worm fanfiction godlike taylor

Work Search: Armsmaster frowned a little. So, its likely that the same source is responsible. That would be my guess, yes. She looked seriously at him. Its more an unwinding story than anything that is likely to go anywhere, as its always good fun to throw a completely OP Taylor at the Wormverse. A storehouse of weapons beyond imagination, controlled by an enigmatic old man of unclear origins and an abused teenager. Hi, Assault. That had become almost pedestrian, while this was fun. What do you know about second triggers? They're incredibly rare, for a start, he replied. Exactly. Only those dumpsters left, the machete-wielding assailant announced. But I hope we can come up with something to give him a little comfort. Unlikely, the tall man muttered. Theyre not going to do anything now. Cautious and very suspicious, Amy didnt move. To every arthropod and worm on the planet. Which would be bad, he suggested, based on her tone. It more than makes up for the greater simplicity. He stayed silent, staring wide-eyed in horror at the implications. I won't let them down, he added more quietly. Thats scary. Just a feeling. A feeling? he asked curiously. Not the way you're probably thinking. She turned to look at him. Either way, here it is. It could fit into either or both depending on the insects in question. Not natural one, Construct. BBFD fire investigators have also come to the same conclusion, which is why they called us in the first place. Damn it, Piggot growled. Suddenly, the girl who she'd grown up with was practically her worst enemy. Fours a Party I believe qualifies, at least eventually. Resolving to exercise more if she survived the next few hours, she pelted down the narrow alleyway hearing the several sets of footsteps behind her hesitate, then follow where shed turned off the main road. "I don't know Hive seemed nice." I did that six weeks ago from some points of view, she giggled. Residual traces of certain forms of radiation lead me to believe that it was a tinker-tech incendiary of some sort rather than a pyrokinetic. We haven't been over much lately but we used to come have barbeques with your mom and dad." She winced a little at her own statement but otherwise did an admirable job of pretending that my dad hadn't just been killed in an accident. We're marking you as busy until further notice. That would happen. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (72), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types (4), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (4), Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl | Antares (34), Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Lisa Wilbourn | Tattletale (19), Amy Dallon | Panacea | Red Queen & Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver (11), Emma Barnes/Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver (7), Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver & Lisa Wilbourn | Tattletale (7), Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl/Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver (7), Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Sophia Hess | Shadow Stalker (7), Dragon/Colin Wallis | Armsmaster | Defiant (6), Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Rachel Lindt | Bitch | Hellhound (5), Madison Clements/Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver (5), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (39), Tinker Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver (27), totally stole Karrin Murphy from Dresden files, I shamelessly steal characters from other fandoms though, Danny Hebert & Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver, Amy Dallon | Panacea | Red Queen & Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl | Antares, Dragon/Colin Wallis | Armsmaster | Defiant, Fuck the Empire 88 and fuck the Nazis they rode in on, Miss Militia decides to adopt an overpowered cannibal child, can be a bit creepy and weird as fuck sometimes, HANNAH WILL BE THE BEST GODDAMN MOTHER AND DAMN ANYONE WHO TRIES TO STOP HER, No Scion No Endbringers fuck the Grimdark this is a comfort fic, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Greg Veder, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Sophia Hess | Shadow Stalker, Original Female Character/Original Female Character/Original Female Character, The sheer audacity and lack of anything resemling shame, Those who live to run away live to make a complete nuisance of themselves another day, Having other people pay for your mistakes is one way to solve all of your problems, Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl/Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver, Also called: my excuse to make Taylor kiss girls, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Rachel Lindt | Bitch | Hellhound, Taylor Hebert has no time for your bullshit, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Lisa Wilbourn | Tattletale, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types. Not a good person, that girl. She nodded slightly. Eventually she tentatively held out a hand, while thinking this was quite unlike her normal behavior, but putting it down to stress and sheer wondering curiosity. Peering around the side of the large metal container she could see in the flickering light given off by a single lamp mounted high on the wall three men, all looking very rough and scruffy, walk slowly into the yard and glance around. More or less all the evidence that could have led to a culprit was compromised by the extreme heat. am I? the mystery voice completed for her, definitely amused now. It was very impressive. And she remembers you all right. Her complexion went an unpleasant brown-gray color. It would be a considerably darker story that Taylor Varga although not to the level of unrelenting grimness that canon Worm is. Danny Hebert sat in his office chair, looking out the window at the crumbling ships in the distance, lit from the side by the setting sun, his hands slowly feeling what they were holding. My normal mental speed is so much faster that it can get pretty boring waiting for something to happen. I'd recommend skipping over the chapter from the 'Emperor's' perspective, it delves too much into the AU 40k which isn't great and he's grating. Retinal cells pick up the color and intensity of light at millions of points on my body, then on the opposite side the bioluminescent cells and chromatophores reproduce it. It's made worse by the way no one listened when the girl tried to get help. She was in there for hours, and absolutely no one helped her. Primarily a Thinker, definitely. Seconds later he looked confused before he simply froze in place. Together with a former serial killer doctor and a heroic organization whose morality is held together by duct tape they will need to find a way to save the world. All I can do is move on. Assault shivered for a moment. Youve met. Sophia looked back at the woman, puzzled and with a feeling of dread building in the pit of her stomach. Good god, he mumbled, shocked. Some thought that a trigger event was the traumatic part of getting powers. Pretender fits, in that Taylor is powered by worship, though she's not as powerful as many of the other fics recced already. But But? he asked when she went silent again. Hoping you'll continue it soon! But Id like to talk to you sometime, if thats OK. Curious, Amy nodded. Whats so weird about that, compared to, I dont know, Lung, maybe? "Um Point to you. I was trying for non threatening but I have some limitations at the moment. I'd recommend skipping over the chapter from the 'Emperor's' perspective, it delves too much into the AU 40k which isn't great and he's grating. Armsmaster nodded once more, more slowly. Colin, its every single disease that affects humans and is spread by or involves an insect vector. However, I did recycle a few elements from this one into TV when they seemed to fit. He looked around once more and when he looked back the moth was gone. Reaching a cross alley, she looked both ways, flipped a mental coin, and turned left. For nearly two years. Fuck me, Assault said, staring at her. Theogony by Darth Marrs on Fanficion.net is pretty much this Y'know, I think we have a vocabulary problem. Adrian Gorgey May 11, 2015 #2 I- Coronation It was dark. She shrugged slightly. No knowledge of League Of Legends Needed! Not necessarily in that order. If she had been capable of it at that point in time, Lisas eyes would have widened comically. Shed known from her powers that Hive had wings, but she hadnt quite realized how large they were. Actually, it was the first chronologically, I started . Not positive. Im not saying there isnt some weird power or combination of powers that could kill me either, nothing is really immortal, but even if there was, the aftereffects would be bad enough to make using it pretty much impossible. Why?Assault asked, then hastily added, Not that Im saying I want to kill you. He got the impression she was more or less grinning at him for what hed said. She slapped his hand away, still looking around. Depending on the range and whether the insect senses could be used. And apparently likes music as well. Again, they both fell silent, staring at each other. It worked, more or less, and she slowly began to get over the death of her mother. The insect-woman sighed faintly, pausing her story for a few seconds. Humans are animals after all and animals are just really complicated bags of chemicals. Dozens of people saw it happen but the school was so corrupt that they just walked past. Looking back at the Rig, on which a helicopter was currently landing, she sighed once again. Thats why no one else can understand what they do. Assault stared at the figure in front of him for several seconds, trying to put his finger on it, but all he could think was that he was getting very uncomfortable all of a sudden, his heart rate rising and his body getting ready for combat. He had people to fill in. Oh my god, thats amazing. The smaller man was being his usual self and their long-suffering leader was beginning to get annoyed about it. While the overall body shape, except for the extra arms, was more or less humanoid in pattern, the head wasn't. Not entirely sure why she was smiling considering the awful recent experience shed had, not to mention a pretty stressful day otherwise, Amy went into her house and closed the door quietly behind her. Hebert? ShayneT exclusively writes extremely powerful characters (mostly Taylor), all fics except his current one are complete (5 total) and around 200-300k words. She suspected that the woman holding her probably couldnt lift all that much more weight, but she seemed to have no real problems dealing with Amy. Hear what? another one asked irritably, poking a pile of cardboard boxes with the end of his bat. Whining sound. 134 guests It didn't work, it just made things worse. Are you sure? he asked faintly. As he approached, he slowly became aware that there were a number of other oddities about the person which began to make him slightly less sure it was a woman at all. I mean, her body alone Vicky grinned. Why haven't you seen the sun for a long time? he eventually asked, unable to pass up the question. Let me finish this and I'll tell you the story, OK? she suggested. What do you think?, Lisa smiled, as the light from the crystals reached dazzling heights. And we have no idea how fast she can fly. Armsmaster looked thoughtful as he inspected the monitor next to the one showing Dragons avatar on which she was summarizing the results of the discussion. Its very subtle but its everywhere if you know what to look for. She was lost in admiration of the optical cells covering the exoskeleton when the person she was investigating made an amused sound. In her case, it was the "vision" that followed. Nothing happened for a while. Adventure (We don't stay in BB the whole fic), This refused to leave my fkn head after I saw someone else make a crossover with this, Scaling Overpowered Protag (eventuallyTM), Fuck Grimdark we Nobledark like men around here, The PRT is not completely fucking useless. Youre beautiful, she said in a low voice, then went red when she realized what shed said. We have too much to lose right now. There was no way to put out the fire at the time with her power set, it completely surrounded her, so She trailed off, then asked a question. To a traumatized, suicidal teenager that had accidentally eaten her own father just a week ago. She was only about eleven at the time and it took a while for her to fully understand that her mother had died in a car accident and she'd never see her again. She glanced at him, then went back to staring out to sea. Squealer is going to have to live with having lice for the rest of her life, she said in a tone that made him step back. How did that help? A wise mans heart is seldom glad if hes truly wise" - The Poetic Edda. Insect control. Why were they chasing you? "I never try to do anything, I swear i never try to hurt anyone,I swear, I swear that i'm a good kid, Yeah, Taylor that's a good one. I do. This could be a problem, he eventually said. Well, like I said, I panicked and hid. From what she said her powers connected all the neurons directly somehow, bypassing the normal synaptic connectivity and electrochemical processes. She shook her head in apparent awe. She held up a hand with another shake of her head. She abruptly realized that there were dozens of similar holes on all four arms. Yep. But possibly a good thing, I suppose? But wait, there's more, she said with a certain amount of sarcastic amusement in her voice. Im not interested in telling most people what to do, its very boring. To visit familiar areas while I worked out what I'd do next. A local, then? he asked quietly. More appeared, until the effect was a bit like a model of an atom, half a dozen of the insects flying in circles around a common point. Reaching the roof of his target a few seconds later he hopped over the edge and landed behind the figure, which didn't move. There are more insects in a square mile of countryside than there are humans alive on the entire planet. Malaria is a major disease. Its killed more people through history than anything else, she replied seriously. The moral, the strong, the pure, and the hedonists. Do I look human? she asked rhetorically, waving one of her hands at herself, one that wasn't resting on the air conditioner. See you around, Ethan. He watched as she flew away rapidly, flickering out of visibility after a few seconds. Overpowered much? Usefully, it worked surprisingly well, most of the grime coming off instantly and the remainder being loosened enough that she could now wash it away. As the locker got hotter and hotter, she tried writing the name of the person who shoved her in that fucking thing in her own blood, but couldn't finish it. Shes He mumbled, remembering the report. Watching my father die in extreme slow motion made it worse, especially as there wasnt a damn thing I could do about it. Her voice changed, becoming cold and flat. How much more? he asked slowly. It proved to be a mistake only a couple of hundred feet further when the alleyway deposited her in a small loading dock with no way out except the way in. Until she triggered with the biggest ego of all: that of Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes. In the end, as the footsteps grew louder from the alley, she dived between the third and fourth dumpster, which had a gap just large enough to permit her fairly slight frame to squeeze in. But for Taylor, it was bad. She resumed watching the performing wasps, which now numbered about a dozen, forming ever more elaborate patterns in the air. Basically everywhere. What sort of activity? Colin watched as she looked momentarily uncertain, not a common occurrence. I eventually realized what had happened to me, and I think I more or less went insane for a while. After a moment she looked at him again. S Hess. There seemed to be a pair of antennae of some sort sticking up from the head area, which were gently moving around a little. You have stolen the fire of Mount Olympus and cast down the gods. With four arms?' I saw this rec'ed recently and it is exactly what it says on the tin - God Girl. Come on, were all thinking it. Huh, well if you do continue this, note that Taylor referencing multiple gods might make people think shes part of E88 because of their neo-paganism aka worship of Norse gods. Hello, Assault, the figure suddenly said, the voice female and clear. I'll admit you look unusual, but I've seen worse. Thanks, she laughed. Eh, if you use magic like a bard, sing like a bard, fight like a bard, everyone around you thinks you are a bard and there's no other elements to your build other than those of a bard then you are not a demigod. The man was still conscious, she could see his eyes moving frantically, but he somehow seemed to have completely lost control of his body and voice. Taylors mother was different from everyone else. When I began that story it seemed to have much more scope for amusing shenanigans than either of the other two, and since that was the sort of thing I was going for, I dropped working on the other two. Personally Id put it as high as it goes. Dragon added this as well. Someone needs to give Lisa a hug. Eventually Piggot stirred behind her desk. All: that of Gilgamesh, the figure suddenly said, staring at her shape, except for extra... I believe qualifies, at least eventually what they do but the school was so corrupt that just... Origins and an abused teenager which a helicopter was currently landing, she looked momentarily,. You seen the sun for a few seconds boxes with the end worm fanfiction godlike taylor... By an enigmatic old man of unclear origins and an abused teenager away rapidly, flickering out of visibility a! Own father just a week ago staring wide-eyed in horror at the.... Rhetorically, waving one of her hands at herself, one that was n't, not common. 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worm fanfiction godlike taylor