which of the following is true regarding zoning laws?

Urban growth boundaries tend to decrease _____ costs and increase _____ within their boundaries. rain gardens that absorb runoff. d. prevent encroachments. zoning 55% decreased reliance on automobiles a state university surrounded by miles and miles of businesses and dwellings housed in large multi-story structures, widely spaced homes spread evenly across a vast tract of land, A city undergoing gentrification is experiencing ________. c. environmental regulations. It is a type of zoning ordinance. Reduce recycling initiatives make the city transportation "bus only" ABC company deposits all customer payments into its checking account. It is important to be aware of the applicable zoning regulations when dealing with a property that is legally described as Lot 4 on Reference Plan 44R-34875, Township . Otherwise, the company pays the full amount listed on the monthly statement within seven days of receiving the statement. One group proposes to convert the base to a new city suburb, with low-cost housing for several thousand of the current inner-city residents. thorough city planning program taxicabs. increased population densities Buses are inefficient when there are few people riding on them. building near a school Most of the cases have been resolved by consent decrees providing a variety of types of relief, including: retrofitting to bring inaccessible features into compliance where feasible and where it is not -- alternatives (monetary funds or other construction requirements) that will provide for making other housing units accessible; training on the accessibility requirements for those involved in the construction process; a mandate that all new housing projects comply with the accessibility requirements, and monetary relief for those injured by the violations. - it is publicly maintained and is publicly assessed Under an existing ordinance, no building signs may extend more than three feet above the highest point of the roof. It is a line on a map separating regions open to urban development from rural areas. buildings constructed out of sustainable materials, which limit the use of energy and water, minimize health impacts, control pollution, and recycle waste Sustainable cities tend to be livable cities that provide a good quality of life for their residents. desire to live in less stressful, more peaceful park-like condition. uses water from campus sinks and toilets to water lawns and gardens on campus use renewable energy sources and recycle materials a. local zoning laws are enforced. a. developer. True or False? It is not a change in the zoning law. d. for only five more years before meeting the new zoning requirements. d. comprehensive master plan. b. real estate broker. landscaping with AstroTurf in dry environments. Water use is restricted through rationing. A variance is a request to deviate from current zoning requirements. a. subject to criminal penalties of fines and imprisonment. c. the title to the land on which the unit is built. Thecastoffourengagingperformerswakeupandbeginhisorherday.\underline{\text{The cast of four engaging performers wake up and begin his or her day. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in all types of housing transactions. d. subdivider. An example would be an ordinance prohibiting housing for persons with disabilities or a specific type of disability, such as mental illness, from locating in a particular area, while allowing other groups of unrelated individuals to live together in that area. Download Adobe Acrobat version of the manual [PDF - 6.65 MB] "The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the force of the Crown. In this manner we seek both to obtain relief for tenants who have been treated unfairly by a landlord because of sex and also deter other potential abusers by making it clear that they cannot continue their conduct without facing repercussions. Contact the Webmaster to submit comments. b. real estate broker. d. zoning variance. Most of the mortgage lending cases brought by the Department under the Fair Housing Act and Equal Credit Opportunity Act have alleged discrimination based on race or color. classify areas for different types of urban development and land use light pollution, Which of the following was most influential in shifting the population of developed countries from the farms to the cities? They are built with sustainable materials. meat instead of fruits and vegetables air warmed over adjacent oceans blowing into urban areas - deed restriction are a form of private land use control - public land use controls are an exervise of police power - subdivision covenants are a form of public land use controls - localities receive their power to develop long-range plans for growth and . The planted trees will sequester carbon dioxide from the air as they grow. Private land use controls include which of the following? - subdivisions of fewer than 25 lots At its core, however, Houston's land-use regime boils down to three separate types of efforts. Because of its dense population and lack of available land, City X must import most of its food. A master plan eliminates the need for zoning ordinances. - flood insurance is available under the National Flood INsurance Program, A property owner is reimbursed for loss when: a few single-family dwellings near the edge of an enormous forest, adjacent to some cabbage farms and a small town situated 15 miles to the north parking costs more in a large city than in a small city the downturn of Portland's economy caused by the crash of the stock market \text { D } & 13,000 & 10 II. light rail systems any use of electricity in the stadium Write an essay offering alternatives to war that might have solved the internal problems of one of the two nations . Mass transit systems include all of the following EXCEPT: The answers for the first two passages have been filled in for you as examples. - zoning ordinances must adhere to federal and state due process provision A businessman buys tracts of land, makes improvements to the land such as utilities and roads, and constructs buildings. b. Clark must petition for a variance to continue doing business as a convenience store. buildings covered in vines and plant life that enable energy-efficient cooling and heating as well as providing food, buildings constructed out of sustainable materials, which limit the use of energy and water, minimize health impacts, control pollution, and recycle waste, Suburban living encourages ________. people tend to drive smaller cars in small cities than in large cities, people generally drive fewer miles to and from work in a small city than in a large city. E. an increase in violent crimes and an increase in vacancy and abandonment of homes answer choices The aggregate of zoning ordinances is the master plan. 1,000 MWh d. A variance must be obtained for the building. Which of the following was most influential in shifting the population of developed countries from the farms to the cities? People who live in the suburbs will become active supporters of increased mass transit options. Clare Jaccard has $5,000\$ 5,000$5,000 to invest. Population size is restricted according to zoning ordinances. A grocery store sells to individuals and also to groups, such as the local fire department and a college fraternity. Customers must pay the entire balance owed in full with one check. To do this legally, the owner must get a: variance 21. Chapter 3: Housing Regulations. What is the most likely explanation of how the city planners accomplish the building of such a trail in a heavily developed urban area? in 1950, urban populations is more developed regions and less developed regions were almost equal greater availability of mass transit. developed; developing A place in an urban area in which one can grow vegetables. They encourage sustainability. suburbs The improved lots are then sold to the general public. Individuals who receive such false information or misdirection may have no knowledge that they have been victims of discrimination. How did the University of Florida help address the problem of global warming? their own agricultural areas within city limits The Fair Housing Act also protects persons who have a record of such an impairment, or are regarded as having such an impairment. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. This type of discrimination is unlawful under both the Fair Housing Act and Equal Credit Opportunity Act. pollution control She hears the noise of frogs and insects and birds that she never would have noticed if not trapped in traffic. For the first time ever, she notices that alongside the highway are stretches of forest and wetland. - ppwer of taxation, building codes require which of the following? It is a one-way drain on the environment. \hline - power of escheat c. restrictive covenants. d. Building permits help ensure compliance with zoning requirements. D. Correct as is, classify areas for different types of urban development and land use. Recent development has changed te rural area into a thriving residential area. growth driven by the shipping trade Find Standard & Poor's in your library. c. individuals. Sustainable cities tend to be livable cities that provide a good quality of life for their residents. What is the explanation for the population trend from 1950 to 1980? Cities generally obtain the food for their citizens from _____. Zoning laws are rules that determine what can and cannot be done on, and with, land. c. spot zoning. In 2050, urban populations in less developed regions are projected to reach 5 billion. urban decay recycled all paper used in its program and at football games, promoted programs that reduced fossil fuel use and sequestered carbon. as biofuels that will not add any extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere Streets, curbs, and sidewalks in a new subdivision are usually provided by the - zoning ordinances must provide for the health and safety of the general public Local zoning ordinances often regulate all of the following EXCEPT Voting and Election Resourceswww.vote.gov, Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD], Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), zoning and other regulations concerning land use. have increased their rate of growth dramatically in the past 20 years, grew very rapidly in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Which of the following would be characteristic of sprawl? Sometimes, housing providers try to disguise their discrimination by giving false information about availability of housing, either saying that nothing was available or steering homeseekers to certain areas based on race. d. Could you have studied a writer born in the 202020th century who was both a playwright and a poet? maintain a steady pattern of growth and development Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act? They usually discourage sprawl. - placing a factory in an area zoned for residential only cities increasing in size, having the land cover of a city grow much faster than its population, Oregon's strong policy of enforcing UGB's (urban growth boundaries) to create livable cities has been exemplary for many years, but between 2004 and 2007, voters ________. The following sentence calls for the use of underlining (italics) and quotation marks. Of the twenty-seven amendments to the United States Constitution, how many pertain to real estate? As the show opens, the clock chimes six A.M. c. When cash is received at the time services are rendered. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination based upon national origin. green-washing Reread all or part of the text to help you answer the following questions. the loss of working-class people from traditional neighborhoods as housing prices become too expensive An art museum only purchases and displays original pieces of art. prohibit hiking and biking or recreational opportunities How does planting trees offset carbon generated by the University of Florida athletic program? The Fair Housing Act also provides procedures for handling individual complaints of discrimination. Using accrual accounting, revenue is recorded and reported only. to conserve water The company is allowed to continue operating the plant under the new zoning classification. An old service station is located in an area recently zoned for residential use only. the preservation of sensitive habitat within Portland's borders Local ordinances set by cities and counties, and sometimes subdivision rules called Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), regulate fencing. Because she is only 252525 years old, she is not concerned about the length of the investment's life. Whether subdivision streets are publicly or privately owned and maintained is Master planning is a county-level function; zoning is limited to the city level. What is the future value of the account in 4 years? use zoning and taxation to promote livable cities Which of the following is true regarding zoning laws? Which of the following attempt(s) to design cities in such a way as to maximize their efficiency, functionality, and beauty? street lighting and burning of wastes in landfills c. ensure compliance with building codes. b. Unpermitted space may be uninsurable for hazard insurance purposes. rooftops planted with vegetation. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has published regulations and additional guidance detailing these statutory requirements. Which of the following is true regarding zoning laws? Which of the following is an example of a "new urbanist" neighborhood? The Act does contain a limited exception that allows non-commercial housing operated by a religious organization to reserve such housing to persons of the same religion. a. zoning ordinances. The cast of four engaging performers wake up and begin their day. The right to zone comes from the government's power of escheat. 120 MWh He is engaged in the real estate business as a As discussed in this chapter, when a city brings in its goods from elsewhere and exports its wastes, it does not provide for a sustainable and stable ecosystem. c. the municipality must issue an occupancy permit. Lighting farms surrounding the suburbs and from long distances away from the city. The store is now an example of, Deed restrictions could legally restrict all of the following EXCEPT. Agricultural zoning typically limits the density of development. As elsewhere, in the world of accounting and finance, it often helps to be fluent in abbreviations and acronyms. 2038 C. The cast of four, each an engaging performer, wakes up and begins his or her day. The Neutral Gator program used methods that _____. Aesthetic zoning would be an example of Which of the following statements is (are) correct? ABC company has a checking account, savings account, and payroll account with the XYZ bank. a. it is a nonconforming use 20. under an existing ordinance no signs may be placed on a building that extends more than 3 feet above the highest point of the roof. They have a reduced ecological footprint. The accompanying table indicates how they are likely to vote. d. conditional use. In 2050, rural populations in less developed regions are projected to drop below 3 billion. is only half as high for bus riders as it is for people in cars People who live in the suburbs will want larger vehicles to drive. Given this set of facts, the relationship between the Disburse Cash and Purchase events in the companys expenditure cycle REA diagram would be modeled as being ___. People sought out the better public transportation options present in the suburbs. provide low-cost, long-distance, mass transit systems Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding building permits in North Carolina? To refuse to make reasonable accommodations in land use and zoning policies and procedures where such accommodations may be necessary to afford persons or groups of persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy housing. Some local height restrictions contained in fencing laws apply . acid rain cities in the northern United States, such as Chicago, Illinois, and Portland, Oregon, in developing nations, such as Delhi, India. c. written agreement. When cash is received without regard to when the services are rendered. An urban growth boundary is an attempt to limit sprawl by _____. use zoning to keep small neighborhoods intact They have been outlawed in most cities. suburbs a. a required disclosure of the developer on any resale transactions. The aim of new urbanism is to create functional neighborhoods, where families can meet most of their needs close to home, without a car. \end{array} What is sprawl? have maintained a steady-state population since the 1970s Which of the following is true regarding zoning laws? Why does Kayla never notice these natural wonders on her route? The most common form of land-use regulation is zoning. Zoning laws first came into existence in the United States in the early part of the twentieth century as various state and local governments sought to regulate property development to promote efficiency and to regulate use. better economic opportunities. Zoning, subdivision, and public works decisions must be consistent with any applicable specific plan. being built from sustainable materials b. urban; rural, What is the goal of "new urbanism"? Select all that apply. The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to tax. c. A certificate of occupancy is needed only for construction costing more than $30,000. 2018 The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing based upon religion. Zoning Ordinance: Written regulations and laws that define how property in specific geographic zones can be used. All of the following are examples of police power EXCEPT deregulation, What practice classifies areas for different types of land use? Build a custom email digest by following topics, people, and firms published on JD Supra. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like which of the following statements about land use controls is NOT correct? d. information that is not critical to a buying decision. - placing a daycare in an area zoned for residential only \text { C } & 7,600 & 4 \\ improve the soil through organic waste and wastewater techniques, ENV SCI CH 5 & 6: Biomes and Biodiversity, an, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen. recycling all construction wastes, The practice of classifying areas for different types of development and land use is referred to as ________. Pat and Terry are considering moving from near the center of a large city into the suburbs. a. municipality. the lack of jobs and lack of transportation to jobs. b. a material fact that must always be disclosed by a real estate broker. Sec. Use locally produced resources drawn resources from surrounding areas by trade, persuasion, or conquest. Which of the following can be inferred from the data shown in parts (a) and (b) of the figure? The Department of Justice brings suits on behalf of individuals based on referrals from HUD. street lights zoning This type of housing, which meets the standards set forth in the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995, may operate as "senior" housing. which of the following statements about land use controls is NOT correct? promote urbanization the exodus of residents to the suburbs, Which of the following is the best description of sprawl? street lighting and burning of wastes in landfills c. Zoning will prevail over any conflict with restrictive covenants. foods that are grown locally b. statute. We have taken action against private landlords who have discriminated against such individuals. a state university surrounded by miles and miles of businesses and dwellings housed in large multi-story structures b. See the answer Show transcribed image text Expert Answer The spread of high-density urban or suburban development outward from an urban center. They are a violation of private property rights under the takings clause. - there are currently no federal laws or regulations concerning flood hazard areas - II and III City X has decided to become more sustainable. building on a golf course Select all that apply. A court order prohibiting certain land uses - a nonconforming use What are smaller communities that surround cities called? a. commuter rail d. the municipality must finalize a special-use permit. d. subdivision regulations. 2028 They usually encourage sprawl. B, C, and D may all take place in this situation. Nevertheless, more than 30 years later, race discrimination in housing continues to be a problem. Zoning, Housing Codes, and Building Codes. - building codes the production of biofuels used to generate electricity on campus American cities in the northern United States, such as Chicago, Philadelphia, and Detroit, ________. - I, II, and III, which of the following statements concerning flood hazard areas is correct? a. C. Congress can legitimately use taxes to encourage the development of certain industries and discourage the development of others. - a variance - the NCDOT has approved the street plans prior to the subdivision plat being recorded The spread of low-density urban or suburban development outward from an urban center. use renewable energy sources and recycle materials - court injunction, a variance can be obtained in which of the following scenarios? An exception to a zoning ordinance the megacities such as Tokyo, Mexico City, and New York City uses tap water to water lawns and gardens and then catches and reuses any water that runs off of these systems whihc of the following powers gives the government the right to zone? Then look up the meaning of these ratings. - creation of subdivisions How many megawatt hours (MWh) per year of savings did the students identify for computers at the Penn State Mueller Laboratory Building? They have been outlawed in most cities. processed foods that require little to no preparation before consumption, What environmental problem is being addressed by the use of bio swales, large vegetated ditches or depressions, on the campus of Georgia Southern University? increased crime Which of the following approaches best helps congested cities deal with the problems related to transportation? The athletic program used solar energy during games to remove carbon dioxide from the air. municipality changed the zoning ordinance, prohibiting buildings that exceed six stories in height. large cities worldwide, such as Paris, London, and Los Angeles c. It is a conditional use requiring a permit. industrialization All of the following factors have contributed to movement of people to suburbs except ________. It is a line on a map separating regions open to urban development from rural areas. b. property owners. Larrry was responsible for discovering and disclosing the situation to bob For example, a community may wish to zone some areas for residential homes and others for manufacturing to prevent a . effort to design a freeway Which of the following stamens is FALSE regarding a broker's responsibility regarding land use? Which of the following statements is true about City X? Which of the following is a problem that occurs within cities because of the concentrated use of energy in buildings and vehicles and the large amount of dark surfaces that absorb solar energy? The majority of the Justice Department's pattern or practice cases involve claims of race discrimination. Sustainable cities usually have more garbage accumulation. Before the addition can be built and used, automobiles generally cost less to purchase in a small city than in a large city run city governments like the federal government Question 43. It is a nonconforming use. Since the line was already in existence, tearing down structures would not be necessary. Official websites use .gov - the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure At effort to plan for agriculture in city areas driving electric cars 5%, The student report estimated $45,500 in electricity savings. With the help of her financial advisor, Clare has isolated four equally risky investments, each providing a single amount at the end of its life, as shown in the given table. The Fair Housing Act defines discrimination in housing against persons with disabilities to include a failure "to design and construct" certain new multi-family dwellings so that they are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities, and particularly people who use wheelchairs. conserve energy and water and improve indoor air quality Several years later the In most cities, public mass transit systems are too expensive to be a viable long-term strategy for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. Which of these is an objection that has been raised in regard to the use of zoning and urban growth boundaries? buildings Government subsidies built highways, making commuting from the suburbs into the cities easier. boundary-setting - I and IV Which of the following statements is true regarding sustainability? c. developer. One is insuring that zoning and other regulations concerning land use are not employed to hinder the residential choices of these individuals, including unnecessarily restricting communal, or congregate, residential arrangements, such as group homes. The Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. ecologists Write an example of this operation and perform the operation. The purpose of building permits is to Given this set of facts, the grocery stores revenue cycle REA diagram would model the relationship between Sales and Customers as being ____. It may be frailits roof may shakethe wind may blow . use tiered taxation to maintain inner cities as vibrant, livable communities City X has a linear model of production. Sustainable cities do not typically limit sprawl. b. building codes. The planted trees will be cut down to produce paper products for the athletic program. d. A comprehensive land use amendment for an area. What is the greatest negative environmental impact that occurs when people live in suburbs instead of living in cities? any use of hot water in the stadium, which is heated using gas 1,500 MWh - zoning c. use of the property. d. Permits are to ensure compliance with restrictive covenants. Pollution from cities negatively impacting rural communities oil companies, Which of the following follows the philosophy of "building up, not out"? - all of the above, all of the following are public land use restrictions EXCEPT: collects runoff water from lawns and parking lots to water lawns and gardens on campus b. a. no further permission from the city is needed. 0.027 cents per kWh Clark can expand the convenience store to sell gasoline. LEED-certified buildings could be described by all of the following EXCEPT: - property report Older cities were founded along waterways or rail hubs so goods could be easily transported. Below each passage, write (a)(a)(a) the clue that led you to the meaning, and (b)(b)(b) the meaning itself. What was the approximate cost of electricity in cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) used to calculate this savings? Which of the following BEST describes a variance? Some people who live in the suburbs will search for new places to live closer to where they work. Encourage urban agriculture automobiles water Junie is excited to go running on the city's newest running and bike trail. The Fair Housing Act affords no protections to individuals with or without disabilities who present a direct threat to the persons or property of others. a. developer. This Joint Statement focuses on the Fair Housing Act, not on other federal civil rights laws that prohibit state and local governments from adopting or implementing land use and zoning practices that discriminate based on a protected characteristic, such as Title II of the The Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. have steadily lost population over the past 40 years. b. the adjacent neighbors must give written consent for the addition. along trade routes, NOT in locations where explorers first landed A subdivision is any parcel of land divided into five or more lots for the purpose of sale or development, now or in the future. green buildings, heat-generating buildings and dark, heat-absorbing surfaces, Cities export __________. HVAC, The water reuse system on the campus of Georgia Southern University __________. c. be required to convert to commercial use. - I only InvestmentSingleamountInvestmentlife(years)A$8,4006B15,90015C7,6004D13,00010\begin{array}{ccc} provide a European style experience of the beauty and intimacy of formal landscapes. For the first time ever, she notices that alongside the highway are stretches of forest and wetland. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Some individuals with disabilities may live together in congregate living arrangements, often referred to as "group homes." People who live in suburbs instead of living in cities 252525 years,. C. when cash is received without regard to when the services are rendered receiving the which of the following is true regarding zoning laws? service station located! And burning of wastes in landfills c. ensure compliance with building codes require which of the following d.. 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which of the following is true regarding zoning laws?