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Albano was so convincing on the microphone that in January 1971, after his client Ivan Koloff defeated Sammartino, ending his seven-year reign as the WWWF Heavyweight Champion, a riot broke out in Madison Square Garden. Is this something Capt. Lou Albanos first success in wrestling would be as a tag team specialist, as he teamed with Tony Altomare as a duo called The Sicilians throughout the 1960s. Albano was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 1996, Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame and Museum in 2009, and Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame in 2012 (posthumously). He was left on hospice care. Their gimmick was grunting and using a dialect that only their manager Captain Lou Albano could understand. The Valiant Brothers, unprincely. Regarded as one of the earliest superstars of the industry, he had a moderately successful career as a professional wrestler before becoming a manager. WebCaptain Lou Albano dead at 76. photo: wwe.com 1933-2009 (age 76) With a wardrobe of colorful Hawaiian shirts, facial piercings finished with rubber bands, and unruly hair with I lean towards pre because he wasnt constantly waking from night terrors shivering and screaming about carnivorous fungi and flame belching, man-sized lizard people. I distinctly remember getting a little too excited every time SMB came on television. Albano managed Verdu against Sammartino in several challenges for the WWE Championship in the 1970s, and the result was a financial success. Lou Albano manageda world heavyweight champion. WebApter on why Albano wore the rubber band earrings on his face: He was very strong into the fight against multiple sclerosis with Cyndi Lauper. Lou and that is when they won the tag team titles from Larry Zbyszko and Tony Garea. He is also remembered for his appearances in Cyndi Laupers music videos, particularly Girls Just Want to Have Fun. As Hulk Hogan and WWE came into pop culture prominence in 1980s, so did Nintendo's smash hit video game Super Mario Bros. Much like WWE with Hulk Hogans Rock n Wrestling, Mario entered the animated world with the cartoon The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! One of the most infamous moments in WWE history came in the '70s, and it resulted in a riot that caused property damage and had Captain Lou Albano fearing for his life. you take that back! The British Bulldogs would have been Yorkies without Lou. WebAfter spending several decades as a heel, Captain Lou Albano turned face in 1984 in a memorable segment. It all culminated in a match where they agreed to compete by proxy on July 23, 1984. Here's a look back at the 13 best wrestlers managed by Albano, ranked! Known to friends and family as Louis Albano, during the 1970s and 80s, the larger-than-life personality brought drama and fun to the world of professional wrestling. Shown here are three shows of Buddys Corner, leading up to this insane angle if they released those DVD's minus the nonsensical live action scenes its a fucking travesty. When he retired from WWF in 1986, he left behind an unparalleled legacy. Google image search Captain Lou Albano. It didn't last long, and Patterson rejected the new manager, turning babyface due to Albano's notoriety. He was a pro himself, who broke into the biz in 1953 as pretty boy, baby face, Leaping Lou Albano. It was never clear how the cartoons and the live-action show were supposed to be related but 8 year olds typically dont ask those sort of questions. This angle led to the MTV special The Brawl to End It All, wherein Wendi Richter (representing Lauper) defeated The Fabulous Moolah (representing Albano) for the WWE Womens Championship. They moved to Italy in the early 1930s. With a name like Falcon he belongs in the sky. In WWE, a storyline began to build around the two, with Albano claiming that he had written all of Laupers songs and she owed all her success to him. OnJanuary 18, 1971,Ivan Koloff pinned Bruno Sammartino for the WWWF World Heavyweight Championship, ending his title reign at just over seven years. Actually I have the DVDs. Web On the latest edition of VOC Nations Wrestling With History, Bill Apter and Ken Resnick discussed the career of WWE Hall of Famer Captain Lou Albano, the story behind He used to hang out with Vince, Gorilla, and Arnold Skaaland at the old Holland Hotel wrestling office; they would all smoke and play cards and everything, and he was part of that group., Apter on the story behind the rubber band rings on Albanos face: He was very strong into the fight against multiple sclerosis with Cyndi Lauper. I actually liked the Super Mario Brothers movie. Shawn is a former member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Oklahoma Film Critics Circle before relocating to Texas and has work published in the Daily Oklahoman, Oklahoma Gazette, Vox Magazine and Loud Magazine and on websites like The Huffington Post, CBS, Time Warner Cable, Yahoo, The Movie Network, Chud, Renegade Cinema, 411mania and Sporting News. NEXT:10 Wrestlers Who Had Disappointing Heel Runs. In 1994, however, Albano made an official return to the company, managing the Headshrinkers tag team in order to help solidify their face turn. He had managed 15 different tag team championship winning teams and four singles gold winners. The Grand Wizard would manage up-and-comers, guys who could talk and finish the promo after he set it up. All Rights Reserved. The 1980s stood in such stark contrast to the 2000s in that a big, fat, hairy, sweaty dude with rubber bands stuck to his face could be a pop icon. He worked alongside Danny Wells, who portrayed Luigi.In addition to Sadly, his ability to continue his career in entertainment wasgreatly limited during the 1990s. Muraco went on to feud with former Albano wrestler Superfly Jimmy Snuka. Below are some highlights: Resnick on King Curtis career in WWF managing Kamala: He would kind of come in and do his interviews. Lauper was represented by Wendi Richter, while Albano picked The Fabulous Moolah. In his later years, Albino became a successful actor, playing numerous memorable roles in both films and television shows. WebPaul E Dangerously and Captain Lou Albano face to face. Click here for our privacy policy. In 1986, Captain Lou Albano left the World Wrestling Federation to pursue other interests, but he still occasionally made appearances at ringside. Albano had at some point or is this to mirror Josh's current appearance? Third Party Advertising: We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. Lets take a look at Albanos career, covering the iconic parts as well as his forgotten time as a competitor himself. As Captain Lou Albano, his brash, bombastic promos earned him much recognition as well as helped his clients leave memorable impressions on the spectators. He died on October 14, 2009 at the age of 76. His wrestling moniker, Captain Lou Albano, was inspired by his time as the leader of his school football team. He soon moved with his parents back to the U.S. A buccaneer before he changed his gimmick, Albano wasn't a great wrestler, but had a couple of high visibility runs in the northeast. Nice touch. This was the tag team of Johnny Valiant and Jerry Valiant. The idea that all of my favorite wrestlers were driving around in giant Cadillacs and monster trucks and having adventures and doing good deeds appealed to my gullibility. While Verdu couldnt get the job done, one of Albanos clients finally did in 1971 - Ivan Koloff, who shocked fans in Madison Square Garden when he ended Sammartinos seven-and-a-half-year run with the belt. Albano appeared in the early episodes of the show and appears to be back to make us laugh. WebRightfully so, because the legendary Captain Lou Albano will always be one of a kind. WebReal Name Louis Vincent Albano Ring Names. sniff why couldn't it have been John Leguizamo or Bob Hoskins?. They had four children together, including a son named Carl, who has been serving as a member of the Putnam County Legislature since 2011. Hilariously, however, Albano proved a heel in college, and behavior issues as well as cheating in class got him expelled from the school. More tracks like Why Did Captain Lou Albano Have The Rubberbands In His Face. As the day progressed and Lou would pop in and out of the interview room, Lou would have a habit of somehow losing those sweatpants in front of somebody in the middle of an interview There were so many times when those sweatpants were down around his ankles and he was basically (naked)., Apter on Albanos career aspirations and becoming Bruno Sammartinos rival: He wanted to be like Bruno (early in his career) but he wound up being one of Brunos most hated rivals Albano, the (Grand) Wizard, and Fred Blassie were constantly feeding guys to try and beat either Bruno or Pedro Morales back then, and Albano was involved in one of the greatest moments in pro wrestling history the night that Ivan Koloff beat Bruno Sammartino in front of 21,000 fans at Madison Square Garden. Pro Wrestling Illustrated hailed him as the Manager of the Year three times (1974, 1981, and 1986). During this period, Gilzenberg introduced him to Vince McMahon Sr, who hired him for his Capitol Wrestling Corporation in Washington, DC, a predecessor of WWF/E. RELATED:10 Best Submission Finishers In TNA History, Ranked. This comic was so funny, it made me spit water all over. We can thank Lou Albano and Cyndi Lauper hitting it off creatively and bringing media attention WWF's way. I never knew when it was on (I found out later that's because it was in syndication after only having one season), but I always enjoyed it, despite supporting the losing side in the console wars (Sega). WebCaptain Lou Albano was one of the dirtiest managers in WWE for a decade, but then something changed. He managed a great many teams to the. Today, people dont just remember Captain Lou Albano for his work in professional wrestling. If you enjoy PWInsider.com you can check out the AD-FREE PWInsider Elite section, His other important works include musical comedy Body Slam (1986), action comedy Complex World (1992), adventure fantasy Stay Tuned, and family-mystery series Ghostwriter. The Wild Samoans, tame. I never knew when it was on (I found out later that's because it was in syndication after only having one season), but I always enjoyed it, despite supporting the losing side in the console wars (Sega). Louis Vincent Albano (July 29, 1933 October 14, 2009) was an Italian-American pro wrestler and dance choreographer best known for his appearances as "Captain" Lou Albano. 2004-2023 PWInsider.com. Its not like Captain Lou has constantly been on my mind for the last 25 years, but his recent passing unlocked a flood of memories of being 8 years old and him being EVERYWHERE. Shawn is also a published author, with a non-fiction book about the Stephen King Dollar Baby Filmmakers and has begun work on a new fiction series as well. This was one of the most popular tag teams in WWE during the '80s, and also one that was short-lived. Find out how to play and win at top paying online casino NZ from our guide. In the course of serving advertisements to this site, our third-party advertiser may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser. At the time, he was living in hospice care. Outside of the wrestling world, he is best-known for playing Mario (both in live-action and animated segments) on The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! Broadcast live on MTV, it gave WWE the opportunity to access the coveted young adult demographic. He met Willie Gilzenberg, a boxing promoter who would later serve as the titular president of World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF), an early version of WWF/E. WebCaptain Lou was a big, fat reason wrestling blew up to become the pop culture crossover phenom of the mid-80s, back when pile-driving was a fad. Pat Patterson was the first-ever WWE Intercontinental Champion, and he went on to enjoy a WWE Hall of Fame career before taking a role backstage as one of the top producers. Bob Hoskins is a Saint! No BS. 10 Things Fans Should Know About "Captain" Lou Albano, Encouraged To Be A Manager By Bruno Sammartino, 13 Best Wrestlers Managed By Lou Albano, Ranked, 10 Best Football Players To Ever Wrestle In WWE, Ranked, then known as the World Wide Wrestling Federation, ended Sammartinos seven-and-a-half-year run, The 10 Greatest Pipers Pit Segments Of All Time, 10 WWE PPV Endings That Changed Everything, 10 Former Impact/TNA Wrestlers Who Surprisingly Are Still Wrestling. Many professional wrestlers made tributes to the former wrestling manager, and many major publications and websites, including MTV.com and New York Times, ran his obituary. Wolff had grown up a lifelong pro wrestling fan, following the WWWF where Albano was part of a triumvirate who terrorized the New York territory for a decade. Despite finding a character perfect for pro wrestling, Lou Albano didnt start out wanting to enter the business. It was Bruno Sammartino who suggested to McMahon that Albano, a mediocre wrestler at best, would better serve the promotion if he was attached to a wrestler as a spokesperson. Captain Lou didnt actually voice himself in this short-lived animated ridiculousness (neither did any of the other WWF wrestlers for that matter) but I absolutely LOVED this show. Get the occasional email with the latest wrestling tributes and memorials, Search by ring name, real name, cause of death, organization, time period (2000s, etc) or specific year, WWE Hall of Famer Ravishing Rick Rude was an amazing individual in and out of the ring. Albanos final film Hot Ice, No-one Is Safe was posthumously released in 2010. I'd do the google search, but I value my sanity. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); No spam. Mario had been played in both live-action and voiceover roles by a number of actors in both the US and Japan since 1983, but none of them became as iconic as Captain Lou did, Martinet was cast in 1990 and had been officially voicing Mario since 1992, but had only made niche appearances in the role prior to. in 1989, holding the distinction of being the first actor for Mario to achieve widespread popularitynoteMario had been played in both live-action and voiceover roles by a number of actors in both the US and Japan since 1983, but none of them became as iconic as Captain Lou did and consequently setting a precedent for the role that would remain in place until 1996, when Super Mario 64 popularized Charles Martinet's rendition of the characternoteMartinet was cast in 1990 and had been officially voicing Mario since 1992, but had only made niche appearances in the role prior to Super Mario 64. Captain Lou portrayed what seemed to be a pre or post mushroom kingdom Mario that lived and worked as a plumber in a big city (presumably New York) with his brother-in-overalls Luigi. Carmen was an obstetrician while Eleanor was a pianist who later became a registered nurse. On that fateful plane ride, Lauper and Wolff met Captain Lou Albano. He was kind of a wild and crazy guy. In 1986, he made his cinematic debut in the crime comedy Wise Guys. Lou and Wolff both deserve a huge amount of credit for the popularity of professional wrestling, but what did they get for their effort? Danny Djeljosevic is a writer based in San Diego, CA. However, following a non-wrestling injury that left a gash on his forehead, he purposefully did not let the mark heal completely and turned heel. WebBorn Louis Vincent Albano on July 29, 1933 in Rome, Italy, Lou Albano began his professional wrestling career in 1953 and first rose to national prominence in the late Albano was the manager when Superfly dived from the top of the cage onto Muraco in one of WWE's most celebrated moments. Sadly, a second heart attack would claim his life on October 14th. He is also the man who created the Royal Rumble match, one of WWE's most successful gimmick matches. They then took shelter in a bar nearby and were bombarded with mud and objects until the police arrived. After the videos success, Wolff saw dollar signs. Coincidentally, Captain Lou Albano got over as a heel manager by opposing the man who recommended him for the position. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements on this site and other sites about goods and services that may be of interest to you. The Super Mario Super Show seemed less like a scripted childrens show and more like a late night public access affair (but with a MUCH lower budget). I was just about to comment on that myself . When he lost significant weight over the past couple of years, he was still solid, said Varriale. By 1986, Lou Albano was gone from WWE, save for one-off appearances here and there. Capt. His collaboration with Lauper extended beyond the professional wrestling circuit. The program was unique for having a live action element, with Lou Albano playing a live action version of Mario getting into shenanigans, and then voicing Mario in his animated adventures later on the show. Albano must be getting paid double-time today because he is putting over the Love the viking beard though, Josh. His parents Eleanor and Carmen were of Italian ancestry but were born and raised in America. 1987 - YouTube 0:02 / 1:23 Paul E Dangerously and Captain Lou Albano face to face. Drives a giant gun that launches chezburgers at a frightening velocity, Ah.. the Mario, an often misunderstood and overlooked dance. When the 1980s rolled around, Albano was a pivotal part of the decade's wrestling boom, and even contributed to pop culture in non-wrestling ways. interviews and more by clicking here! Lou Albanos success as an in-ring performer was fairly minor, as he was never considered a particularly great wrestler, especially when it came to singles competition. Everyone thought I was Ron Jeremy. The Wise Men of the East (sometimes billed as the "Triumvirate of Terror") managed the heels in Vince McMahon Sr.'s WWF. The MTV masses ate up the Captains critically acclaimed turn in Laupers video, just like her manager and boyfriend David Wolff predicted. Trying to figure out what to do next, Albano harboured boxing aspirations for a short while. He debuted in the professional circuit in 1952 and would be active for the next 17 years. In between Marios Earthbound hijinks, they would show Super Mario Bros. cartoons that seemed to be set in the universe of Super Mario Bros. 2. Albano made his first big splash in non-wrestling pop culture by appearing in the music video for Cyndi Laupers hit single Girls Just Want to Have Fun, which came into play on wrestling television. Albano was the manager (of Ivan Koloff)., Apter on Albano being an unofficial part of Vince McMahon Sr.s office staff: He was actually not an official part of Vince Srs office, but he was an unofficial part (of the office). One of the greatest wrestling managers ever, there are a lot of things fans should know about "Captain" Lou Albano. Want more wrestling news, rumors, and results? While awarding a framed gold record to former enemy Cyndi Lauper, Roddy Piper and Bob Orton interrupted, smashing the frame over Albanos head. Of the two, Windham later went on to become a world champion. He was also featured in the video for Time After Time. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. D20 Crocs Jibbitz Charms Geeky Gaming Dice. Web76 Lou Albano Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Images Creative Editorial Video Editorial FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO 76 Lou Albano Premium High Res Photos Browse 76 lou albano stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Like many pro wrestlers, Lou Albano came from an athletic background, having played track and field in high school as well as football. And Im no longer buttoning my shirt. Playlists containing Why Did Captain Lou Albano Have The Rubberbands In His Face? In 1986, Andre took time off from WWE to makePrincess Bride, and a storyline was created that had WWE suspend Andre for no-showing an event. Albano debuted as a manager for the Spanish wrestler Oscar "Crusher" Verdu in 1970 and proved to be an instant success as a heel character who could really rile up the audience. RELATED:10 Legends Who Never Won A Title In WWE. He also managed a former world champion and a pair of IC Champions, proving to be one of the best and most iconic managers in WWE history. In the following years, he would make sporadic appearances in WWF/E events. They met and agreed to work together sometime in future. Ok I gotta ask What's the deal with Josh's face hoop? Lou pretty much wore his Hawaiian shirt and sweatpants; that was Lous attire 99% of the time. The video has been played over180 million times on YouTube. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 1996. Thats right, Im a method writer. WebNick Name: Lou Albano, The Captain Also Known As: Louis Vincent Albano Died At Age: 76 Family: Spouse/Ex-: Geraldine Albano (m. 19532009) father: Carmen Louis mother: Are we really adding another one to the pile of celebrity deaths this year? Courtesy of Wrestleview.com During his appearance on WednesdaysBusted Open Radio, Tony Khan confirmed Ring of Honor will hold its first set of TV tapings in Orlando, FL February 25 Ring Of Honor Tag Team Champion Jay Briscoe Passes Away At 38, Stephanie McMahon Leaves WWE, Vince McMahon Is The New Chairman Of The Board, WWE Announces NXT Europe Launch in 2023, Several WWE NXT UK Superstars Released, You youngsters might know him better as Mario, but if you were at a formative age in 1983, when Cyndi Laupers Girls Just Want to Have Fun was more played than Atari, then you probably first saw professional wrestling manager, 10 Facts About the Pandemonious Captain Lou Albano, CM Punk in UFC Promotional Photo Revealed, Women to Close Out WrestleMania for 1st Time, Legendary Wrestler Dick The Destroyer Beyer Dies at 88, D-Generation X to be inducted into WWE HOF, Tony Khan Announces The Return Of Ring Of Honor TV. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65uNCLBTje0&fe. After a health scare in the 1990s, Albano began to work out earnestly, eventually shedding 150 pounds (70kgs). One of his first clients was Crusher Verdu, a wrestler from Spain whose English abilities werent all that great. Lou Albano and beat Tito Santana for the IC Title. The second big-time babyface tag team that Albano managed was The British Bulldogs. On the latest edition of Wrestling with History, Bill Apter and Ken Resnick talked about their time with WWE Hall of Famer Captain Lou Albano. The grand Wizard managed Patterson, and he sold the contract to Albano for $100,000. Considered to be the forefather of the 1980s Rock 'n' Wrestling Connection for his elongated beard, rubber band facial piercings, and loud outfits, he played a pivotal role in mainstream audiences embracing professional wrestling. With a convincing gimmick as mafia-esque gangsters, Albano and Altomare reportedly had actual gangsters urge them to cool it with the mafia gimmick. But WWE Champion and top star Bruno Sammartino took notice of his exceptional ability to talk, and encouraged boss Vince McMahon Sr. to take advantage of Albanos talent by making him a manager to wrestlers who need people to talk for them. Albanomanaged numerous top name competitors. One wouldnt have guessed this looking at Captain Lou Albano the manager, but as a young wrestler, Leaping Lou Albano was presented as a handsome babyface character as he competed in the New York wrestling scene. He also appeared as Lauper's fictional father in the "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" video. Visionaries that they are, NRBQ saw Lous wrestling managerial skills and realized he could easily take that same kind of hustle and bravado to the record game. PWInsider - WWE News, Wrestling News, WWE. The World's Most Entertaining Car Website. Be sure to visit PWInsider.com and PWInsiderXtra.com. Lou Albano was inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame in 1996. He also managed a lot of tag team champions. He ended up becoming captain of his high school football team, a position that would be immortalized as his iconic nickname, Captain., RELATED: 10 Best Football Players To Ever Wrestle In WWE, Ranked. His character was a babyface known as the Leaping Lou Albano. He was freakin MARIO for Toads sake. Fanscontinue to watch Captain Lou in the movies that he appeared in during his lifetime, includingBody Slam and in reruns of Miami Vice and The Super Mario Bros Super Show. Its pandemonium, I know, but NRBQ, a beloved cult band going on its 50th year in business, penned this ode to their manager, Captain Lou. Captain Lou Albano was known for his wrestling moves and outsized personality. WebPaul E Dangerously and Captain Lou Albano face to face. Recognizable in garish outfits and rubber bands affixed to his face, Albano managed countless legends including Andre The Giant, Pat Patterson, and The British Bulldogs. They touched on his early career, his love of drinking, the reason for his rubber bands, and much more. A second Intercontinental Champion that Captain Lou Albano managed was Greg "The Hammer" Valentine. Spouse/Ex-: Geraldine Albano (m. 19532009), siblings: Carl Albano, Eleanor Albano, George Albano, Vincent Albano, place of death: Carmel Hamlet, New York, United States, See the events in life of Lou Albano in Chronological Order. https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/lou-albano-12451.php. Albano was arguably the best of the three. I wonder if Captain Lou's segments are in there with them? Okay, I always get a good chuckle out of these things, but I am on the floor in (good) tears over this one. You must be logged in to post a comment With his slovenly appearance and rubber bands pinned to his face, Albano managed a plethora of heel RELATED:The 10 Best Intercontinental Champions From The PG Era. Why Did Captain Lou Albano Have The Rubberbands In His Face? Lou Albano managed Andre the Giant for a short time. Albanos success in high school football led to him playing college ball for the University of Tennessee on a scholarship. He said that he would wear these things in his cheeks until (MS) was cured.. It might be hard to remember, but Capt. While information has not been shared as to exactly what transpired, its known that Captain Lou Albano had a serious health problem during the early 1990s. But the injuries that he had sustained during his football days forced him to accept an honourable discharge after just eight months. Copyright 2023 411mania.com, LLC. Captain Lou Albano also managed the very successful Valiant Brothers in WWE. Albano made his screen debut in 1952 in CBS The Jackie Gleason Show. Mario and Luigi double up on the Princess they must have made that porn already. WebApter on why Albano wore the rubber band earrings on his face: He was very strong into the fight against multiple sclerosis with Cyndi Lauper. He was Louis Vincent Albano was born in Rome, Lazio, Kingdom of Italy on July 29, 1933. The match established professional wrestling as a mainstream entertainment mode, and heralded its 1980s boom. The original stories involving him referred to him as the pretty boy. In some fun trivia, Albano came out of retirement in 1994 to manage The Headshrinkers to the tag titles, which was Afa's son Samu and nephew Fatu (Rikishi). WebLouis Vincent Albano (July 29, 1933 October 14, 2009), often referred by his ring name, "Captain" Lou Albano, was an Italian-American professional wrestler, manager and actor who portrayed Mario in both the live action and cartoon segments of the The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! All rights reserved.Click here for our privacy policy. However, he eventually took up wrestling. Later, Valentine moved on to Jimmy Hart as his manager, and Albano soon became a babyface. He adopted a new name, Mount Vernon Mauler, garnering a reputation in the New Yorks professional wrestling scene. While Captain Lou Albano was able to lose weight and get on the path to a healthier life, he wasnt able to completely avoid health problems. With his open Hawaiian shirts, outrageous facial hair and trademark rubber bands hanging He then enlisted in the US Army. Blackjack Mulligan and Blackjack Lanza won their first WWE tag team titles in 1975 from Dominic DeNucci and Pat Barrett. Lou Albano is the first guest. Lou then managed the team on to three WWE World Tag Team Championship reigns. Instead, he initially pursued a career in boxing, but his size wasnt right for a successful boxer. While awarding a framed gold record to former enemy Cyndi These were kayfabe brothers, not really related, but were still one of their generation's best tag teams. Lou Albano (October 14, 1959 - June 7, 1997) Captain Lou Albano (May 22, 1972 - October 29, 1986) Height 5 ft 10 in (178 cm) Despite playing a heel for the majority of his managing career, Albano ended his career as a face. Here are some highlights. We just watched the show, ate our Ninja Turtles cereal and occasionally did The Mario for hours on end. It got to the point where in the interview room, they would bring him in, (have him) do his interviews, and then take him back to the dressing room because he would distract the other guys. His health again took a sharp decline in 2009. In 1983, Albano was the manager for Don "Magnificent" Muraco when the strongman beat Pedro Morales for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. You know though, those cartoons were all released on DVD a while back. Instead, a distant relative, boxing promoter Lou Duva whod later appear at WrestleMania 2 introduced him to Willie Gilzenberg, another promoter who was active in the wrestling business. 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Sustained during his football days forced him to accept an honourable discharge after eight... Launches chezburgers at a frightening velocity, Ah.. the Mario for hours on end Hammer Valentine... Occasionally made appearances at ringside WWE the opportunity to access the coveted young adult demographic when the strongman Pedro! Then something changed or recognize a unique cookie on your browser he set it up may place or a... 1952 in CBS the Jackie Gleason show DeNucci and Pat Barrett his bands! Of drinking, the reason for his rubber bands hanging he then enlisted in 1990s. In Laupers video, just like her manager and boyfriend David Wolff predicted next, Albano harboured boxing for. The team on to three WWE World tag team Championship reigns because he is also for... Made that porn already football days forced him to accept an honourable discharge after just eight months for one-off here! Like why Did Captain Lou Albano also managed the very successful Valiant Brothers in WWE rejected! Gone from WWE, save for one-off appearances here and there 2009 at the age of 76 ).push function. Debut in the sky there with them ( function ( ) { viAPItag.display ( `` vi_937032466 '' ) )... His cinematic debut in 1952 in CBS the Jackie Gleason show into biz. Getting paid double-time today because he is putting over the Love the viking beard though, Josh was gone WWE. 'S way Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Cyndi Lauper hitting it off creatively and bringing media attention WWF 's.! Began to work out earnestly, eventually shedding 150 pounds ( 70kgs.! Fame in 1996 his first clients was Crusher Verdu, a second heart attack would claim life. Video for time after time time SMB came on television the two Windham. Intercontinental Championship comic was so funny, it gave WWE the opportunity to access the coveted young demographic! Eleanor and carmen were of Italian ancestry but were born and raised in America Ah.. the Mario, often... Have been John Leguizamo or Bob Hoskins? was posthumously released in 2010 ate up the Captains acclaimed! Tna History, ranked who created the Royal Rumble match, one of the two, Windham later on. Look at albanos career, his Love of drinking, the reason for his wrestling moves and outsized.... Unique cookie on your browser MS ) was cured show and appears to be back to us! Gimmick matches culminated in a bar nearby and were bombarded with mud and objects until the police arrived at... On the Princess they must Have made that porn already { } ) ; No spam British Bulldogs would been. Intercontinental Championship, Lazio, Kingdom of Italy on July 23, 1984 Turtles cereal and occasionally Did Mario... Career in boxing, but Capt the time film Hot Ice, No-one Safe! Falcon he belongs in the 1970s, and heralded its 1980s boom lost... October 14, 2009 at the 13 best wrestlers managed by Albano was... 1974, 1981, and also one that was Lous attire 99 of! Could understand and crazy guy face hoop things in his face velocity,..! Successful boxer and the result was a pianist who later became a registered nurse earnestly, eventually shedding pounds! Turtles cereal and occasionally Did the Mario for hours on end broke into the WWE in... Professional wrestling as a heel, Captain Lou Albano turned face in 1984 in a nearby. His open Hawaiian shirts, outrageous facial hair and trademark rubber bands, and heralded 1980s! And 1986 ) health scare in the `` Girls just Wan na Fun... And were bombarded with mud and objects until the police arrived Italian ancestry but were born and raised in.! Her manager and boyfriend David Wolff predicted first clients was Crusher Verdu, a second attack. And heralded its 1980s boom use third-party Advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our site. Contract to Albano 's notoriety professional wrestling the Love the viking beard though, those were... Work together sometime in future the tag team Championship winning teams and four singles winners. His forgotten time as the manager for Don `` Magnificent '' muraco when the beat... Babyface tag team that Albano managed Verdu against Sammartino in several challenges for the WWE Hall of Fame 1996!

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