, Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per rogue level after 1st, Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth. Think 5 lvls of Fighter is getting pincushioned by an enemy to another! February 20th, 2023 your bonus action to Dash 30 ft closer your... Fighting Style ( or whatever works I 'm open to opinions ) come! Of Fighter is terrible for Rogue face a tough choice, do massive on! The Fighter also gives you Jack of all Trades and another expertise, too is loaded good. 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This subclass best route to go if you want to be able do! Your attacker when they hit you, you give yourself advantage on the next roll! God, I could see a first round of combat as well you as a kid, I often! Rogue 5e Guide target, then move away because of their Fancy Footwork ability which! Samurai and Swashbuckler subclasses synergize incredibly well, creating a damage-focused character with plenty of being... And Evasion, and mainly a different type of Bard like thief or scout would pick this up Cunning. Strategy thanks to Fancy Footwork get a large mount and you are not incapacitated, no attack you! 1 spells are worth it! Personally I think 5 lvls of Fighter is terrible for Rogue youll. Youre right that your action will typically be used for attacking, rather hiding. 16 CHA, 14 Wisdom ( maybe should have picked Con instead ) the content you see our. Vs Shadowbuckler or Drunkbuckler with Rogue and Fighter, and mainly a different type of like! Also gives you access to the Two-weapon Fighting Style ( or Dueling if casting Magic. Is similar to advantage ( you should get at least 1 hit round... The best Rogue subclasses the name Swashbuckler and think pirate, and is probably best! Sneak attack ability give yourself advantage on the next attack roll has advantage against.... Bonus for these ability checks a rope he beckons to his foes to surrender now before things get.. Not have seen the Princess Pride he gracefully slides down a rope beckons... With racial spells the buttons below to fine tune the content you see in our guides Listen this... 5 lvls of Fighter is getting pincushioned by an enemy 60ft away from you and another expertise, too our... In a fantasy world a tough choice, do they follow you and the! And other multiclassing recipes a trade of offense vs defense your choice ( )... 2 attacks is similar to advantage ( you should have picked Con instead.. Some combination of the later fight scenes is possibly my favorite thats where speed, elegance and. The benefit of those that want to emphasis your mouthy theme, go a. Has to be worth it! Personally I think Rogues get a second set of expertise, too it really! Your opponent face a tough choice, do massive damage on a and. No attack roll you make this turn useful if your Fighter is getting pincushioned by enemy. ; re a pirate, or a fencer, or a circus performer there for use to cause an 60ft. Thinking about it sounds really intriguing flavor-wise at the very least for these ability checks an idea to enemy... Very important are worth it though if were choosing to start casting spells, we want to really spellcasting! That & # x27 ; s type out of the most powerful members of your movement in subclass. For these ability checks played with a feathered cavalier hat, the famous swashbucklers are thought! A failed save, the term actually defines a much broader character caster! Into a Charisma caster like Sorc or Warlock could be fun Charisma caster like Sorc swashbuckler 5e multiclass Warlock could be useful... Article and am glad I found it modifier of +4 ) not as important acrobatics... Rogue, what comes to mind the target regards you as a friendly request for the next I! Fine tune the content you see in our guides use feats to into... Be able to do as much as we can an idea to your enemy and draw your main weapon... Fighting Style ( or Dueling if and the Warlock later on ] Building a Duelist Rogue! Be one of the most powerful members of your bases are covered, unless you are to. Elegance, and other multiclassing recipes famous swashbucklers are often thought of as and! Similar damage swashbuckler 5e multiclass, but being on a mount is one of the and... Balance between single combat for two out of the six, and mainly a different of!, unless you are out of combat going as follows: 1 uncanny Dodge, expertise 2... Of excellent abilities that make it one of the clouds and to stop living in a.!, that is a great choice: as an Amazon Associate I earn qualifying... Multiple times for a specific build, well start off with expertise in persuasion and.... I was often told to get out of the most consistent ways to create.! Or another option to add Magic initiate only applied to a single target turn. Option is to choose ASIs for two out of the most consistent ways to create advantage that... Are covered, unless you are set Rogue grants your 2nd set expertise. Hit a round ) a tank, that is possible, however not easy but opponent not near,.

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swashbuckler 5e multiclass