ugliest countries in the world

Well, according to Beautiful Peoples managing director Greg Hodge, people from Britain dont polish their appearance enough and are considered less glamorous. New Yorkers are very nice compared to the folks from New Jersey, there are other places in the northeast besides New York by the way. Similarly Hindus and Muslims hate each other (many not all).. 8. I have a great experience there and I loved it ! People get confused between polite and friendly people, the Japans people are well mannered but that is part of their culture is ingrained in them!!! We (family) have travelled around the world, and agree that definetely French from PARIS area are the worst, but not so for the rest, even if one or them do not speak the language (English, Spanish or French). Although I find the Dutch to be a little crazy, the Netherlands is a very friendly country as well. This is not racist but take it as reference: Chinese people: Living in Indonesia, chinese people may differ due to the numerous subculture here. We look forward to going back very soon. Scientists have tried to come up with the answer to this question for a long time now. Despite being a very famous capital due to its country's beauty and assets, the capital is known for its otherwise uninviting attributes. Paler or tanned skin tones? Friendliest: Greece, Southern US (not north or west), Scotland, Swaziland, Italy, Norway. We have met so many wonderful people all over the world that I hesitate to list the one bad experience. My family says French are serious jerks. Seems like there are 2 sides to everything! These sorts of people exist in I guess every culture and country but it stands out to me here. I sing with a band. Everyone we encountered was horrifically rude. That may apply to a lot of cases, but some rude people are rude through no fault of your own. American once said to me .hay you there suck a fart out of my ass man .I was truly mortified .but am undecided as to witch category to put usa under .was the best offer I had that day . My friend had a horrible outsized monster suitcase (learned pack lightly the hard way!) However, the friendliest people that I have met around the world are the Brazilians. Even in the cities, people were gracious and cheerful wherever I went., USA (California coast, Hawaii and small towns). You shared your experiences, and it is clear that your opinion is based on them. Your Privacy Rights My family was decimated by the Khmer rouge not by Americans bombs. Some of the nicest people working in Rome are foreign born people. And i really like iranian(so kind and friendly) Take bad give bad is even, take good give good is equal, but take ba give good is awesome! Then why dont you just stay in China instead? We dont speak fluent French, but we practice out phrasing and our attempt to speak the local language is appreciated and usually reciprocated by the French switching to English. I essentially agree with Russia, china, Japan, USA, and maybe France. On the other hand, picture a country whose residents must endure political strife (possibly even violence), rampant inflation, high unemployment, poor health care, substandard education, and uncertain security, with few social programs, let alone support for the arts. .???????????????? but get 20 miles outside Paris and people are very friendly. . If you expect to be treated like royalty by everyone you will probably be treated much less respectfully, if you treat the disrespectful nicely then you will be the person that was nice regardless of which country you are from. But before you read the results, I think everything is best summed up by these 2 answers I received: People all over the world will be rude to you if you do not respect them, their culture or their language., Weve found everywhere in the world that If youre friendly to people, theyll generally be friendly to you.. Yes! They are never underhand or engage in sharp practices but always upfront and straightforward in doing business. I pity the poor, long-suffering, Hungarian people. The Netherlands. When the waiter came to take their order, they handed him printed index cards with French phrases to communicate with him. Of course there are exceptions (rude waiters in Paris), but for the most part people are friendly and interested in America. To be honest, I cant stand most Americans. I enjoy Italy because of its beauty but I have mixed feelings about the people Ive encountered. The same person though was ten minutes a few times and once 20, that was ok though. Cairns also was so welcoming from our taxi driver to our hotel staff everyone was wonderful. The top hotel awards in the world go to Indian hotels each year and im surprised it isnt even mentioned in this article anywhere. Australia is the worst. So far during my 3 years working there Id suffered from sort of discrimination. There is no difference between North and South Korea regarding the way they view non Koreans. Scientists argue that the reason why we look at symmetrical faces as more beautiful is that they are a sign of health and good genes. This troubled land would be an undeveloped country, possibly even one of the [least developed countries]((/country-rankings/least-developed-countries), and a much worse place to live. Been to Quebec many times and no one speaks English although everything in Canada is written in French and English. The ugliest country is Denmark. As a German living here I was shockedthey think we are rude but military folk say we are nice. Fins are always extremely accomodating and treat me like family when I am visiting. While I agree there are good and bad people in every country, Austria takes the cake for rudest in my opinion. Many of these countries, including Niger, Chad, South Sudan, Mali, and Burkina Faso, are currently at war thanks to civil war, ethnic violence, or terrorist insurgencies. What percent of people you interact with in a foreign country treat you badly, 2 or 3 out of maybe 100s and then we say its all a bad experience. Why wasnt Canada on the list. We dont know about Lithuanian men, but women surely had it tough trying to get access to the site, since only 15% of them was approved. Although, I appreciate your experience, I have had the pleasure of working with young South Koreans in a manufacturing/professional capacity. I would put India at the first place. It's one of the world's most polluted and there isn't much to look at. Actually, I find that Americans can be much nicer. They are considerably very rude and selfish, and do not seem to tolerate anyone who is different from themselves. I went to Windsor from Detroit and met the rudest, meanest and most abusive customs officials that Ive ever met. According to recent statics gathered in the publication Patients Beyond Borders: World Edition, it is estimated that the market size for medical tourism is $45.5-$72 billion (USD), representing approximately 12 million patients worldwide . And so the Andorrans have crammed all that they hold dear into the available land that flanks their one major highway, which careens at a 10-percent gradient in places from the high pass all the way to Spain. FRANCE . From there, it only gets worse. 4th place: Titicaca giant frog. We didnt speak a word of French but did ask politely if they spoke English. And USA are also not that welcoming. The post you are responding to was obviously written in jest. German men dont have much to be proud of either since only 15% of them got accepted to the site. I have been travel to alot of countries and met many types of peoples. I work for a company run by Indian entrepreneurs based out of the U.S. and have travelled to India extensively. The Greeks are rude? I was, in fact, quite surprised by the behavior of the Indians I met, and was reluctant to see a trend (as I fancied myself a non-racist). I used to live and work in mexico city. Doug Pensinger/Getty Images. the Japanese), the only ones I would put on the Rude list would be the local pedestrians in Hong Kong. He told me that i could stay there for a night or two. Sorry for all of this. I have had some be very annoyed about being five minutes late. I cant say that we have found a country where even a small percentage of people were rude, and we have done a fair amount of traveling. My first six hours (out of 24 hours) in Budapest, Hungary, in March, 2008, were my worst travel experience in my lifetime of 67 years. In France, a traveler may say to himself 30 times a day the following four words: What a charming village. In Andorra, such words are not spoken, at least not in that order. Overall I find them to be warm and friendly and smiling. Wildlife: Includes trout, bears, eagles, chamois, foxes and ducks. Ive started traveling a lot lately and have been to Mexico and the UK (majority of time spent in Bath), and I stumbled upon the sweetest people in both countries. Other cement buildings seem abandoned, making them fair game for graffiti enthusiasts. THERE ARE western friendly peoples AND western VERY unfriendly peoples, it is not subjective. Them: Yeah, well how yould you like me to search that bag? There were no African countries among the Beautiful People statistics, so we got this entry from the forum users. We were refused service unless we each ordered a pizza. Austrailia hands down is the friendliest place. I was driving along the Rhine, taking a detour on my way to Frankfurt, and I stopped frequently along the way. Home > Top 10 > Ugliest Cities in the World. I guess we both have different experiences and we met different people so its hard to say which is right. Not too impress, not bad either. They said that this got worse with the more high-powered Indians, like bankers and business people. The misery index is simple in concept. Everywhere we went in the UK , everyone was so nice and helpful, as were the Canadians. Italy is by far the best. For some reason, users have labeled women from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia as ugly. Furthermore your knowledge of Khmer history is rather sketchy most likely your sources of information s came from Noam Chomsky. However and to their credit they value humans better than most of us do and respect peoples rights more than the rest of us. Most people I know and have met, are indeed not big fans of Indian people, but why is that? Damn, they talk sweet bout themselves but what happens outside is tons of poverty. How perfect are we to think that every moment of every day of the year (8,760 hours) that we too are at our best. Americans are wonderful. Argentines are friendly. 1. A Parisian travels to Texas and immediately starts talking to everyone in French, expecting everyone in Texas to speak French with a perfect Parisian accent. Privacy Policy Pristina, Kosovo, has the distinction of often being dismissed as one of Europe's ugliest capitals. Czechs are easily the most rude in Europe. The response, typically, to a gracias wasnt the usual de nada, but rather a sus ordenes (at your service), and thats how they lived. The nicest will be in Kyrgyzstan. then I lost my temper and shouted back.???????????? :):), Who the heck made this??? No country in Europe or Asia begins to compare with the poor driving manners of Americans we are really in a class of our own in this regard. The Dutch in Amsterdam are the nicest people in Europe! Its sad in a way as the Irish were once known throughout the world for their friendliness and helpfulness. Slovenians are great! The rudeness or supposed niceness of some people is probably a poor measure for selecting country for the study abroad program. I had no problems with the green house they are well respected and treat their customers with respect. I SAY CHINESE PEOPLE ARE MORE PLEASING Na, Tennesee people are just plane old nice all the time. If the qualifications for judging a countrys rudeness are the amount of time youve spent there and the knowledge you have of the language, then I consider myself in a perfect position to say that in general, the French are not rude to foreigners, but Parisians for the most part are mean to tourists and to other Parisians. Surprisingly, there is no data about other Eastern Europe countries. If you live in any of these places, you'll surely disagree, but here is our unbiased list of cities that could be great but that are inexcusably ugly for many reasons. Venezuela is known for its extraordinary success at international beauty pageants and Venezuelan women are famous for their plastic surgery-enhanced bodies, but the country's capital sure is no beauty. Unlike the US, where restaurant workers are often temporary workers earning minimum wage, in France service personnel are professionals, and they expect their clients to treat them with the respect their station deserves. He is planning to compete in Mr Ugly World, to be staged in Harare in 2017. I receive a gift of a block of ten lessons with a trainer for a hobby I have. im not Jewish, but the friendliest people I ever met where in Izrael. Are all walls hard hard to say; but definitely a lot. I will say that Finland tops my list as friendliest. Small villages and even smaller minds. This Ive never encountered before not even in other parts of the South. Well, we were treated like royalty everywhere we went. Im American and I didnt see any rude behavior. We were traveling with another couple and he went walking down the road to see if he could find some help, as there was nothing where we had stopped. Waiters are at best disinterested and at worst hostile. Head movements in greeting or acknowledging agreement can be construed by foreigners as being aggressive or contrary. He encountered a gentleman walking his dog, who promptly went home, got his cell phone, called a garage he knew (which we would not have found in a million years)., If you are an American the English are about as friendly as they come. My best friend is Filipina. I think they are just inhuman to non-koreans. Congrats Britain and England in particular. The rudest island people Ive encountered are from the British Virgin Islands. These days, its easy to find audio familiarization courses and podcasts for the worlds major languages, and you can buy recorded materials for just about any language in the world online, so if you can afford to go overseas, theres no excuse for not spending an extra $30 or so to learn a few phrases. Italian bus driver shut the door in my face as I was about to get off and then drove me several blocks away and laughed about it. They even hate other Indians. I used to hitch hike a lot in Italy for long rides. Well duh you went to shithole mayo filled Windsor Of course theyre rude cuz their miserable.. shouldve came to Toronto, Ive travelled to Argentina and found out that they are very friendly, it was a very pleasant trip. I found the people there, most helpful, courteous and obliging. friendly in the united states until you want to go out to eat with them or date their daughter, or be invited into their homes. After being dubbed the "Worst City Flag in North America" in a . I found Besancon in the east of the country to be one of the least friendly places in the country. Multiple forum threads have singled our Peruvian women as ugly. Ive had some business dealings with Israeli companies and businesses and found them all very honest and straight in doing business deals. The rainbow is a symbol of hope. My brother married one. We also turned to forum users at Body Building, Lets Run and Roosh V Forum among others to see their opinion on the subject and supplement our list. The people are rude, almost behond comprehension. how can we judge a person or a nation by one millionth percent of their population on any given day. People in Paris are the rudest is have met. And when the Andorrans saw the mountainous lands that would be theirs, just upslope of Spain and south of France, I think I know what theyd have said: Crummy. The question is, what is the best way to quickly encapsulate which is which? Capital city: Andorra La Vella, population 22,000and the highest capital city in Europe, at 3,356 feet. It's currently known as one of the world's most dangerous cities, but even if it was a safe haven, it still would not be a very inviting city. (Well I dont travel to a lot of countries). (these are of course generalisations, but on the whole it has been my experience), Welsh people are the most small minded rascist people in the UK. If you stop and aks a stranger for directions there is a very good chance they will look at you strangely and just walk away from you! All Greek civil servants are rude, even to other Greeks! Quite often the people who claim that everyone in a foreign country was rude are people who go over with a superior attitude or a chip on their shoulder. I agree. As an Indian, I support what you say. I think the rudest treatment we have received has been in Germany. The UK? And I am American to the max, right down to the ball cap and Hawaiian shirt. I did not see Portugal on the list of friendliest. We stayed at a small guest hotel but interacted with most classes of people right down to the beggers who wanted a reward for faking that they found a lost ring on the sidewalk possibly thinking that we would be greedy and give them 10 or 20 Euro for something that might be worth much more. And the fact that France tops both the friendliest and rudest lists, shows its all down to personal experience. Heres the truth that a lot of Americans do not know about. Youre right, thats the reason why Brazil is among the friendliest countries. We are going to the great white North with our list of Countries with the ugliest women in the world. I am from Goa in India and was surprised that the people in paris were friendly and helpful. I stick mostly to asia now as i feel sick about spending thousands and thousands just to be abused in western countries, they will learn their lesson on their own when people stop going there and stop spending in their cash strapped economies. But this country have NOTHING like the other Nordic countries. The call came after a devastating Tsunami and earthquake hit a UN military base in a Western country in an apparent reaction to the recent earthquake attack on Turkey. Im surprise no one comment about japan , however Finland and Germany was very rude when I checked in hotels , they had this very nasty attitude to customers . Even our one bad experience in France was probably because we could not communicate in their language and did not understand their custom. There are many unattractive Soviet-era cities in Eastern Europe, but we expect more from a capital. I am Indian and despite being a well dressed millionaire ive been mistreated and questiined by immigration and customs officers everywhere in western countries but never in asian countries not even singapore and hong kong which are filthy rich city states yet they are still very warm and welcoming. We have the answer in today's show. Maybe his wish was that we spoke 50 languages including French, Lol. I think Canadians are wayyyy more nicer that Americans, Americans are just really rude obviously not everyone in America is rude but most are racist. Mexicans also.They are friendly amoungst themselves only. Me: I learned in the Marines to travel light. I think Canadians have far more uptight than Americans but oh well. Even the American airports are like that, as an American traveling around the country. They are actually listed as one of the most hospitable and respectful people in the world. They were always anxious to show off their local food and drink, and tell you about the history of their town. Really? the absolute worst. The J. Edgar Hoover Building serves as the headquarters for the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ), and placed as the second ugliest building in the world behind the Scottish Parliament . Some white people have terrible experiences in India of being cheated and looted but these are the people going on very cheap budget holidays and taking a lot of shortcuts to save money, india is not a cheap country if u want to experience it properly, it can be more expensive than anywhere in europe, go on a luxury holiday to India and then compare the experience and level or royal service hospitality you receive in India.its truly a class apart. Crazy, aggressive drivers who think thinks the roads are ONLY for cars. Most of the Czechs were either indifferent to me or rude, stopped and asked a young czech couple for directions the guy was helpful and friendly but his girlfriend put her hand up to my face.Oh and beware of the little pub/cafes in the city center, they charged me $70 for a glass of beer and a soup. Puerto Rico gets my vote as the most indifferent, not necessarily rude. I pretty much have similar experience with you. The most dangerous countries to visit in 2023 are Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen according to the latest Travel Risk Map, an interactive tool produced by security specialists at International SOS. Lmao!New Zealand on friendly list?The rudest country is New Zealand .And they r ugly. Its also one of the most hospitable countries in the whole world, let alone the middle east. I was especially astonished in London, since Id heard Londoners tend to be on the rude side. Come check it out one day, youll LOVE IT!!. French 1England-Wales-Norway-. The Worst Countries To Live In, According To The Misery Index, Quality of Life Index by Country 2022 Midyear - Numbeo, Human Development Report - United Nations. I agree! Go to the North east or Goa , for example. I do agree with most that mention that there are no shortage of jerks or lovely people in any country. They just want to sing, dance and enjoy life. They will quite frankly ask you why you are not rich, so fat, ugly, stinky, or poorly dressed. I have been in several middle eastern countries where IRAN tops the rank of most hospitable country ever. The people are so polite and respectful. Most European countries are beautiful as pearls but never this. Quebecers are quite nice, warm, and approachable. We just came back from two weeks in Sweden and found them very friendly and helpful. The second is the US. He has been serving as a critic for over 40 years as her love is immense about art and culture is. No problem mon is not just a saying; it is a way of life. New Zealand people are by far the rudest. I can go on. I am Canadian and have traveled many times on long-distance travel around North America (big cities and rural areas) and the Americans are far more apt to strike up a conversation than Canadians. oh, yes. On the other hand, 2020's worst country in the world to live in, Venezuela, demonstrates the worse end of the equation. The people I met were kind and wonderful, even to a tourist fumbling with barely rudimentary Spanish. I have to agree with you. working with them resulted in a few being remotely sociable, others being standoffish at best, and finally, those who were downright unfriendly. Mostly, people were branding African countries as ones that have the ugliest women. Its very, very bad! They are generally hated in those countries. Never have I met people like that anywhere else I have gone. For example, in Western cultures including the United States, a woman who has a bronze skin and curved body with large breasts is considered more beautiful and attractive. Im planning to see Italy and Portugal soon enough and then I'd like to see Germany, Australia, Thailand and Brazil. Even the overseas-born Indian friends I have dislike Indians from India, and not because of the caste system. Top 10 Ugliest People In The World Currently 1. Especially NORTHERN WELSH and DOUBLE ESPECIALLY if they detect a hint of a scouse accent ha ha! Ive met friendly and rude people all over the world and all over the U.S. A couple from New York was seated several tables away and had told us they had stayed in Avignon during the Summer for the last 4 years. The equation adds together the unemployment rate, inflation rate, and bank lending rate, then subtracts the percentage change in real GDP per capita. I am not being biased to my country but Zambians are the friendliest people on this planet. I feel so bad for foreign tourists who are On top of everything else, the subway system was a sewer, and a really scary place overall. Is it their color? A Westerner with a Korean women is really putting his life at risk as they cherish their ethnic purity above all else and dont expect any help from the police or authorities. This may also be because there is relatively less wealth than in the North. Nobody thinks indonesia?well we probably having a problem in language but we do care at each others.try visiting wont regret it! I have lived in the Philippines on a continuous bases for 18 years. Mexico City: This is the most dangerous city in the world, no wonder why it is part of the globe's ugliest cities.What makes this city not safe for everyone, both to locals and visitors, are the criminals that found a paradise in this district. Only 19% of Argentinian women that applied to the site got accepted compared to 28% of men. Being labelled the ugliest place in the world felt like a blow to the Belgian city of Charleroi. Well Im not rlly the traveling type but Nevadans can be pretty kewl, dudeeee egyptian are the nicest people ever they seriously treat u like a family. On the other side, in Eastern cultures like China, slim women with big eyes and pale skin are standard of beauty. Take Mesopotamia.. Kurds are clearly (and always have been) western friendly, so do Arab Christians (in Syria).. Sunni Arab Jordanians hate westerners (even though their regime is a western ally). All they want is Money, like they have no soul. When the French saw their rolling hills and river valleys, theyd have knelt and handled the soil and declared that good wine would come of this land. Even Americans. Their mannerisms? This clearly depends on individual experience. We encountered very helpful and delightful people in all places. I do know a lot of Americans are hateful towards new and different people and I believe its pretty sad. However, here in the Philippines people are extremely rude and a little stupid, and I havent gone to France or brazil yet, though the former is going solely by reputation. The net one is Etienne Dumont in this list of ugliest people in the world who works as an art critic in Switzerland. Nature may do boring, but never ugly. Friendliest people as a whole I have encountered in Cambodia. usa is the rudest country in term of driving on freways. The owner, an older man (and his younger wife), was always ready to pour a glass of wine or direct us to a restaurant or other destination. People are so welcoming and nice , the waiters will have a chat with you, people are so generous and the are known for being one of the most safest countries in the world !! The bottom end of Numbeo's index appears quite different from that of other indexes, as Numbeo analyzes a smaller range of countries and excludes much of Africa. They are horrible even to the English. But even the guy who complained was upset that the waiter didnt speak English, when he/she herself didnt speak French. Nothing like the media stereotype where theyre all characterised as rude and obstreperous. I know their can be many kind nations out there and you all may have varyng opinions about any nation i point due to historical reasons but in my own estimation i found the brits in the UK to be about the best people you can find, they are frank yes and direct yes and thats a good thing as honesty is crucial and they also mind their own business generally unless it borders on certain fundamental principles. I could tell tons and other types of examples but my points are: I have an extremely bad taste in my mouth for Austrians, Ill be honest. How can this country be considered even Nordic? A swordfish statue in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia ALAMY Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Anyone who has seen footage of palm-oil plantations scarring. Whew! Women from Turkey had 23% acceptance rate while Turkish men are perceived as less beautiful with an acceptance rate of 20%. Women and men from Turkey also are not too far in terms of acceptance. Keep loving us!! After my month-long trip to Australia I had to go through this with US Customs: Them: You mean to tell me that you just spent a month in Australia and all you took If an applicant receives the majority of beautiful votes in 48 hours, he/she is in. 2. Even within India there is widespread dislike of people from other races , castes , religion from India itself. My dad called them and stayed on hold with them for 3 hours. of 5/100000 and a long etc., and we are supposed to be more miserable that someone. There are certainly nice and warm people and if you visit as a tourist you have a better chance to experience friendly treatment by those in the tourism industry. In my travels I have found that people reflect your attitude. The waiter didnt speak French this question for a hobby I have in! The rudeness or supposed niceness of some people is probably a poor measure for selecting for. Meanest and most abusive customs officials that Ive ever met was especially astonished in London, Id. In French and English Beautiful as pearls but never this our one bad in!: what a charming village, and do not know about are all walls hard hard say. I used to hitch hike a lot in Italy for long rides met kind... From sort of discrimination ugly world, let alone the middle east,... Planning to compete in Mr ugly world, to be warm and friendly and smiling question for a hobby have! About the people Ive encountered gets my vote as the most part people friendly. 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Be construed by foreigners as being aggressive or contrary and at worst hostile house they well. Lessons with a trainer for a hobby I have had the pleasure of working young. Other races, castes, religion from India itself the UK, everyone was wonderful of 20.! To their credit they value humans better than most of us do and respect peoples Rights more than rest. Most polluted and there is no difference between North and South Korea regarding the way they view non Koreans surprised... Believe its pretty sad, users have labeled women from Nigeria, Zimbabwe and!

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ugliest countries in the world